Our family is enjoying a restfully low-key week at home for Spring Break — 10 days off from our normal schedule and routine!
Yup, a full week at home together with no deadlines and nothing stressful on the agenda is definitely high up there on my list of “favorite things”. I have a bunch more favorites to share with you today.
Even though the weather has been very cold and wet, we broke out the firepit this past weekend for a somewhat smokey fire (including s’mores made with “stripe cookies”.)
We’re still loving the portable firepit we found on Facebook Marketplace last spring, and are looking forward to getting lots more use out of it this year.
This firepit is so easy to move around… we often just tuck it back behind a few shrubs when we’re not using it so we don’t need to look at it the rest of the time.
FAVORITE TOOL = Mini Flat Iron
I’ve wanted to try a mini hair straightener for several years now, but my hair has always been short enough that I really didn’t need it.
Well, a few months ago, I decided to start growing it out again (I tried last spring but ultimately cut it short again in the summer) and figured a mini hair straightener would help me style the longer pieces in front.
Wouldn’t you know, I found one in perfect condition at our local thrift store for $2!
At only 1/2″ wide, it has been very helpful in styling my short (but growing) hair.
Truthfully, I still love short hair, but after almost 12 years with super short hair, I’m feeling an “itch” to grow it out again. We’ll see how long I keep it up. Maybe the mini hair straightener will be just the tool I need to stick with it this time around!
This is the exact brand/style I got — mine is black.
RELATED READING: How I style my short hair (a video)
PAST FAVORITE = Tin Night Lights
Just over a decade ago, I found the cutest little tin star nightlights at a local antique store. I bought both of them and have enjoyed them daily ever since.
Do you see them in our bathroom pictures below?
These nightlights provide the perfect amount of light for middle-of-the-night bathroom trips, and the light sensor allows them to turn off during the day.
Since my original antique store shopping trip, I’ve purchased 2 more night lights (for our 3rd bathroom and laundry room) and they’ve been in constant use ever since.
I love their functionality and their farmhouse charm!
We’ve tried many different organization systems for all the paperwork our family brings in throughout the week — from school, church, work, the mail, etc. And our system continues to “morph” as our needs change.
Currently, we’re using this 8-pocket wall organizer, mounted on the inside of our office closet to organize all our different papers.
Each family member has their own file, we have one file for church, and another one for “miscellaneous” — mail, invitations, birthday cards, etc.
Everyone knows where to put their papers, where to look for their papers… and that I clean out the papers every Sunday afternoon.
It has been a great system for our family this past year and I anticipate it sticking around for a while yet.
RELATED READING: How We Organize All Our Paperwork
FAVORITE BOOK = Gertruda’s Oath
I read 3 books over the last 2 weeks, all of which were really good, but if I had to pick my top favorite it would be Gertruda’s Oath — simply because I’m still on a World War II kick.
Gertruda’s Oath is a true story about a nanny (Gertruda) who saved the life of the Jewish boy she cared for after both his parents were killed in the war. She risked her own life many times to save his… it was an inspiring story, for sure.
The other 2 books I read were:
- Find Your People (Jennie Allen) — excellent read. I highly recommend searching for it at your local library.
- Things That Matter (Joshua Becker) — this releases on April 19, so I’ll share more about it next month. It’s a great read though and I’d encourage you to order it!
After years of completely avoiding all news because it always felt so negative and heavy, I’ve been enjoying The Pour Over for the last year… and I love it!
It’s completely free (there is an opportunity to donate if you choose) and it comes right to my inbox every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning.
The Pour Over covers a wide variety of local and global news stories… BUT it shares it all from a Christian perspective of hope and trust.
For example, here’s a snippet from an email earlier this week:
I’m a huge fan of The Pour Over and encourage you to jump on this bandwagon if other news sources cause you to feel anxious, depressed, or worried.
FAVORITE HOBBY = Moving Furniture!
Yup, we’re at it again over here at the Dekker house — moving furniture (and complete bedrooms) around!
My latest project was rearranging the girl’s bedroom and landing area at the top of our stairs. Specifically, we moved Nora’s bed and desk out to the landing area so she could officially have her own “room”.
She still keeps her clothing in the bedroom closet, but other than that, all her things are hidden away in the drawers under her bed, on her bookcase headboard, and in the little bench at the end of her bed.
We still need to hang curtains around her bed… but otherwise it’s finished!
My goal for our home is to always utilize the different spaces to best fit the CURRENT needs of our family — right now, this is meeting Nora’s “need” for her own space, even if it is in the middle of our second floor.
She might move back in with Clara eventually, but until then, I had a thrilling afternoon of moving furniture around. Plus, it was a really good opportunity to wipe down the walls, dust baseboards, and vacuum under all the furniture!
Simple pleasures. 😂
RELATED READING: We Played Musical Bedrooms… again!
Rhubarb is one of my favorite spring treats and I have so many great rhubarb recipes here on the blog!
I realize it can be an acquired taste, but if you love Rhubarb, I have 5 recipes you must try this spring!
GET MY RECIPES: 5 Easy Rhubarb Recipes for Spring.
FAVORITE TECH = Rechargeable Keyboard and Trackpad
Two years ago this month, I upgraded my Apple computer to a newer model and I’ve been so happy with it.
Interestingly enough, my favorite feature of the newer model is simply the rechargeable keyboard and trackpad!
No more batteries to replace ever again!! yay!
FAVORITE ARCHIVED POST = Purging vs. Organizing
There is a HUGE difference between organizing and purging.
Organizing is simply creating order among all the different things you have in your home, car, purse, etc. (whether or not you actually use, need, want, or love those things.)
Purging, on the other hand, is the act of removing those things that you don’t use, need, want, or love.
It is essential to purge before you organize, otherwise you’ll spend precious time creating order and structure for things you don’t even use, need, want, or love.
If you’re tackling any spring cleaning/organizing projects in the next few weeks or months, read my post first!
Read the full posts here.
That’s all for me this month. 😆
If you’re interested, you may scroll through all my Favorite Things posts here.
Rabecka says
Hi Andrea! Your blog is one of my favorite things! I’ve been reading since you made that play kitchen for Nora. So cute!! While I completely understand your need to cut back, I was pretty bummed when you cut back to only one post per week. I love that you cover such a wide variety of things. I’ve searched off and on for other similar blogs and haven’t had any luck. They all seem to focus on just organizing or just cooking, etc. Thanks for not going away completely! Until next week…
Andrea says
Hey Rabecka! We still have the play kitchen and it’s still used and loved by our children, cousins, neighbor kids, friends, etc. It was a great time investment for me 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words of support and encouragement. I enjoy writing about a variety of topics, and maybe someday I’ll get back to doing more. For now, the once-a-week option feels “right” for my current season.
Fern says
Although I’ve read your blog since before Nora was born, I rarely comment. However, having seen the JESUS production in Branson recently, I think it is something your family would really enjoy. I had wondered if the Crucifixion was something children should see, but it was conveyed in such a way that it would not be frightening for them. I appreciate how careful you are about what your kids are visually exposed to and thought this might be a concern.
Andrea says
Hi Fern! Thanks for your long-time readership… and for your comment! I love hearing from readers, no matter how long they’ve been reading 🙂
So many people have chimed in via comments or email regarding the JESUS production in Branson — I’ve already told Dave we need to look into it!
Jeanine says
Thanks for making a favorite things page! I’m looking forward to looking back at all your favorite things because it’s always my favorite post.
Thanks also for your recommendation of The Pour Over. I hadn’t heard of it before but look forward to hearing a Christian perspective on what’s going on in the world.
It looks like you and your family are having a great week – Happy Spring!
Andrea says
yay — I love the Pour Over and I’m so glad to introduce others to it!
Patricia says
Love how you change the bedrooms to fit the needs of your children. Bet Nora is loving her new space.
Andrea says
yes, she is loving the space 🙂
Julie says
For my news source, I’ve been listening to the podcast “The World and Everything in It” produced by World News Group. It is also from a Christian perspective.
Sheri D says
If you are into WWII books you need to read or listen to The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristen Harmel. It is excellent
Andrea says
ok great — thanks! I’ll add it to my library list!
Janice says
I have preordered Joshua Becker’s book and looking forward to reading it when it is released. I ordered the Kindle version.
Andrea says
oh good — I’m sure you will really enjoy Joshua’s book!
Beth says
Your blog is the best for any age! I have one idea for a quick easy getaway! My daughter and their five kids did it in November and we went last week! JESUS in Branson at Sight and Sound Theater! Its only there until October, 2022! AMAZING!
Chris says
Beth, I am originally from near Lancaster, PA, but now live just a few hours from Branson, so I have been to Lancaster for several shows and Branson once. Jesus is my favorite of all the shows I have ever seen there! (And I’ve seen almost every one).
The one in Lancaster has had home school days before where tickets were only $10! I don’t know if they still do it, but I’m leaving this here in case anyone is interested and wants to look into it.
Andrea says
Good to know — we may have to look into this sometime before next October then! 🙂
Chris says
I’m so glad you decided to read Gertruda’s Oath!
Also, what a neat idea for Nora’s room. I love the way you change up your house when you want/need to.
I also love purging! It feels so good. It’s also easier to take care of things. My husband has about 15 coats. I have a light one and a winter one. It’s much easier to keep track of my coats and take care of them than him. However, he loves having lots of things, so that’s his “thing” I guess. 🙂
Chris says
Forty Autumns: A Family’s Storage of Courage and Survival on Both Sides of the Berlin Wall by Nina Willner is an absolutely outstanding book I have read this year. I am currently reading In the Land of Blue Burqas by Kate McCord, which is also a very good book. It is about an American humanitarian worker in Afghanistan who is also a Christian. It opens your eyes about how foreign their culture is to ours and how she reaches out to them about Christ in her limited ways there, loving the people, developing relationships with them, while also being in danger.
Andrea says
thanks Chris — I’ll add it to my library list!
Andrea says
I love that you only have 2 coats. A few years ago, I bought a nice coat that I thought I’d be able to wear for “everything” and I do wear it almost every day in the spring, winter, and fall. However, I still have 1 dress coat, a fleece coat, a “ski jacket” for playing in the snow, etc. So I’m not quite as minimalist as you are 🙂
Sarah says
Love it all!