The $10K Institute/Supercharge Your Productivity Professional [SYP11]

“I thought I was productive. Then I realized I was just busy.”

We get this a lot. Supercharge your Productivity is the only course that connects the pursuit of productivity to life’s larger questions so you can design a system that works for you.

Get more done by working smarter (and without working longer hours)

Stuck on the hamster wheel, making list after list but feeling like you’re not moving somewhere meaningful?

Nod along if this resonates:

  • The daily whirlwind of activities sweeps you away while your greatest priorities take a back seat.
  • You don’t have clarity about which projects to pursue to bring you closer to your goals
  • You’re overwhelmed by the firehose of information which bombards you with emails, Slack and texts from every angle
  • You feel like you’re serving your productivity set up, constantly tweaking, customizing and reorganizing your to-do list
  • You keep tackling the “small” things and putting off the “big” things, but you don’t know how to break the cycle

Those “small” things? We call those $10 tasks.

The low-skill, low-leverage things that feel good to check off in the moment (like getting to Inbox Zero or organizing your Kindle Highlights).

These are the tasks you could do hungover — so why are you doing them at 9am on Tuesday?

$10 tasks release dopamine in our brain, but don’t really move the needle on your life’s biggest priorities.

Sure, they feel good when you cross them off your to-do list. (I mean, c’mon that SWOOSH sound is delicious.) But at the end of the day, you still feel like you failed to take concrete steps towards your goals.

And it’s way too easy to spend your days checking off $10 tasks, drowning in details that don’t matter, and lying to yourself that “when” something happens, “then” it will solve everything.
When I get a promotion, THEN I’ll be happier.

When this project ends, THEN I'll feel calm.

When I land that new client, THEN I can stop working weekends.

When I go on that luxury vacation, THEN I’ll be able to relax.

When I buy that bigger house, THEN my marriage will improve.

When I get more Twitter followers, THEN my business will be successful.

So why does it never deliver? Because this “When-Then” thinking is a trap and keeps you on the hamster wheel.

And when it comes to productivity, we think: WHEN I find the right productivity tool, THEN I’ll get everything done (and finally get off my phone on the weekends. And be present for my kids.)

So you jump from to-do list app to app, thinking, “If I just find the right tool/system, I’ll get everything done.”

You try out new Shiny New Toys, like:

  • Superhuman, thinking it will solve the firehose of email
  • You start and put down (for the 5th time) David Allen’s Getting Things Done
  • A fancy Moleskine notebook, thinking that a nice-looking agenda will help you finally feel in control of your to-do list
  • An Oura Ring in pursuit of 8.5 hours of restful sleep

And you’re not new at this productivity thing -- you’ve tried the Eisenhower Matrix, Bullet Journaling or the principles of GTD, you know productivity frameworks. 

So why do you still not feel calm, peaceful, and satisfied with what you’ve accomplished? Why do you still feel like you’re constantly context switching, procrastinating endlessly, and struggling to focus? 

When you’re drowning in $10/hour work, it’s physically impossible to do work that actually moves the needle on your life.

There’s more expected of us than ever before. And getting more done is not the solution. For the average professional, fitting yet another “Pick my Brain” coffee into a packed schedule is easy. But making time for thinking, meditation, taking a walk, or napping?? Impossible.

Those "small" things you keep tackling? Those are the $10 tasks. Tasks like...

  • Responding to endless emails
  • Color-coding your Google Calendar
  • Spending hours discussing whether Roam or Notion improves your "creativity"

The "big" things are the things that will pay off in the future. Their impact compounds over time, but it's way too easy to hit snooze on them because they don't have an immediate payoff. And that’s a big problem. 

The way to get off the hamster wheel? It starts with identifying (and actually doing) your $10,000 per hour work

$10,000/hour work is the exact opposite of its $10 per hour work brethren. There’s no swoosh sound when you complete it. Zero dopamine. The results take longer. So like the proverbial “Important, but Not Urgent,” it becomes easy to kick the can down the road. I’ll “snooze” on my "learning how to be a better spouse" for a day. A week. A year. A career. A lifetime.

