Apply to Attend The Enduring Ventures Shareholder Summit (May 8-10th)
If you're interested in participating in the Enduring Ventures summit please take a few minutes to fill-out the form below. We will open a limited number of slots to people on this list.

About the event...

We are incredibly excited about this year's location. We will be taking over a beautiful ranch in Napa Valley that dates back to the 1850's, and has been meticulously restored by its current owner. We'll spend two days eating from the Four Seasons' organic garden (which is on the property), having conversations with the smartest people we know and enjoying Napa Valley. 

You will meet fellow business buyers, holding company owners and entrepreneurs. We keep the group small so you can get to know the other attendees well over our few days together.

Spouses/partners are highly encouraged, 

Please note, we run this event at cost for attendees (we don't make a profit). That means if you get chosen to attend, you will need to purchase a ticket which will cost between $1,200 to $2,000 and includes all activities, food and accommodations. You will need to also pay for your flight there separately.

We will reach-out to anyone that is accepted who applies here. If you don't from us by May 1st it means we unfortunately ran out of spots at the event.
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First Name *
Last Name *
email *
phone number *
Tell us a bit about yourself *
Include some information about your career and what you're working on now
Provide a link to your Linkedin and if available, Twitter too *
Why do you want to attend the Enduring Ventures summit? What do you hope to get out of it? *
Gender *
I'm available on May 8-10th and if chosen I understand I will need to buy a ticket (see description above) *
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