I Want To Know How to Sell Without Feeling Fake

Nick Heath wants to know how to sell without being fake. Nick is a researcher and writer who helps people live better lives through simple breathing practices. You can learn about the power of breath through his newsletter, The Breathing 411 newsletter, or find him on Instagram @thethebreathingdiabetic. Previously, Nick was an atmospheric scientist and has worked at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Air Force. The three questions Nick asked Josh Spector are: 1. How do you overcome the fear of selling? (2:20) 2. What are some tips for trying to make a living from your passion without feeling fake? (10:45) 3. How do you start selling to an audience after you’ve only ever offered free content? (20:28)
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Mentioned on the episode:

Josh Spector's Newsletter Accelerator Course

To Connect with Nick Heath:

Website: thebreathingdiabetic.com
The Breathing 411 Newsletter: thebreathingdiabetic.com/newsletter
Instagram: @thebreathingdiabetic

To connect with Josh Spector:
Skill Sessions: Joshspector.com/sessions
Twitter: @jspector
Apply to be a guest on the show: Joshspector.com/questions
I Want To Know How to Sell Without Feeling Fake
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