$10K Work is a peculiar cocktail of your industry, skills, passions, curiosities, relationships, introspection and vision. It’s planting important seeds for the future. Even 25 minutes a day of $10K tasks can have compounding effects.

$10K Work is leveraging a unique skill. $10K Work can transform your life.

$10K Work is…

  • Hiring and training a customer service team member so you can surf while your customers are taken care of (ummm, yup true story)
  • Clearing your calendar every week to spend quality one-on-one time with each of your kids
  • Building a daily “shutdown” ritual to ensure you get 9 hours of sleep every night
  • Cold DM’ing a journalist to deepen your company’s brand awareness
  • Creating your own podcast to develop “thought leadership” in your niche
  • Committing to engaging one potential lead each week
  • Investing in your marriage with coaching or therapy

Meanwhile, $10 Work is chasing productivity system after productivity system, trying to fit your unique needs into a cookie-cutter solution.

$10K Work is building your own personalized system for productivity so you can get the right things done (without working longer hours).

And I can help you do that.

I’m Khe Hy. I know what it’s like to mindlessly optimize your life (and still feel like nothing clicks)

In my twenties, I was a lean, mean productivity machine. I created an alternative shorthand keyboard on my Blackberry to reduce my keystrokes by 80%. I devoured audiobook biographies of Steve Jobs and other great leaders by listening to them at 2.5x normal speed. I even optimized my workouts by cramming the most efficient exercise (burpees) into the most efficient form of interval training (the four-minute Tabata).

I was making good money, and from the outside, I seemed successful. I had graduated with a degree in computer science from Yale and reached the coveted position of being one of the youngest Managing Directors at the financial services firm BlackRock on Wall Street.
My life looked like a productivity masterpiece, but under the surface I was just going through the motions unfulfilled. I was following a broken playbook, someone else’s playbook. And it felt like the addition of any one thing would cause my entire system to collapse.

I was one step ahead of the curve, but the curve was breathing down the back of my neck, whispering, “You’re not doing enough. More.”

I’d get a bonus…go out to dinner and get a nice bottle of wine, buy a new pair of Air Maxes, and maybe upgrade our hotel room for our next vacation.

And then four weeks would go by, and my existential angst — a numbness in my soul — would start creeping back in. It’d be like, ‘Knock, knock. You thought that bonus was going to make me go away. I’m baaaaaaaaack.’

Then my health started taking a hit.

I struggled with Alopecia -- a chunk of my hair fell out and I had to spray paint hair on my head for a friend’s wedding. I grinded the enamel off my teeth because of anxiety. I needed a steady stream of coffee or Diet Coke to stay awake, and then a drink to wind down after a long day.

I was just going through the motions of life. I found myself asking: “is this what the next 40 years of my life is going to look like?” 

In order to spend more time doing the things that mattered most, something had to change.

In my twenties, the answer was simple (and embarrassingly naive). I wanted to make more money. I thought that the more time I’d free up, the more money I could make.

But when I realized I wasn’t doing what really mattered to me, I quit.

I dedicated my time to a little passion project, the email newsletter called RadReads, which had 36 subscribers at the time. I was ‘building the plane as I was flying it,’ and supporting our family of four with a portion of my savings.

Seven years later, 38,000+ hardworking, inquisitive learners like you read my work every week. I have a business that supports my family. I have a talented team committed to our mission. I feel good about what I do.

And while I still work 30 hours a week and have my dose of entrepreneurial stress, each morning I run out of bed (after 8.5 hours and sans-alarm, obvi) energized, enthusiastic, and regret-free. If I won the lottery, I’d spend my days exactly the same way.

My writing has been featured across numerous publications.

Getting here wasn’t simple. I did a lot of intentional work to define my personal $10K Work, and then set up systems and habits to support that. I planted seeds early on that paid off in spades down the road (and harnessed the power of compounding interest, both in my finances and in my habits). Still, I wished I would have had a system to guide me through how I could live a fulfilling and happy life on my own terms. But it didn’t exist during that transition in my life. So I went out and built it. 

Now? I spend more time checking the surf report than checking my email. I worry less. I know what matters, and I do the most important and high-leverage work first.

I saw that when I got really clear on my priorities, put $10K Work first, and built a productivity system in Notion to support my life vision, I had more time for family and friends. I had more time to surf every day (while expanding my business and profits), which makes me come alive.

And when I started teaching my methods, I saw students experience the same freedom and tap into that joy.

I saw the students of Supercharge Your Productivity come alive.

Introducing Supercharge Your Productivity

Cohort 11 starts on October 4, 2022 
Design a system for identifying and implementing your most impactful $10K Work so you can achieve your life goals (and step off that damn hamster wheel).

You’ll learn to ask the right questions and design your own system that will allow you to:

  • Always know what to do next
  • Feel like you've got things under control (in work and life)
  • Finally feel on top of everything
  • Finally be able to focus on the things you really want to accomplish
  • Be happier and less stressed
  • Get the important things done while savoring every moment of life

Shripriya Mahesh, Founding Partner at Spero Ventures

“This is more than a productivity class. It’s about figuring out what really matters to you, why it matters, and how to make time for those things that matter."

Chris Kawaja, Founder at Catarina Ranch Investments

"Supercharge your Productivity has unlocked a hidden superpower. It's positively impacted my real estate business and I'm making better decisions, faster and more confidently. The course paid for itself after the first class, but the value keeps growing every month."

David Gerber, Chartered Financial Analyst at Cove Investments

“Personally I realized I’d been living my life based on the expectations of others. It took me 50 years to understand that. It took Supercharge Your Productivity two weeks to reveal that critical insight.”

Take a peek inside Supercharge Your Productivity

Starting October 4th, you'll experience the simple 4-part system you can use to master $10K Work and get more done by working smarter.

See the big picture of your life

“I don’t have any time to think,” is a recurring complaint from our overwhelmed students. If you’re always in react mode, it becomes impossible to see the big picture – your why – more clearly. However, mending the difference between your daily tasks and big dreams is the key to getting more done, realistic prioritization and effective time management. You’ll learn how to ask yourself the critical questions that will become your North Star and keep you aligned with your values. You’ll start implementing a proven system which connects your why to the what and how.

Using leverage to maximize your personal ROI

The special (yet overlooked) ingredient to most productivity frameworks is leverage. You’ll learn how to categorize all your tasks and activities across the 4 quadrants of the matrix, so that you can keep your career, business and projects growing while you’re not working. You’ll stop confusing efficiency and effectiveness and we’ll deconstruct real-world examples of entrepreneurs who scaled their companies, managers who lead high-performing teams and corporate rebels who routinely turn their bucket list into a reality.

Stack the Deck in Your Favor with $10K Task Management

Finally a task management philosophy that closes “open loops” and reduces the time spent asking yourself “What should I be working on?” Khe will distill 25 years of productivity research into an actionable set of principles around energy management, quick capture, removing due dates and using meta-data so that the right tasks always find you. You’ll learn how to create the right foundations (i.e. lists of tasks) to focus on the right projects while also tending to the “Important, but not Urgent” parts of your life like your family, health and personal finances. And as a bonus, learn the atelic/telic mindset to reframe the non-productive moments of your life and truly give yourself permission to relax.

Set your future self up for a win

The Weekly Review is the keystone habit that brings everything together. (Yet it’s the habit that eludes pretty much all high-performing knowledge workers.) You’ll learn how to de-construct the Weekly Review into four distinct parts so that you can set the right priorities and actually keep yourself accountable. You’ll learn how to get “on top of things” and “in control” of your life – and never slip back into fire-fighting mode ever again. Our built-in template will make this process seamless and you’ll be able to complete your review in under 25 minutes.

Wait, there's more! As part of cohort 11 you'll also get...

Live Sessions with Khe

Many students say this is the best part of the course. Khe will answer questions and talk through concepts to help you put what you’re learning into action in your life. All questions are fair game (and there have been a few tears shed during these intimate sessions).

