LOVE ON A WHIM – Suzanne Woods Fisher

In “Love on a Whim” by Suzanne Woods Fisher, faith, forgiveness and second chances unite in a perfectly delightful blend to produce a profound literary treasure that will enrich your intellect and inspire your heart deeply. This Cape Cod creamery story is exactly like the exquisitely iced cake on its lovely cover, each chapter an expertly lined layer of delicate sweetness. In a turbulent story that defies all logic, life serves up unpredictable flavors in all imaginable colors. This is a unique tale of self-discovery and redemption, with past mistakes offering comfort and solace in forgiveness. Through self-revealing talks and quiet, contemplative reflection, Suzanne Woods Fisher delicately weaves the eternal themes of faith, hope and love into the story, nourishing readers with the awesome, life-transforming power of healing. This delightful novel is written with tender, heartmoving warmth and authentic genuineness, inspiring readers to savor each moment with pure joy. Like a perfectly baked, delectable pastry confection, “Love on a Whim” offers a satisfying blend of loving humor and heartfelt moments, rendering readers with a truly unforgettable reading experience. With its uniquely lovable and highly relatable characters, this book will delight readers of all ages. Its irresistible allure beckons readers invitingly. This enchanting novel is a captivating experience of pure God-given love, beautiful second chances and soul-inspiring Christian faith in a redemptive world of love, joy and peace. As Brynnn faces a most difficult choice that tests the ultimate depths, borders and limits of her strength, she discovers the transformative power of love and healing. Suzanne Woods Fisher delights readers with this heartwarming story of familial love, restorative friendship and impulsive decisions on an altered scale. You will definitely want your own copy. Get it fast!



“The Song of Sourwood Mountain” by Ann H. Gabhart, beckons us invitingly, with a lilting melody, to a captivating tale, inextricably linking faith, love, and the majestic beauty of the mountains in an awesome tapestry. This heartwarming story grips us poignantly, its soul-inspiring melody echoing through the hidden recesses of our hearts. Ann H. Gabhart has an incredible gift for crafting characters whose lives are intricately woven into the very fabric of the novel. Mira Dean is faced with an unexpected proposal. Gordon Brown is a man solely led by faith, trusting in God’s well-ordained plans for His beloved children. This unique story unfolds with genuine tenderness. The large-as-life characters capture our hearts with their fiery courage and brave resilience in the face of adversity, adding an eternal depth and exquisite warmth to the story. Throughout the novel pulsates rhythmically the heart-throbbing theme of trusting in God and His awesome plans for our lives. Each person’s life, filled with intermittent interludes of joys and sorrows, unfolds in perfect harmony, creating a glorious symphony of faith, hope and love. The Song of Sourwood Mountain plaintively lingers in our hearts, giving us a deeper appreciation for the heart-moving symphonies of life’s precious joys and heart-numbing sorrows. This is a soul-stirring journey through the passionate heart of a novel that beckons readers invitingly. Get your own copy quickly!



“Come Again, Pelican” by Don Freeman is a beautifully illustrated classic picture book, set on the high, rolling sand dunes on a windswept beach. It is the charming story of a Pelican and a dear little boy named Ty. The colorful, eye-catching pages create the gusty ambience of a windswept beach, with sandpipers digging for sand crabs. It brings you close to the heart of nature, set deep within the heart of a book. It is full of space, with the display of light on sky and sea delightfully captured in fascinating color.

This classic picture book celebrates a child’s deep bond with the natural world. The white sand dunes by the ocean, and the shining colors of sky and sea tell the delightful story of the ocean’s tidal waves and their impact on one excited little fisherboy in the delightful company of nature’s best fisher pelican. The story is told with simplicity, humor, and originality. The inspiring illustrations and original artwork blend into the text to make every little child’s dream come true. Get your own copy quickly!



“The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple” by Joanna Davidson Politano, features the silent-film actress, a smart, witty woman with a shadowy past. In the world of Edwardian England in 1903, a whimsical, multi-layered tale lies delicately sandwiched somewhere between the true world of reality and the imaginary world of make-believe. This exquisitely crafted work of Christian literary fiction explores the extraordinary relationship between the human nature and the eternal spirit as the reader patiently navigates through all the mysterious highways and byways of life, trying to discover its true meaning. As in all her inspiring books, Joanna captures the colorful, exquisite details in ordinary lives and highlights them in her own unique, inimitable style. Her inspired writing catches the reader’s attention from start to finish. It compels us to want to read every single book of hers. You will want to get your own copy. Happy reading!

Miriam Jacob



“Sandcastle Inn” by Irene Hannon is an inspiring story of restorative love with highly relatable, large-as-life characters, simply because they are flawed people like everyone else. The main characters, Vienna and Matt have their own unique problems. Can a joint project to revive Sandcastle Inn help to solve them? God works through all things in His own unique way as Matt and Vienna work jointly together to restore the struggling Inn. The Lord graciously allows their souls to be restored as they draw closer to Him, paving the way for them to root their relationship in Christ, with a firm and stable footing. I highly recommend this beautiful book!

Miriam Jacob



Cooking nourishes the soul in a most inspiring way. As I stand in the kitchen, ready to cook the most delicious meals, I feel a great sense of release within me, an exhilaration and exuberance that can only be felt, not explained. A divine peace and serene calmness wells up from the deepest recesses of my heart, a knowing that is my very own, stamped with God’s imprint. There is a personal touch here, a practical application that has to be tasted to be believed. The good things in life come naturally in God’s time, those divine moments in which time stands still, where the divine things of God touch humanity, a soul connection, a moment of nourishment, and warmth that is out of this world. Cooking feeds the body, mind, and soul. It boosts creativity and brings joy.

I am not flustered in the kitchen. I am never in a flurry or a hurry. I cook quietly in confident faith, knowing that my Father will meet all my culinary needs. I am confident in Him. Martha was “cumbered about much serving” (Luke 10:38-42) but Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Trust His sufficiency. “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). I pray to the Lord of Pots and Pans for efficiency and peace of heart and mind as I prepare to cook a meal and wash up the plates. I have Mary’s mind to worship God and Martha’s hands to serve with devotion.

Lord, fill the kitchen with Your love, and calm me with Your peace. Accept my humble service, that I do for love of family, for Your honour and glory. Amen.

– Miriam Jacob

First published in LIFE REVISION Ezine (March – April 2024)



Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store.
She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries.

She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food.

John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store at once.

Visualizing the family needs, she said: ‘Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can.’

John told her he could not give her credit, since she did not have a charge account at his store.
Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocer that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family. The grocer said in a very reluctant voice, ‘Do you have a grocery list?’

Louise replied, ‘Yes sir.’ ‘O.K’ he said, ‘put your grocery list on the scales and whatever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries.’

Louise hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed.

The eyes of the grocer and the customer showed amazement when the scales went down and stayed down..

The grocer, staring at the scales, turned slowly to the customer and said begrudgingly, ‘I can’t believe it.’

The customer smiled and the grocer started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales. The scale did not balance so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more.

The grocer stood there in utter disgust. Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and looked at it with greater amazement.

It was not a grocery list, it was a prayer, which said:

‘Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this in your hands.’

The grocer gave her the groceries that he had gathered and stood in stunned silence.

Louise thanked him and left the store. The other customer handed a hundred-dollar bill to the grocer and said; ‘It was worth every penny of it. Only God knows how much a prayer weighs.’

Source: Internet



BEYOND IVY WALLS – Rachel Fordham

In “Beyond Ivy Walls” by Rachel Fordham, sacrificial love is honored to the utmost, to the point where it hurts the most, when life leaves you with excruciatingly painful experiences that leave permanent scars upon your heart. This poignant, deeply moving book is about healing, acceptance and forgiveness. Rachel Fordham dives deep into the human experience to write heartmoving stories with warmth and grace, involving memorable, unforgettable characters, who become an integral part of our hearts and lives, appealing to our intellects and emotions in a way that causes us to think about everything that is praiseworthy, honorable and good. “Beyond Ivy Walls” has a compelling, captivating title that captured my attention instantly, making me want to know urgently what went on behind the scenes. When I received a complimentary review copy from the publishers, I excitedly hung onto every single word and I could not put it down. Readers, you won’t be disappointed. Get your own copy right away and step into a fascinating world that will keep you there forever!

Miriam Jacob


A HOPE FULFILLED – April W. Gardiner

“A Hope Fulfilled” by April W. Gardner is a Biblical historical fiction novel in which the book of Obadiah spring vividly to life. Tikvah boldly and bravely places her hope in God’s deliverance, according to Obadiah’s prophecy and fervently longs for the invigorating fresh air of freedom and the right to return to her own home. Action-packed drama is skillfully interwoven into this historic storyline. Here is a profound picture of the evil and difficult times that people had to endure. Tikvah represents the hope, endurance and faith in God’s promises even in the midst of the most terrible times, distressing situations and unpredictable circumstances.


THE ARK AND THE DOVE – Jill Eileen Smith

“The Ark and the Dove” by Jill Eileen Smith is the stirring story of Noah’s wife and a stunning way to experience the Great Flood as one never has before. Zara and Noah walk with the Creator all their lives in a wicked and defiant world, deeply committed to raising their three sons to follow in their footsteps. When the Creator tells Noah to build an ark to escape God’s wrath against the evil sins of all the people on earth, Zara steps out boldly and bravely in faith, an extremely significant course of action since everyone else, with the exception of her husband, her sons, and their wives are destined to be doomed to destruction. When the animals are finally shut up inside the ark, two by two,  Zara, Noah and their family embark on a mind-boggling adventure that tests their patience and their faith to the utmost, as they bravely await God’s deliverance and the appearance of dry land. In Jill Eileen Smith’s  fiction, women from the margins of biblical history are dramatically brought to life as our imagination swings into full gear. In this stunning book, we view the Great Flood through the eyes of Zara, Noah’s wife. Come and experience this unimaginable adventure as the action unravels in all its thrilling excitement. This is a reading experience like no other, to illuminate our vision of the Great Flood that wipes out the evil world, the Ark that protects Noah’s family and the Dove that is the harbinger of deliverance.

Miriam Jacob


KITCHEN DIARY – Miriam Jacob

Photo courtesy: UnSplash, Jason Briscoe

Cooking honours the Creator. It is a holy act to glorify God. It has a nutritional and a theological purpose, to feed the body and enrich the soul. God’s glory is displayed in the kitchen, as healthy food is graciously prepared for His glory. The cook has a holy job, to create healthy food to nourish our bodies, with ingredients provided by God, who sustains us with the living Word of his power to replenish our souls. The kitchen is the health hub of the house, the core of the home, the most important office on earth. Our very survival and existence depends on it.

I am in the kitchen, to do the cooking for the day. I cook in the kitchen for the love of God and family. As I cook, I sense the presence of God in a soothing peace that calms me. Creativity is in the kitchen. The God of heaven and earth is the God of the pots and pans, too. I cook with the ingredients He gives me. God guides me as I pray for the grace to prepare tasty, nourishing food. The crackling sounds of the pots and pans make me feel as if they are clapping for God. The appetizing aroma of the kitchen is like incense in God’s kingdom. The family for whom the food is deliciously prepared, are praising and clapping for God’s glory. All family members join together for the heavenly manna which God provides every day.

The familiar culinary sights and sounds in the kitchen inspire me as the fish cooks with its rich flavour. And when the vegetable pieces boil and blend together, delicious stew emerges with its healthy taste and fragrant aroma. The love of God stokes like a roaring fire within me as I cook at the stove and experience God’s presence powerfully in the kitchen. When I cook and write about my culinary experiences with prayer, the cooking becomes a great expedition. I worship God in the kitchen as I cook and serve my family wholeheartedly. The Lord shows me how to use the kitchen as a creative place. God takes me in hand and leads me, step by step, through the cooking.

Cooking is an act of worship to the Lord, a profound way to serve Him in creative action. There are no struggles for me in the kitchen. Only God’s loving help and guidance is here. Life is easiest in the kitchen for me. This is where I do worshipful work, cooking food for the family and praying to the God who loves me. The kitchen is my office, my lab, my work place, my prayer room. I serve God through cooking for His glory and honour. Cooking is an act of worship to the Creator, who created all the ingredients used in cooking.

I exercise my faith in the kitchen, among the pots and pans, in the midst of cooking fish and chopping vegetables. God gives me strength to do the daily chores, making the seemingly mundane tasks come alive. I see God in all things, big and small. Jesus is what my heart needs, right here in the kitchen. He guides my hand as I cook for His glory.

© Miriam Jacob

Life Revision Ezine, January-February 2024


THE SONG OF SONGS Word For Word Bible Comic

Word for Word Bible Comics presents The Song of Songs: Word for Word Bible Comic, a delightful 64-page graphic novel that features every word of the Old Testament Scripture word-for-word. It is a unique book with eye-catching images that are accurate to the historical, ethnic and cultural setting to make it a true representation of the original Bible story. A historically accurate and unabridged graphic novel of the Bible with a high view of Holy Scripture, it even exudes an authentic ambience of love that moves the heart deeply, to captivate the vivid imagination of the modern reader of today’s fast-moving world.


CALLED TO COMMUNITY – The Life Jesus Wants for His People

“Called To Community : The Life Jesus Wants For His People,” edited by Charles Moore, is the perfect answer to all the loneliness in the world, in an age of hi-tech internet connectivity, when individual lives are sadly even more isolated and fragmented than ever before. The answer lies in the hearts of God’s people who respond wholeheartedly to Christ’s call to share their lives more fully with others, discovering the rich, meaningful life that Jesus gives everyone, restoring the Church to its original calling: to be a united Christian community. The selections in this book are by pioneers in community life, who have nurtured a Christian community through a sustained period of time. I highly recommend this deeply inspiring book to all people who aspire to live meaningful lives, reaching out to others with the life-transforming love of Christ.



“The Divine Proverb of Streusel” by Sara Brunsvold is an utterly satisfying novel with an unusual thought-provoking title, delightfully multilayered with heartache, heartbreak and healing, forgiveness and love of family, interspersed with brilliant nuggets of wisdom. When Nikki Werner tries to retrieve her shattered present at her uncle’s farm, the past confronts her in a strange way, through an old notebook found among her grandmother’s possessions, filled with handwritten German recipes and wise sayings from the book of Proverbs. By connecting to her heritage, Nikki learns how her ancestral women endured – through their proficient culinary prowess, exceptional cooking skills and a healthy dose of faith thrown in for good measure. This is a beautiful faith-filled novel, a tale so honest that simple times and simple truth stand out in glaring light. With its intricate details and memorable, highly relatable characters, it is a veritable feast to rediscover one’s illustrious heritage and reconcile the most fragmented relationships. Sara Brunsvold pens a tale so lavishly flavored with the enlightening wisdom of past generations and life’s valuable lessons learnt in the crucible of suffering.


HER SECRET HOPE – Shelley Shepard Gray

“Her Secret Hope” by Shelley Shepard Gray is the inspiring and exhilarating story of how Lilly Kurtz left home to find herself but found true love instead. She wants to make a fresh start, without a past and no secrets lurking in the shadows but the past reluctantly refuses to lie dormant. Will Lilly be forced to give up on love to find peace or is love the solution to all of her myriad problems? Lilly frantically escapes her Ohio roots, desperately seeking and trying to find the elusive happiness her heart poignantly yearns for. Adopted at the tender age of two, she carries a chip on her shoulder. Now aged twenty-four, in the Amish community of Pinecraft, Lilly works as a maid at the Marigold Inn, where she meets Eddie Byler, who was jilted in love and smarting from the devastating hurt. As Lilly and Eddie spend more quality time together, they start to care for each other and Eddie slowly begins to heal. However, his penetrating questions about her family puts the budding relationship at risk. Gray’s revealing portrait of a young woman seeking her own unique place in the world, and Lilly’s profound insights into self-worth and faith prove most affecting and worthy of deep contemplation. Here is a book that avid readers would like to invest their time and energy in, with no regrets. Happy reading!


THE SEED OF FAITH – Dan Petronelli

“The Seed of Faith” by Dan Petronelli is well on its way to becoming an enduring and timeless Christmas classic for our times. This is a timeless tale of the inherent joys and blessings of faith and of having courage in the most challenging times. To plant the seed of faith in the mind of an innocent child is the greatest gardening we can ever do. There is no greater joy than to watch this tiny seed grow into a tall and stalwart tree, strong and sturdy, putting out branches to provide leafy shade for children and adults to shelter underneath. The seed of faith in the mind of a child is the most powerful gift we can ever give to the next generation. A child’s faith is beautiful to witness, delightfully fresh from God. By sharing this inspiring story with the world, Dan Petronelli is investing richly in planting the seed of faith in the hearts of little sons and daughters everywhere. Once children read this book, they will never be the same again. Their little minds will be enlightened like never before. They will want to read this awesome story over and over again. They will be captivated and spellbound with the beauty of such an inspiring book, filled with good morals and righteous deeds to enhance and enrich our day-to-day lives. Thank you, Dan, for giving this heartwarming story to the world. Through it, everyone will sense the serenity of your faith and give glory to your heavenly Father.

Miriam Jacob



“Christmas Contrasts” by S T Kimbrough challenges us to see through the differences, to think through our faith and help us to understand Christmas more meaningfully through the contrasts that evoke vivid images in our minds, comforting and pleasant, troubling and disturbing. Contrasts are an undeniable part of life that cannot be ignored. How do we deal with the stark reality of contrasts that do not bring peace and goodwill to earth, of which the angels sing through the birth of the Christ Child? A poignant, self-revealing look at the contrasts of Christmas help us to understand its inner meaning and how it can inspire us to make a significant difference in the world around us today, as we chase an elusive peace that never seems to appear, as evil rears its ugly face time and again. Yet, we must not lose hope that we will ever see the beautiful world that God intended, filled with peace. One day, all our hopes and dreams for peace will be realized, as we persevere in hope-filled faith. Let us continue to sing the angels’ chorus for peace and goodwill on earth. The poems in “Christmas Contrasts” explore different, challenging, thought-provoking ways to understand Christmas. I pray that this Christmas will bring you a renewed hope, joy and trust in Jesus Christ, as faith is born anew in your heart, like the Christ Child was born into the world to save us from our sins and give us eternal life.



Galatians 1:15-17 NKJV

“But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus.

There are times in our Christian walk that we may be required to retreat by ourselves for a period of time, even from our beloved brethren in Christ. This may occur when confusion arises, or if perhaps bitterness and anger threaten. Maybe you will feel the gentle nudge of Holy Spirit asking you to simply turn aside so that the still, small voice of Yahweh may be heard personally. Paul had a profound encounter with the Living Christ on the Damascus Road. He came to know Jesus in such a living and personal way that he had no need to ascertain this experience with any other living soul. Paul knew Jesus in that moment, totally, personally, intimately and assuredly. Therefore He chose to retreat for three years to learn from Christ alone before he returned to meet the Apostles. This is a blessed assurance, when we can know Christ to that depth of intimacy, and receive teaching directly from heaven without needing to confer with others. An intense intimacy with Jesus always produces unshakeable results of knowing Him and the plans He chooses to reveal. This requirement of deep connection with the Lord ensures that we can avoid any potential error by following His leading and direction for our lives. And although we are not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together (and indeed the Lord desires for unity in the Body of Believers), we must also discern the times that He may require us to retreat for a season. The reasons for such a need may vary person to person. It may be that the waters of the current Christian stream we are in seem muddied to us, and the way has become less clear, or it may be that we have become too reliant on others in our own personal walk. Whatever the reason, the Lord will likely call us to occasional separation wholly unto our King. There, we will renew our intimacy and love for Him, and He in turn will love us wholly and open our spiritual senses and understanding more fully. We are called to be mature sons and daughters in this day, that we may lead a lost world to Christ, and separation to the Lord is part of the requirement.



About the Book

Rocky Mountain Promise

Author: Misty M. Beller

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: November 21, 2023


“Rocky Mountain Promise” by Misty M. Beller is a compelling book, with its exquisitely beautiful cover, extremely unique characters, highly original storyline and a deeply realistic plot. It is set in the most rugged terrain, often too stunningly beautiful to visualize, in the hidden recesses of one’s mind. Intricately woven with the truth of God’s love, here is deeply inspiring Christian fiction infused with the splendid grandeur of the mountains, top notch historical fiction that displays God’s divine love for His people through the extraordinary twists and turns in the turbulent lives of the larger than life characters. I highly recommend this second book in the “Sisters of the Rockies” series. It is delightfully interesting to read, waxing warm on the emotions of our hearts, and will tenderly linger in our minds long after we put the book down. For the fans of Misty M. Beller’s extremely warmhearted books, here is yet one more to add to your own private collection, to be read at your leisure, and treasured forever.


Misty M. Beller

USA Today bestselling author Misty M. Beller delivers an exhilarating addition to the Sisters of the Rockies series fraught with peril, adventure, and romance amid the majesty of the Rocky Mountains.



“The Warsaw Sisters – a novel of World War II Poland” by Amanda Barratt is an unforgettable story of twin sisters who choose unflinchingly to resist under German occupation, fervently relying on the innate courage that beckons ordinary citizens to resist in the face of dire odds. This is a well etched portrait of immense courage, selfless sacrifice and staunch resilience. Through the revealing eyes of Antonina and Helena, we see, understand and feel. Elegantly compiled prose, intensive research, and intriguing characters make this a suspenseful journey through turbulent perils. “The Warsaw Sisters” emphasizes the immeasurable cost of freedom, intertwined with the inspiring themes of hope and family ties that can never be destroyed.


THE LETTER TREE – Rachel Fordham

“The Letter Tree” by Rachel Fordham is a charming tale of how hidden letters can change the world for two lost souls and their entire communities. Seven years ago, a letter hidden inside a tree helped Laura Bradshaw to endure the tragic loss of her mother and gave her something to look forward to in her sad and lonely life, living with her overbearing father, with no joy in sight. When Isaac Campbell, the original letter-writer learns that Laura whose name he doesn’t know, is going to be pledged to another, he begs her to meet him and reveal her true self. That’s when he realizes that she is the only daughter of his family’s sworn enemy. Can the grown-up children of feuding parents bridge the bottomless chasm between them? Or is the bitter, strife-torn divide far too deep and ever too wide to be crossed? Read on to find out what happens in this awesome book penned in true Rachel Fordham style. You won’t want to miss a single one of Rachel’s books, which are well worth reading, in an enchanting, captivating world of their own, that you will want to linger in, long after you put the book down.

Miriam Jacob



“Kingdom Driven Leader” by Joshua Jarvis is a magnificent treatise on Kingdom Driven Leadership. It takes prospective Leaders from successful endeavors to a significant mission. Every single word in the book is food for thought in a train of thought. Kingdom Driven Leaders are carefully trained to succeed in their significant mission. There are specific principles to be adhered to, based on the lives of the Kings in the Old Testament of the Bible. There are specific instructions to comply with, pay heed to, obey instantly in absolute surrender, observe patiently, stand by in total submission, and follow unquestioningly the rules laid down for Kingdom Driven Leaders. Joshua Jarvis has done a truly commendable job with this book. I highly recommend it.



“Against The Wind” by Amanda Cabot is a fresh, new and appealing read for all lovers of Amanda Cabot’s inspiring books. Readers are instantly drawn to Amanda’s arresting style, plot and storyline. Every word is aptly set in its place, her characters are larger than life, depicting reality to perfection. The book captures our rapt attention from start to finish. It holds the reader spellbound as the story unfolds thrillingly, page by page. I highly recommend it as it is guaranteed to inspire readers to the hilt.

Miriam Jacob


SOULFUL – You In The Future of Artificial Intelligence – David Espindola

“Soulful” by David Espindola explores the extraordinary connection between humans and Artificial Intelligence, when our intuitive, ‘high-touch’ capabilities dramatically collaborate with analytical ‘high-tech’ machines to bring futuristic technology within our ‘feather-touch’ reach. Exponential technology makes Artificial Intelligence (AI) easily accessible to people. Combining human intuition with the computational skill of machines opens up an unseen level of unimaginable productivity. Popularized by ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence hits an inflection point with staggering implications as machines relentlessly encroach on the exclusively human tasks. Those who collaborate with Artificial Intelligence will be highly rewarded.

David Espindola, a trail-blazing technologist reveals the immense magnitude of the imminent changes Artificial Intelligence brings in its wake as it encroaches on every aspect of our daily lives; to give people the skills and insights to deal with these changes, as we live in a world shared with high-tech, super-intelligent machines. In a potential scenario, machines soullessly work to provide for our essential needs while humans devote themselves to more purposeful pursuits to fulfill the needs of our souls.

Soulful” is perfectly timed to meet the present transformative moment, through the comprehensive, all-encompassing analysis of David Espindola, to skillfully connect the dots between technology and the human experience, providing a timely look at a time-proven knowledge driving invention of unprecedented speed and immensely unpredictable impact.

Soulful examines fearful threats and unimaginable opportunities from the rapid advancement of AI, initiating deep, thought-provoking reflections to open up new possibilities, providing dramatic new insights from multiple domains, including technology and theology. It concludes with a discussion about the soul – the uniquely human trait that is impossible to impart to machines.

In an intensive study of “Soulful,” I would like to explore the connection between God and the human soul, and how artificial intelligence can be used to enhance human intelligence, in the pursuit of God to satisfy the soul’s deepest thirst for ultimate spiritual fulfillment.


A ROYAL CHRISTMAS – Melody Carlson

“A Royal Christmas” was something that Adelaide never imagined, not even in her faintest dreams. It was absolutely unbelievable, too far-fetched to believe, by any standards or by any stretch of the imagination. I like the character development in this novel. Adelaide’s character is very well developed and matches the fast pace of the book. All readers of Melody Carlson’s books will enjoy this fantastic addition to her stunning portfolio of truly exceptional books, guaranteed to captivate the reader’s vivid imagination from start to finish. I highly recommend “A Royal Christmas to capture your instant attention and draw you into a high-profile world in which everyone is dazzled by the extraordinary trappings of royalty.

Miriam Jacob



“The Booming Baritone Bell of England” by E. G. Romine richly captures the passionate spirit and enthusiastic zeal of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, whose vibrant open-air preaching revealed his true passion for truth and his inherent love of people. Spurgeon’s open-air preaching in his pastoral training had a deeply formative role in Spurgeon’s evangelistic preaching, emboldening him with a holy boldness like never before. This strikingly bold initiative in such passionate preaching empowered the spread and growth of the Gospel, reflecting on a time when people went all out for the Gospel, to find the one lost sheep.

The life and ministry of Charles Spurgeon is a mine filled with glorious gems that equip the Church with a wealth of instructive inspiration. This book challenges every believer to live more prayerfully, zealous for the winning of souls. All Christians will glean precious gems from Spurgeon’s practical, down-to-earth, open-air preaching and from his preaching of Christ crucified to save lost souls. Vast crowds heard Spurgeon’s sermons in open air meetings, which greatly impacted his ministry to spark a zeal for the lost and to see souls saved.

May this exceptional work on open-air preaching, this magnificent labor of love for the Prince of Peace, by the prince of preachers, cause the Booming Baritone Bell to resound reverberatingly in the invigorating atmosphere of our contemporary landscapes. This inspiring book can be read by everyone, historians, scholars and all who have a heart for evangelistic preaching. It will undoubtedly bless the hearts of all who read it.


RESISTING THE BONHOEFFER BRAND: A Life Reconsidered – Charles Marsh

In “Resisting the Bonhoeffer Brand – A Life Reconsidered,” Charles Marsh explores the relationship between theology and biography, fervently affirming that Bonhoeffer scholarship needs the revitalizing energies and spirited debates of the life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, revisited in its entirety and wholly uncensored in any form. In this book are soul-stirring reflections on the radical meaning of history and biography from one of the most brilliant, extremely fearless and outspoken theological minds of our times. Charles Marsh, with his historian’s eye and novelist’s pen, crafts a mind-revealing vision of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the man who bravely and boldly stood up for his convictions, fearing none. Charles Marsh eloquently reinterprets Bonhoeffer’s extraordinary life, vividly depicting the latent passions that often simmer undetected but everpresent beneath a scholar’s painstakingly laborious tasks.


TEARS OF GOLD – Hannah Rose Thomas

“Portraits of Yazidi, Rohingya, and Nigerian Women” by Hannah Rose Thomas is a profound tribute to highlight the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities around the world, whose sufferings remain largely unseen, unknown and unheard of. Hannah showcases their horrifying stories in her poignant artwork for the whole world to see. Her paintings serve to alleviate the soul-scarring trauma of the most vulnerable, marginalised people worldwide by lifting them above their sufferings. In her paintings, Hannah vividly captures the stoic courage, true nobility, serene dignity, remarkable resilience and extraordinary compassion of these women who have suffered so heartbreakingly.

A remarkable painter of exceptional artistic skills, Hannah is a true storyteller extraordinaire. “Tears of Gold” simultaneously testifies to the excruciating sufferings of fellow beings while restoring the sufferer’s humanity and self-esteem. A pervading sense of peace, a quiet, serene strength is seen in Hannah’s portraits. Her golden halos reflects the individual acts of resurrection. The portraits of the survivors represent a new beginning again on an altered scale.

The self-portraits enables victims of atrocities to process traumatic memories to heal and reclaim their own voices and inherent dignity. Hannah taught the women how to paint their self-portraits to share their stories with the world. Some women painted themselves with tears of gold, inspiring the title of this one-of-a-kind, life-transforming book, for here are the self-effacing faces and extremely traumatic stories of extraordinary women of great self-worth, who take the world by storm because of their sacrifices.

Miriam Jacob



What is Childlike Faith?

by Iris O

In this hour, I am challenging myself to return to the simplicity of childlike faith. This seems in juxtaposition to the definition of spiritual maturity. But we forget Whose children we are, and consequently the appropriateness of our simple dependency and faith. We can never outgrow or mature above our Father Yahweh. It is His delight to bring us into responsible sonship, even coming alongside shoulder to shoulder for His works and glory; yet remaining childlike is key. Being childlike can be distilled into the simplest definition, and that is the belief that our Father is pure Love. Jesus is Love incarnate. He is our example.

When Jesus began His ministry at about thirty years of age, we know He was in a position of maturity. Yet He said He could only do what He saw the Father doing. John 5:19 “Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what he sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” NKJV

This is mature, childlike faith. He was the Son of God, in His full maturity, equal to the Father, yet He did nothing of Himself. He fully emulated and trusted His Father. We must never lose this dependence upon our Father, through His Son. For truly childlike faith is found in being the branch grafted into the Vine, John 15:5.

So the independence and strength of this world are not the same as the strength of the Kingdom of God. We are forever dependent, but therefore we also carry the essence of the strength of the Father. This, I would postulate, is what mature, childlike faith is.

I also think there is great value in the beauty of the raw, emotional simplicity of personally communing with Yahweh in all our distresses and joys. In this place of intimacy with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, we can be free to express the vulnerability of our humanity. In this place, we may use our honest words, and our tears, freely. In this place we can cry out for comfort and help. In these precious private moments, the Lord cradles us and enfolds us in His care and in His assured love. He has no agenda other than for us to fully know His love and care. But the beautiful result of these encounters is also expressed by our growth. They answer our cries for finding a path to greater fullness as sons, “ O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God-through Jesus Christ our Lord! “ Romans 7:24-25. NKJV

Lastly but most importantly, in order to be childlike with the Father we must know Him. He sent His son as His express image so that we may do just that. “ Who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. “ Hebrews 1:3 NKJV

I recommend meditating on the beautiful scripture of Isaiah 9:6, which describes our King and Saviour, Jesus. There you will find breathtaking truths;

“ For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given,

And the government will be upon His shoulder.

And His name will be called

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. “ NKJV



Based on “JUNGLE WARFARE” by Christopher Cunningham

I dedicate myself to being prepared, no matter what comes my way. And then, to serve how and where I am assigned. I look for ways to toughen my resolve. Stay fit. Know the enemy of your soul. Serve your leader, Jesus Christ, your Commander-in-Chief. Review your battle plan for the day. Fight through the tough times and come out victorious on the victory stand.

