For Emerging and Seasoned Change Catalysts

Clear Your Path to 2024

Create and Nurture
Organic Momentum
for Yourself, Your Life,
and Your Business

Third Annual Retreat to
Prepare for the New Year

Friday, January 12

Carol McClelland Fields, PhD, BCC
Your Retreat Guide

When you think of preparing for the new year, do you imagine creating a detailed vision that consists of the offers you want to share with your clients, your income projections, and your marketing calendar?

A lot of entrepreneurial end-of-year reviews and visioning events focus on claiming a big vision for the year ahead, and then developing a plan to make that happen – financial goals, calendars, resources, extra support, marketing, timelines, launches, etc.

Theoretically, by setting your bold goals and getting all the pieces spelled out in your plan, you can then work your plan, month-by-month, to meet your goals for the year.

Please note:

This process may be viable if you want to keep doing what you’ve been doing, and you have proof, experience, and financials to use as reference points to forecast your goals and create your plan.

If you have a new business or anticipate evolving your business next year, this big-vision-with-a-detailed-plan approach will not work well. Keep reading to discover why.

If you would prefer to listen to me talk about the topics
on this page in more depth, check out my new podcast episode.


This Kind of Big Picture Planning Has Never Felt Right to Me

I always felt uneasy setting detailed Go Big Goals for my business, especially during phases when my business was new, or my work was in a state of evolution. During these times, whenever I attempted to create the traditional big picture plan, I would hear the following questions in my head:

  • How do I know where my emerging or evolving business will be in a year?

  • How do I know what other life events will float into my life and impact my capacity for my business?

  • How do I know how quickly or slowly my new work will take root?

At times I felt like I was just making up target numbers and dreaming up packages and pricing that would get me to the numbers I wanted/needed to reach. I had no way of knowing whether I could reach those goals or if the packages I was dreaming up would even appeal to my clients.

Fast forward to the end of the year: If I “missed” my (made up) goals, I felt like I had failed, which didn’t help my confidence level one bit!

Re-Imagining How to Prepare for the New Year
with the Organic Way

I now think of a Vision as a point on the horizon that guides you throughout the year by providing intention, direction, and insights. The path you take unfolds organically; as you gain clarity about each element of your foundation, more specifics of your plan come into focus.

Sometimes feedback from clients and your own insightful observations show you ways to uplevel your vision. By refining your vision as you go, that point on the horizon always evolves to match your current understanding of your work.

With this kind of vision, there isn’t the push to accomplish “all-of-this” by a certain date. Your pacing ebbs and flows at a natural pace that aligns with your current capacity and circumstances.

By immersing myself in the Organic Way over the last seven years, I have discovered why the traditional way of planning for the new year has never felt right to me.

Perhaps you will resonate with the following observations.

When Your Business Is Unfolding…

When your business is new or evolving in new directions, you can’t rely on your previous financial numbers and enrollment history to build your new vision and plan for the new year.

If you are an Emerging Change Catalyst just bringing on your first paying clients, you don’t have prior business results to guide you. As a result, any goals you set are likely to be wild guesses, based on your hopes and dreams, but not necessarily grounded in your current reality.

If you are a Seasoned Change Catalyst who is in the process of reviewing, rethinking, redesigning, or redeveloping the way you work, whom you work with, and how you market, then any goals you set within the Mainstream planning model are also likely to be wild guesses, hopes, and dreams.

Under these circumstances, the plan you create to reach your goals will naturally reflect the current changing state of your foundation. The reason your goals feel ungrounded, and perhaps even pie-in-the-sky, is that your future plans aren’t anchored in where you and your business are right now. Building a business on a wobbly foundation is stressful and, in the end, rarely successful.

Bottom line: Whenever you feel uneasy or hesitant about either your vision or your plan,
you won’t take the actions needed to bring your vision to life.

When Larger Scale Uncertainty Touches You…

In times of relentless uncertainty – whether the ambiguity stems from personal experiences or collective eventsit’s impossible to forecast precisely how your year is going to unfold.

In times like this, you must tap into your inner knowing about yourself and your business, so that you can be nimble and move from a trusted, grounded center of stability.

As you create a deeply intimate understanding of your work and how your work impacts your clients, you move into a place of embodied knowing that gives you a sense of ease, natural flow, and delight with your work. When you make this internal shift, the uncertainty, worry, and questioning that have been your companions for so long, melt away effortlessly. You know, in every cell of your body, that you are on the right track with your work. You can focus all of your attention on bringing your work into form and sharing it with those who will benefit from it most. As you listen to your clients and your business, you sense what needs to evolve.

Creating Your Momentum For 2024

Generally, my clients want to create a new level of momentum in their business, their work with clients, and the income their business generates or the number of people they touch with their work.

Rather than targeting your big vision for the new year, we are going to clarify on your starting point for 2024 so that you can build the foundation needed to support the new levels of momentum you desire.

What you focus on for 2024 depends on where you are right now: where you are clear, where you feel uneasy, and where you sense something is missing. When synthesized, this nuanced information shows you exactly where to focus your time, attention, and resources to nurture and grow your momentum.

It’s amazing how much shifts when you know and claim where you are. By building a clearer and more grounded foundation that is strong enough to support your growth, you more effectively align with your business and your work with clients.

Identify the Building Blocks of Your Business

Your business is made of a number of building blocks that must come together in a coordinated way in order for you, your work with clients, and your business to flourish.

During the Clear Your Path to 2024 Retreat, you will have the opportunity to assess the necessary building blocks that make up:

  • Your Personal Character, Capacity, and Circumstances

  • Your Work with Clients

  • Your Outreach to Engage New Clients

Assess Each Building Block

To create new layers of business momentum, you will need strengthen the building blocks of your business by confirming your:

  • Clarity about the business you want to grow and the services you want to provide.

