organize yourself skinny weight loss ecourse

Do any of these sound familiar?

Did you find yourself nodding yes to most of these? Trust me, I understand.

Can I share my weight loss story with you? Thanks.

Here's the thing...I'm not a die hard foodie, health nut, or exercise freak. I wish, cause losing weight would be so much easier, am I right?

Nope, I'm just an average working mom that saw a picture of herself one day on Facebook and said "holy shit, am I really that fat?!"

By the way, the picture seen here is said picture. Let's not even talk about my horrible fashion sense. But really, it's hard to ignore.

I was so embarrassed and disappointed. I couldn't believe I let myself get to this point.

That was my first "a-ha" moment. That picture (along with other's popping up on Facebook) was the first kick in the butt I needed to finally get serious about losing weight.

The 2nd "a-ha" moment came when I discovered My Fitness Pal. Holy crap!!

This was a complete game changer for me.

I had no clue how I could possible be 50lbs overweight. Well, My Fitness Pal solved that mystery.

I discovered I was consuming 3000+ calories a day, without even trying. This was a huge eye opener.

It was painfully obvious my entire lifestyle needed to change.

However, my life at that time was chaotic. Honestly, it was probably the busiest time of my life.

I was working a full-time, soul-sucking, job outside the home. By full-time I mean 40+ hours a week with many nights and weekends included. Not to my mention, my girls were little.

So, what I'm saying was stressful and I barely had time to shower. How can I possibly make time for cooking, exercise, and whatever else this "healthy lifestyle" was gonna throw my way?

But, here's the thing. After YEARS of failed weight loss attempts something finally clicked.

I knew if I wanted to succeed, this time around, I needed to do things very differently.

I needed to create an environment that supported my lifestyle.

preparing mason jar salads

That sounds great and all, but what did you do?

Like I said, I knew I needed to do things differently. No more flying by the seat of my pants for this mama.

I started with putting together simple meal plans so I knew what to eat for the next week.

But I needed more than that, because a meal plan is basically useless if you don't stick to it.

That's when I learned about make-ahead meals. Whoa baby! Another game changer.

I made time on the weekends to stock my freezer and refrigerator with healthy snacks and meals. Who knew taking a few hours on the weekend could completely change my life during the week?

This was the cornerstone to my weight loss.

Truthfully, as a busy working mom having meals and snacks ready to eat (or cook) was (and still is) the only way to sustain any attempt at eating healthy.

Within a few months, I started to create other habits and routines that kept my new healthy lifestyle a priority.

I guess you can say...

I organized myself skinny :)

It worked! Well, I worked!

This is me 10 years after that first picture! I've lost a total of 30lbs since then. Of course, I'm human so there are some weeks I struggle and some weeks I'm on my A game.

The difference now is I have habits and routines that keep me going, even when I get off track.

But can I just say this...

One of things I learned on my weight loss journey is it's so much more than losing weight.

Yes, when I started my weight loss journey, all I could think about was being a smaller size.

However, as I added routines and habits to my life I noticed so many other positive changes.

My overall stress was reduced, I had more time to do the things I love, and a confidence emerged that I didn't even know existed. Oh, and clearly my fashion improved too.

I became a much better version of myself and that's been pretty awesome!

Okay, one more thing. Remember, I made big lifestyle changes during the busiest time of my life.

So, if I can do this then you definitely can!

What would change?

Would your health improve? Would you feel happier? What about sexier? What outfit would you purchase first? Skinny jeans? Would you feel like a new person? Would you have more patience? Would you have more energy? How would it make you a better parent? Employee? Lover?

What other positive changes would happen?

Imagine ...

Walking into Target, and for the first time, purchasing a smaller size!

Coming home after a long exhausting day, and dinner is on the table within 15 minutes.

Not having to dig in your purse for spare vending machine change because you brought a healthy lunch to work.

Not feeling completely overwhelmed and stressed out EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

Having more focus and energy because you made it a priority to eat better and exercise.

Having more time during the week because you spent a little extra time on the weekend preparing.

Getting off the chaotic hamster wheel and feeling in control of your life.

Going to bed feeling accomplished.

If you started today and in 1 year from now everything was exactly the way you want it to be...

Here's a quick breakdown of

what's included in the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse:

Video-based Modules

The Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse includes 8 video-based modules (31 lessons). Each lesson comes with printable Pdfs of the lesson along with action step worksheets. The lessons are self-paced and between 10-45 minutes.

Make-ahead Meal Plans

Not sure what to eat? No problem. You'll get instant access to 6 weeks of make-ahead meal plans including full grocery lists.

Exercise Plans

Struggling to start, and stick with, an exercise routine. I feel you. That's why I put together a super simple 5-week exercise plan, that anyone can fit into their schedule..

Implementation Guides

If you need help turning information into action then you'll appreciate the Getting Started Checklist, Weekly Goal Tracker, and Monthly Habit/Challenge Calendar. I got you!


You'll get access to the Organize Yourself Skinny eBook, Oh, and you also get all of these eCookbooks --> Mason Jar Salads, Overnight Oats, Green Smoothies, and Easy Starter Make-ahead Recipes.