Access to the SYP Community

Building relationships is the ultimate form of $10K Work — and with relationships like the ones you’ll build inside the Supercharge Your Productivity Slack community, you’ll reap the benefits of these relationships for years to come.

Activity Prompts to Boost your Personal Leverage

The course is relentlessly pragmatic and we’ll always push you to put your learnings into practice with activity prompts that highlight your quick (yet impactful) wins. They will help you deconstruct and identify the questions that will move the needle in your life, create your energy map, and identify your “Important, but not Urgent” tasks so that these activities become second nature.

Built-For-You Life Dashboard

We’ve built a Notion Life Dashboard for you so you can design your personalized system right away, without tinkering in Notion. This isn’t your typical $5 Notion template: it coincides with all of the key foundations of the course, and you can’t find this anywhere else. And if you really want to dive deep into Notion, you can check out the mini-course that will show you how we built the dashboard from scratch.

You’ll spend the next 4 weeks with a global crew of RAD professionals.

Our students represent some of the world's most iconic institutions and are founders, artists, educators, lawyers, doctors, activists, investors, Olympians, civil servants, engineers, small business owners, philanthropists, and more.

This isn’t your typical Slack community. Your peers will challenge your assumptions, expose you to unique cultural perspectives, and cheer you on. Past alumni have said that the community was one of the biggest factors in their success during Supercharge Your Productivity.

Supercharge Your Productivity students work with some of the most innovative companies in the world.

Plus, our trained team of compassionate alumni are always accessible in Slack and the Zoom chats to answer your questions about the lectures, tools, life, etc.

Nesrine Aouinti, Knowledge Management Consultant at the American Red Cross

“Khe has an exceptional ability to challenge and bring out the best in students. But that's not all! The best part is the community and the genuine bonds we build with our peers. A cozy and safe corner on the internet."

Matt Petre, Director at Invesco

Supercharge Your Productivity freed up time and mental capacity. It enabled me to focus, prioritize, and be more productive everyday while executing on the ideas that I’ve had scattered across my notes and brain with no structure whatsoever."

BONUS: Join Supercharge Your Productivity and get these bonuses ($540 value) FREE!

We want to help make joining Supercharge Your Productivity a no-brainer for you. Join this live cohort and get these bonuses ($540 value) FREE!

Built-For-You Life Dashboard ($97 Value)

We’ve built a Notion Life Dashboard for you so you can design your personalized system right away, without tinkering in Notion. This isn’t your typical $5 Notion template: it coincides with all of the key foundations of the course, and you can’t find this anywhere else. And if you really want to dive deep into Notion, you can check out the mini-course that will show you how we built the dashboard from scratch.

The Fulfilling Path to Financial Independence ($247 Value)

There's a vivid tension between the job you have and the life you want to create for yourself. And let's face it - money plays a big role in all career definitions. This course provides pragmatic lessons on re-imaging your relationship with money, status, self-work and ambition.

How to Prep your Pivot ($97 Value)

Our jobs hold a central role in our livelihoods, identities and self-worth. But with 50% of the US work force chronically dis-engaged, an exit plan is often needed. You'll learn how to prepare your runway, re-tell your story and deconstruct what you truly want out of a job.

Groundswells of Generosity ($97 Value)

Networking is much more than a bunch of rando LinkedIn requests or awkwardly standing around at a conference happy hour. This revolutionary approach flips the script on the oft-icky activity. You'll learn how to serve others, connect authentically and leverage your own knowledge as you grow your relationships.

“SYP showed me how time management and productivity are vehicles for self-growth, happiness, and living a joyful life - not just overwhelming to-do lists that need to be ‘tamed’ or ‘hacked’.

One hesitation I had before buying the course was wondering if this would just become one in another long line of courses, books, programs I would go through as a way to "feel" productive, then forget about 6 months later. Another shiny toy.

It turned out to be the opposite - the antidote to shiny object syndrome and the last productivity course I'll ever need.”

