We left off with the origin of Ship 30 for 30, which traces back to posting this Tweet to my Twitter following of 510 people.
The response was overwhelming.
Turns out a lot of people had the same problem I did—they had started writing online, but now felt like they were spinning their wheels. And since I experienced firsthand the power of tightening my writing feedback loops, I felt obligated to help as many others do it too.
Six days after that tweet, we had 50 people in a Slack channel and we were off and running.
Every person committing to writing and publishing every day for 30 days—learning, iterating, building friendships, and having a damn good time doing it.
I spent those 30 days talking to every person in the cohort. I soaked in everything I could about the problems they faced, what they had tried in the past, and the reasons they wanted to write online. And I learned exactly what did and didn't work for helping people start writing every day.
Cole and I have packed everything we know about building habits and writing online into over 20 hours of curriculum. We've built templates and guides to help anyone, no matter their level of experience, start writing online. And we've built a rich, diverse community of like-minded writers and thinkers.
On top of that, we’re now upgrading our Ship 30 curriculum and course materials to help Shippers learn how to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT to streamline their writing process and 10x their content output.
I can attribute every good thing in the last three years of my life to writing every day. I've gotten to meet and connect with people I used to idolize. I've built a business that is fun as hell to run—something I used to dream about. And best of all, I've helped thousands of others experience the benefits that come with writing online every day.
And the best part of this whole thing? Ship 30 for 30 is just getting started. And we'd love to have you on board for one of our upcoming cohorts!
Now, go check your email for the next lesson where we will show you