Private Community

Do you need some extra weight loss support? Again, I got you covered. Your enrollment includes access to the private Organize Yourself Skinny Facebook group that includes some of the most awesome people ready to help.

Here's a closer look into each of modules.

Module 1: Laying the Foundation

In this module, you'll learn about my personal experience with losing weight, how to focus on the journey and not the destination, AND I'll share the 5 things you can do this weekend to get started on your own personal weight loss journey.

Module 2: The Mental Side of Weight Loss

This has been voted the module that completely sets the OYS program apart from the rest! And for good reason. It's packed with game-changing information that'll help you finally wrap your brain around losing weight.

Module 3: Accountability Systems

In this module, you'll learn how set up weight loss systems that'll keep you honest with food so you can see results. I'll teach you how to keep an online food journal, complete a food overall, and other accountability tools to keep you on track.

Module 4: Learn to Eat Healthy

You don't need to eat kale 24/7 to eat healthy. Nope! In this module, I'll show you how to eat a clean healthy diet without feeling deprived. Yes, pizza is still on the menu!

Module 5: How to Meal Plan

A meal plan maps out what to eat from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. But, it doesn't need to be complicated. I'll show you how to put together super easy meal plans the whole family will eat. Whoa, imagine that!

Module 6: Meal Prep & Freezer Cooking

Meal prep & freezer cooking were complete game changers for me. In this module, I'll show you how to do both so you can experience the same joy of having healthy food ready to eat. Seriously, it's a beautiful thing.

Module 7: Building the Exercise Habit

"Wait, you want me to exercise too, I barely have time to do this meal prep thing" Listen, I get it. Good news, I'm not going suggest Iron Man training. Nope, in this module, I'm going to show you how to build an exercise habit that works for your lifestyle. Ahhh, doesn't that sound better?

Module 8: Beyond Food and Exercise

Last but not least, I'm going to cover habits beyond food and exercise that can make all the difference in losing weight and, more importantly, sustaining your hard-earned weight loss. I'll also go over what to do when you fall off track. Notice I said when and not if. This module shows you how to keep it moving in the real world.

Something else to consider...

I learned everything the hard way so you don't have to!

Everything I learned about developing healthy eating habits, establishing new routines, and creating a weigh loss supportive environment I did through trial and error. I didn't have a step-by-step system walking me through it.

Just me and lots of Googling.

Good news, I've taken everything I've learned since that first a-ha moment and developed the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse.

You don't need to waste hours searching endlessly trying to find the right system.

I've done all the work for you.

In the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse you'll get me mentoring and coaching you step-by-step through all the strategies I continue to use to organize my life, reduce stress, eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight.

Can I just say this?

Of course losing weight is awesome. Trust me, it feels amazing to try on a bathing suit without crying. Just saying...been there.

But it's not just about losing weight - it's so much more than that. It's about breaking bad habits that've kept you captive for so long. It's about building the confidence because you are accomplishing goals you never thought possible.

The Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse is about no longer waiting to be the best version of you.

I'm really excited for you. This could be the turning point you've been waiting for.

Is the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse a good fit for me?

If you're anything like me then you've probably tried every diet program under the sun. So, I understand if you're weary about sinking even a penny into another one.
I've been running this eCourse for a long time, and have worked with thousands of students so let me share who I think this would, and would not, be good for.
This way, you can decided for yourself.

The Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse is perfect for you if:

You've tried all of the fad diets and finally ready to make real sustainable lifestyle changes.
You're ready to prioritize learning, and putting into action, the strategies taught in the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse.
You're ready to work on solutions, instead of making excuses, when it comes to changing your lifestyle.
You're ready to be held accountable to your actions so you can finally experience results.
You want a structured program you can adapt to fit into your lifestyle.
You're ready to put in the time and have patience with the process.
You want a supportive weight loss program without paying a monthly fee.

The Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse probably won't work for you if:

You're looking for a quick fix.
You're looking for big changes with minimal work.
You want someone to do all the work for you.
You're not ready to let go of your excuses.
You're not ready to invest in yourself.
You're not ready to make it a priority right now.

Common Questions

Is the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse a one-time fee?

Yes. Currently you pay a one-time fee of $127 and that gives you instant life-time access to everything included in the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse. Yes, I know, that's an amazing price for everything.

How long do I have access to the eCourse?

Like I said, you get lifetime access. After enrolling, you have unlimited access for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. Oh and this includes unlimited access to all updates. Yup, you're welcome!

Can I go through the ecourse at my own pace?

Yes of course! The eCourse is 8 modules and 31 lessons all of which can be viewed and listened to on your own time. There is no start date or time-line for when you should finish. You can go through the lessons as many times as you like. Many students refer back to lessons when they need a refresher or a little kick of motivation.

How are the lessons laid out?

Each lesson is video-based. I created slides for each lesson and personally teach you all the material. Lessons range from 7 minutes to over 45 minutes but like I said they are self-paced so you can stop and start at your leisure. Also, each lesson has a printable PDF of all the slides so you can print it out and take notes as I teach. I worked to take into consideration everyone's learning style.