Sean S., Educator and Entrepreneur

You've already tried the apps, the hacks and eating the frog. Why keep doing the things that don't CHANGE anything in your life?

You have 3 options for using Supercharge Your Productivity to work smarter, not harder. For life. You can join...

The Basic Edition of Supercharge your Productivity.
You’ll get lifetime access to the entire framework, life dashboard, and workshop recordings from the previous cohort. Go at your own pace.

The Professional Edition of Supercharge Your Productivity. [MOST POPULAR]
 This is our most popular option and gives you the newest versions of everything in the basic edition live, PLUS exclusive access to Khe, the RadReads team, and an amazing supportive community of alumni mentors. This is the perfect package for people who want more hands-on help and support from the RadReads team and community.

The Executive Edition of Supercharge Your Productivity
This is for really laser-focused professionals who want all of what we have to offer in the Professional Edition, PLUS VERY small group coaching with Khe, a focus session with RadReads’ product manager Marian Knopp, and 12 months of access to our exclusive $10K Accelerator membership program. (All of this is valued at over $12,000.) Given the hands-on approach, this is limited to 5 spots.

Ready to make your choice? 

Ready to create a system for productivity that serves your unique life vision? Just choose your track:

Basic Edition

✔️ Recordings of all of the previous cohort's sessions
✔️ 4 Notion worksheets to implement the lessons you learn
✔️ Lifetime access to the course material and our alumni community
✔️ 30-day money-back guarantee
✔️ How to Build the Life Dashboard mini-course and template
❌ There are no live calls with this track.
❌ The Fulfilling Path to Financial Independence
❌ How to Prep Your Pivot: A Guide to Changing Careers with Khe Hy
❌ Groundswells of Generosity
❌ Group Coaching with Khe
❌ 1-on-1 Laser Coaching
❌ 12-Month Access to the $10K Accelerator

Professional Edition

✔️ 4-week live, online sessions hosted by Khe (with plenty of Q&A)
✔️ Implementation prompts and activities
✔️ Real-time and access to alumni mentor support
✔️ Interactive Supercharge Your Productivity community for peer support
✔️ Lifetime access to the course material and our alumni community
✔️ 30-day money-back guarantee
✔️ How to Build the Life Dashboard mini-course and template
✔️ The Fulfilling Path to Financial Independence
✔️ How to Prep Your Pivot: A Guide to Changing Careers
✔️ Groundswells of Generosity: Networking without Being Icky

❌ Group Coaching with Khe
❌ 1-on-1 Laser Coaching
❌ 12-Month Access to the $10K Accelerator

Executive Edition

✔️ 4-week live, online sessions hosted by Khe (with plenty of Q&A)
✔️ Implementation prompts and activities
✔️ Real-time and access to alumni mentor support
✔️ Interactive Supercharge Your Productivity community for peer support
✔️ Lifetime access to the course material and our alumni community
✔️ 30-day money-back guarantee

✔️ How to Build the Life Dashboard mini-course and template
✔️ The Fulfilling Path to Financial Independence
✔️ How to Prep Your Pivot: A Guide to Changing Careers
✔️ Groundswells of Generosity: Networking without Being Icky

✔️ Group Coaching with Khe
✔️ 1-on-1 Laser Coaching
✔️ 12-Month Access to the $10K Accelerator
✔️ Limited to 5 spots
Jason Hanna, Product Manager at Veracode

The “Love Supercharge Your Productivity or Leave” Guarantee

If you don’t love your purchase of Supercharge Your Productivity, contact us to leave it in the first 30 days, and we will give you a full refund — NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

You see, I’ve spent years building up trust in the RadReads community and I’m not about to jeopardize my relationship with you all.

That’s why I’ve included this risk-free way for you to make an informed decision by test driving Supercharge Your Productivity before you decide to stick around.

With our no-questions-asked guarantee backing you up, the biggest risk for you is to stay stuck with your existing productivity stack, unchecked goals, habits and processes that are standing in the way of your goal to live a more productive and fulfilled life.

I appreciate you and hope to see you on the inside.

With gratitude,

Khe Hy