Take back your time, keep more of what you make, and grow your business

Without hiring a big team, fussing with complicated tech stacks, or giving up what you love doing.


How to Hire & Train Your VA

“I have the business I have because of so many of the things I've learned from Sandra. She has so much to offer so many people!”

Tarzan Kalryzian

KPI Business Dashboard

The 627 Advisory Board

"I've been continually blown away by Sandra's incredible knowledge, insight, and business acumen as a whole."

Martha Ayim 


"Sandra gave me confidence in where I should place my priorities to put me back on a success path. Thank you for that!"


Grab the Bridge Building Blueprint

You have a goal. Great! Now you have to figure out the path to get there. This will help.

    Your answer to ‘How do I get there 👆 from here’?

    I’m willing to bet, you didn’t know much about running a business when you started.

    But every time you go after your goals you burn yourself out trying to get there, or fall woefully short of achieving them.

    You need help, but managing a big team or going all corporate? No thanks.

    You need systems, but if it involves decoding tech jargon? You're out.

    And numbers? You know they're important, but which ones actually matter? And do I really have to be the one to look at them all? Send help!

    Now, a few years in, you're killing it.
    Clients can't stop singing your praises and you're itching for more impact.
    And your inner critic pipes up, 'Still clueless about business, eh? 🤔

    Growing your business shouldn’t leave you drained, and dreading each day.

    I’m sick of seeing soul-centered service providers like you driven to the brink of burnout by hustle mongers who only want to keep you desperate for their “secret solutions”.

    I’m here to help you grow your business through simple strategies and proven foundational processes that will help you bank more profit, save more time, and achieve your goals more often without adding to your workload or forcing you into a role that doesn’t fit. Wanna know how I do it?

    To hell with that nonsense


    Catch me on YouTube

    "When I first started working with Sandra I was making less than $100k a year. 3 years later and I’m so close to hitting 7-figures and I’m having more fun in my business than ever before. "

    Chanti Zak

    "The day I came across Sandra was a key turning point for my business and my life. Since Sandra came on board, I’ve achieved, created, and earned more than ever before."

    Laura Belgray


    “Great one! Every business owner needs to read this!” – Laura Belgray

    “Thank you, Sandra. This is an inspiring story. Appreciate the share.” – Charmaine Grace

    “I love this non crappy email so much!!! It is perfect and made me smile!” – Kathleen

    “What an email! Wow, nice job. I have to go look up that video.” – Tarzan Kay

    I’m willing to bet, you didn’t know much about running a business when you started.

    Send me those emails, Sandra!

      Which sounds more like you?

      Get emails you're actually eager to open (full of fun stories and actionable advice).

      You'll also get a head start at reducing overwhelm with my list of 50 things you can outsource to a VA right now!