Can I watch this on my phone or iPad?

Anywhere you can access the internet you can log on and watch/listen to the eCourse. You can even watch/listen to the Organize Yourself Skinny on your smart phone! All you need to do is download the Teachable app and log in using the email and password you used to register for the Organize Yourself Skinny Ecourse.

How is the Organize Yourself Skinny ecourse different from other weight loss programs?

This is a great question. In full disclosure I never participated in a formal weight loss program so I can't compare it to anything else or really speak on another program. I did exactly what I teach in my eCourse. However, I can tell you that other students, who joined different weight loss programs, say the thing that sets my program apart from others is I confront the mental side of weight loss, focus on staying out of the hot zones, and look far beyond food and exercise when it comes to creating a weight loss supportive environment. Yes food and exercise matter, and I talk about both, but I focus more on habits. Without sustainable habits eating healthier and getting to the gym will never happen. Also, students say that my teaching style is what separates my program from others. I'm a real person who truly understands the struggle and students can relate to me.

I'm not on Facebook so how can I benefit from the private Facebook group?

The private Facebook group is definitely a helpful component to the eCourse. We have daily discussions, accountability posts, and live chats.. It's a great group that offers a lot of support. With that said, I still think you can benefit from the eCourse without the Facebook group. Many of the live Facebook chats are recorded and uploaded to the eCourse. This means you can access the chats without needing to be on Facebook. Also, I send out an email prior to the live chat asking for questions so there's the opportunity to still have questions answered live by me.

The eCourse has all the information you need to start and succeed on your weight loss journey. Like I said, the Facebook group is a helpful component but I still think the eCourse is beneficial without it.

I'm over 50 years old, would this program still work for me?

Absolutely! The Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse teaches habits and routines that can be used at any age. There are many students over 50 and 60 taking the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse.

Are the meal plans vegetarian? Would your course work for me if I don't eat meat?

The eCourse includes a 1-week jumpstart meal plan and a 5-week make-ahead meal plan - unfortunately, both are not vegetarian. However, I feel the meal plan is just a small part to the overall course. There's so much more knowledge and skills to gain from the eCourse that'll work for any eating style, including vegetarian. Like I said, it's an 8 module 31 lesson eCourse that covers all aspects of creating a weight loss supportive environment. We talk about shifting your mindset, accountability, eating guidelines, exercise habits, meal planning, meal prep, freezer cooking, and habits that go far beyond food and exercise. The meal planning and meal prep modules can certainly work for a vegetarian eating style.

How often do you update the course?

I'm updating and adding to the eCourse all the time! I want this ecourse to be the best resource possible as you go through your weight loss journey. As I add bonuses or other material I let the students know via email and the Facebook group. After you purchase the OYS course you have access to all of the content, and all updates, forever.

Do I have to purchase special shakes and foods?

No!! The Organize Yourself Skinny ecourse is not about gimmicks - not at all. The goal of the course is to teach you habits and routines to help you fit the healthy life into your busy life.

How active are you with the students? Do you disappear after I purchase the eCourse?

Heck no! This is actually my favorite part of the course - getting to know all of the students. I'm very active in the Facebook group. I do regular live chats and post daily discussions to the group. I check the group everyday to answer questions and join in the conversation. Also, I send out weekly emails so you'll hear from me that way too. Last, I'm always available via email so if you have a question or concern send me an email and I'll get back to you right away. Basically, what I'm trying to say is I'm right there with my students every step of the way. We have become a close knit group that have learned to lean on and push each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

If you have other questions please email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I can tell you the Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse is great till the cows come home, but here's what some current students have to say.

"I purchased Organize Yourself Skinny because I was interested to see how a regular person - just like me, was able to lose weight without gimmicks. It took quite a while to implement all of the habits and strategies I read about, but sure enough once I learned what to eat, coupled with how to meal plan and prep (thank you eCourse!) I dropped 50 pounds and became a meal plan addict!"

"Finding Organize Yourself Skinny was truly a blessing for me! By learning how to meal prep, teaching myself portion control and freezer cooking truly changed my life. Not only do I feel like I have more time with my family during the week, but we are all healthier because of it. Since I made meal prepping a habit, I have lost 60 pounds since my son was born and I'm still going!"

Yay!! You made it this far!

For you to make it to the end of this sales page tells me you're really thinking about getting your sh*t together and losing some weight. Most people give up already. Not you.

Listen, I know there's a lot to think about, and you're hesitant in investing in another "weight loss" program. I get it. I don't want you to spend your hard earn money unless you feel really good about it.

So, let me leave you with this.

I remember what it's like being were you're at right now. Actually, it was a little different because I didn't have a program or support - I was trying to figure it all out myself.

But I did it. Way back in 2010 I decided to finally change my life and after putting together habits and routines that I could live with, I lost weight.

I never thought weight loss was in the stars for me, but all I needed to do was take a step back and put strategies in place that would stick.

The Organize Yourself Skinny eCourse shares everything I know about building a healthy lifestyle and losing weight.

I coach you, step by step, through each strategy so you'll feel confident as you begin this life-changing journey.

You got this. I'm here to help.