    Without clarity, you won’t know where to focus your attention, time, or resources. In all likelihood, you’ll sit on the fence and struggle to commit to your business 100%.

  • Confidence in yourself, your work, your business, your marketing, and your enrollment process.

    Without sufficient confidence, you won’t step out to share your work with potential clients and referral sources. When you do talk with potential clients and referral sources, your energy won’t attract clients to work with you.

  • Comfort with the way you work with clients and how your business and personal life support each other.

    Without a sense of comfort and alignment with your life and your business, you won’t pursue opportunities to share your business. Even though you want to expand your work, you will feel conflicted, like having your foot on the brake and the gas pedal at the same time.

  • Cultural Mindset that supports and encourages you to create your business in ways that honor you and your clients.

    Without a supportive culture within, you will use too much of your precious energy battling with the Mainstream noise that’s telling you what you should do and how fast you should do it. In the end, these Mainstream messages will derail you, sending you on unnecessary detours and into costly dead-ends.

If you are missing any of these four elements, you will have a difficult time creating momentum in your business during 2024.

Join Me for the Clear Your Path to 2024 Retreat

The fastest, most effective way to create momentum for your business in 2024 is to take some time now to shore up your foundation.

During this virtual group retreat I will guide you through a series of questions on four key themes (see schedule below) to help you discover:

  • Where you are confident about your foundation and vision

  • Where you feel shaky and fuzzy about your work and outreach

  • Where you have gaps in your plan

The answers you discover during this retreat will provide you with insights about the best ways to use your time, money, and energy to make progress with the emerging or evolving aspects of your work with clients and your business.

By the end of the retreat

You will have a clear sense of where you are now, what needs your attention, and your priorities for bringing more momentum into your life, your work, and your business. This “plan” will help guide your actions and priorities throughout the year as you evolve and grow your work organically.

As each block in your foundation becomes clearer and more secure, it will support more growth and momentum with ease.

With this intimate understanding of your business, your work and your business will show you what is next for you to do. Ideas you’ve never thought of will appear and be right in sync with where you want to go with your business.

There’s no breathless, frantic push to make your numbers to meet your plan. Instead, a gentle quickening shows you the new elements of your work that are ready to bring into focus and form.

How Does the Virtual Group Retreat Flow?

Each hour we’ll focus on a theme that strengthens your vision of your life, your business, your foundation, and your momentum.

Hour 1 - Come Home to Yourself: To create a clear, aligned, and resonant vision for your business in 2024, you must start with a grounded sense of yourself, your life, your needs, and your desires for the coming year.

Hour 2 - Your Work with Clients: In this session you reflect on your work with clients to discern what’s clear and what’s not. With this information, you gain clarity about possible new pathways and opportunities for 2024.

Hour 3 - Your Outreach: Feeling comfortable and confident with your outreach strategies makes marketing so much easier. Through this process you’ll see where you can lean in more effectively and comfortably to share your work with others.

Hour 4 - Harvest Insights: Taking another pass through your retreat discoveries allows you to make new connections that resolve some issues and identify your next steps to enhance your business going into 2024.

Closing: During our final gathering, you’ll have the opportunity to synthesize what you’ve discovered about your inner foundation and your business vision. I’ll help you connect the dots to see the next steps that will have the most impact for you and your business.

After the retreat I will help you use your answers to create a road map for resolving the gaps you discovered so that you can successfully and effectively develop your work and your business in 2024. To make sure you are clear about your next steps, I’ll offer a way you can share what you discovered during the retreat, so that I can give you some personalized insights about your next steps. This follow-up conversation is included in the price of the retreat. Watch the deadlines so you don’t miss the opportunity to receive confirmation about your next steps!

With these insights,
you Know Exactly
where to invest
your time, energy,
and resources
to create a
flourishing year
for you and
your business.

The Details and Registration Links

Choose your Retreat Date Below:

Friday, January 12, 2024

Each retreat begins at 10 am Pacific | 1 pm Eastern and continues through to 2:30 Pacific | 5:30 Eastern.

At the top of each hour we will gather for a 20-minute conversation on Zoom to explore the theme and a short tip or strategy to give you a new context for the questions you’ll be answering privately during the rest of the hour.

All sessions will be recorded. If you are unable to attend all of the sessions live, you are welcome to attend those that fit your schedule and then listen to the recordings of the sessions you missed.

If your schedule or circumstances doesn’t align with these dates at all, you are welcome to register to receive the recordings to create your own self-guided retreat experience.

Join the Retreat Below

4.5-Hour Retreat for One = $80.00

Invite a Change Catalyst* Colleague or Classmate to Join You = $100.00 for Two

Please Note:

After clicking the Join the Retreat button below, a pop up will appear where you will select your preferred retreat date. Then you’ll be taken directing to your shopping cart to complete your registration.

Clear Your Path 2024
Join the Retreat!

During the registration process you will asked to indicate which retreat you plan to attend.

Clear Your Path 2024 - Bring a Colleague or Classmate
Join the Retreat with Your Colleague!

* Change Catalysts use their finely tuned sensitivity, intuition, creativity, and empathic nature as the basis for their heart-felt work with clients who are in the process of creating the life they desire while moving through significant transitions. Change Catalysts may be coaches, therapists, social workers, spiritual directors, or other related professions!

During the registration process you will enter the name and email of your colleague or classmate so that we can send retreat emails to them directly. You will also indicate which retreat you both plan to attend.