YIKES: Comic Crashes Rally Stage Trying to Give Herschel Walker a Huge Roll of Condoms


Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Georgia, Herschel Walker, was pranked on stage Thursday after a rally in Macon by Jason Selvig of “The Good Liars,” who tried to hand the former NFL star a roll of condoms.

“The Good Liars” is a comedy duo that often conducts man-on-the-street interviews pranking absurd elements in U.S. politics.

Selvig, who got stunningly close to Walker on stage, was confronted by the candidate after he attempted to hand him the condoms and the two exchanged words that were not picked up by the cameras.

The prank riffs on Walker’s recent scandals involving reports he paid for an ex-girlfriend’s abortion and has fathered multiple children that were not previously made public. Walker’s son, Christian Walker, blasted his father on social media in early October and at one point issued a 4-word tweet, saying, “Wear a condom, damn.”


Walker’s speech in Macon offered regular GOP talking points on inflation and parents’ rights:

“What hurts my feelings is high gas prices. What hurts my feelings is that people can’t afford to put food on the table. What hurts my feelings is you not supporting my military, my police officers. What hurts my feelings is that you trying to indoctrinate my children because of the color of their skin.”

Walker, who is running a hardline pro-life campaign, hit his Democratic opponent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) on abortion at their debate last week, saying, “Instead of aborting those babies, why aren’t you baptizing those babies?”

Watch the full clip above.

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Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: alexanderg@mediaite.com. Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing