Explore the fascinating domain of computer vision and AI with Dr. Satya Mallick, CEO at OpenCV.org. At LearnOpenCV we simplify difficult concepts, making them accessible for everyone. From animations to hands-on tutorials, we cover tools like OpenCV, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and more! New to this world or a seasoned explorer? We've got something for everyone. 🚀 Don't forget to visit our blog at learnopencv.com for extended insights. Hit that subscribe button and join us on this enlightening journey! Hashtags: #OpenCVUniversity #AI #ComputerVision #DeepLearning #BootCamps #FreeCourses #CareerGrowth #OpenCV #TensorFlow #computervisiontutorial #tutorial
Welcome to 'Master the Vision: The Comprehensive YOLO Series', your ultimate guide to understanding and implementing the YOLO (You Only Look Once) object detection and segmentation systems. This playlist dives deep into various versions of the YOLO algorithm. Whether you are just starting out or seeking to enhance your knowledge in object detection, this YOLO masterclass is designed to equip you with the necessary skills and insights to effectively utilize these real-time object detection techniques in a wide array of applications. #YOLO #ObjectDetection #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #YOLOv5 #YOLOv6 #YOLOv7 #YOLOv8 #YOLONAS #ComputerVision
Want to enter the world of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision? This playlist is the ultimate resource for beginners who want to get started with OpenCV and will help them to understand the basic concepts of Image Processing and Computer Vision. 🖥️ On our blog - https://learnopencv.com we also share tutorials and code on topics like Image Processing, Image Classification, Object Detection, Face Detection, Face Recognition, YOLO, Segmentation, Pose Estimation, and many more using OpenCV(Python/C++), PyTorch, and TensorFlow. This exhaustive playlist covers ALL the YOLO models and is ideal for YOLO aficionados. 🤖 Learn from the experts on AI: Computer Vision and AI Courses YOU have an opportunity to join the over 5300+ (and counting) researchers, engineers, and students that have benefited from these courses and take your knowledge of computer vision, AI, and deep learning to the next level. https://opencv.org/university/ #️⃣ Social Media #️⃣ 📝 Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/satyamall... 📱 Twitter: https://twitter.com/LearnOpenCV 🔊 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/learnopencv/ 🔗 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/spmallick