I am a Christian warrior. I serve in God’s Army. I have a mission with a vision. I will not quit under any circumstances. I will never accept defeat. I am disciplined, proficient in warrior drills and skills. Prayer is the war. God’s Word is the weapon. In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His Blood. Amen.



“WORD AND SACRAMENT: Ancient Traditions For Modern Church Planting” by Dan Alger reveals how the rich traditions of liturgical worship provide a robust framework to plant missionally effective churches. Church leaders are stewards of the old faithful Church. Rediscovering the foundations of our heritage builds more faithful, effective churches. Simultaneously, planting new churches breathes new life into these ancient traditions in a variety of cultural contexts. This book contextualizes the way of discipleship for a global church to help those in ministry to discern their role in church planting.

Word and Sacrament is a timeless book that intertwines wisdom from ancient traditions with modern church planting, giving a fresh vision to church planting, ever ancient, ever new. It honors the rich tradition of the past to pursue a hope-filled future—a relevant message for today’s Church. This timely book asserts the importance of missiology in our context to give a renewed vision for sacramental, liturgical, and biblical mission. It meets a critical need at a critical juncture in church planting. Along with the importance of God’s Word, Alger develops the Scriptural roles of sacrament and the church in ‘sacramental church planting.’ This awesome work on ecclesiology and missiology is for all church planters. While asserting the true essence of the church and her mission, Word and Sacrament enlivens our vision to plant churches in the fertile soil of the historic church. In an extremely well-chronicled and resourceful work for church leaders, this book clearly outlines the two aspects of discipleship – Word and Sacrament – to provide a competent framework for modern church planting and draw you into a deeper love for Jesus Christ.



by Iris O.

Our lives are lived in a cycle of ebb and flow. Sometimes we think our ‘good’ seasons are spiritual and our ‘difficult’ seasons are weakness. That is untrue. Everything we walk through in this life is useful to develop our character and ultimately outwork our salvation. So when you are prone to chastise yourself for experiencing a difficulty, please stop for a moment to allow yourself grace. It’s the least you can do, because your Heavenly Father extends this grace to you, grace that came at a very high cost, the very life and blood of Jesus. It was a purchase paid for by Love. The prize is the Father’s, and that prize is you. Jesus redeemed you entirely, spirit, soul and body.

The Lord is there with you, in the everyday living, that we, as believers, often choose to dismiss somehow, as tainted and fleshly. But flesh is not to be ignored. It has been crucified with Christ, that’s true. However, we are created as triune beings, and as such Jesus has paid the price, fully, to redeem us fully. It’s our turn now to walk into fullness, with every task we do, every sorrow, pleasure or temptation we experience, and each failure or victory we encounter. It is all for Him and offered to Him whether in pain of suffering and failure, or in celebration of victory. It is ours to give as a fragrant offering to the Father. Offering the fullness of our lives in our everyday living, is a reasonable sacrifice.

Jesus thought our earthly life was so important that he came in the flesh. He didn’t come to bring death but life. He came here, to this earthly realm, to bring heaven to earth. In His plan, heaven and earth are to be one. He embraced walking the dusty roads, eating and drinking, toiling, sorrowing and rejoicing, all within community life. The common life. Jesus blessed it because He loved it, and He loved it because He loved us. He came to be present. So lets be present fully, here and now, in every moment of our living.

The key to being present is to rest in His Presence. This can be found by quieting your heart and mind and entering sweet union with the King of Glory. These are the glorious realms of His loving kindness. Take some time every day to sit with the Lord and cast your cares on Him. This is true communion. Now watch as He meets you there in this beautiful place, and as the indescribable bliss of union overtakes, you will know that all is well. Living your best life flows out of this place. Embrace and treasure this life, entirely. In doing so, you honour your Maker.


DITTY – Iris O

Let the times pass over you,
like the clouds that cross the face of the sun
as they smile and frown
and leave shining and shadow in their wake
upon your face,
with caresses
of gold and glowing,
and see what He will spin within
the silks of your soul,
the fibres of your being,
which emanate and mesh with DNA of Divine tapestry

There is no waste in this place
so give space
don’t hold on but let go,
and let the leaves of aspen
applaud your stirred breezes

– Iris O



The Royal Garden

The garden of the Lord rests within your heart. This garden is hidden deeply, yet if one merely turns inward, you may enter its delights. For this is where Christ lives in all His beauty. It then follows, that upon observation of the love of the Lord and ruminating over His goodness in your life, you realize that this garden exudes and spills over into your daily living. The beauty of creation that surrounds you, can be an expression of that same peaceful garden. Observe the tender scented budding florals, the rich petrichor earthy fragrance of woodlands, the ocean filled salty breezes, the astonishing process of emergence of blooms, roses, lilac, lily, flowering shrub, all in His beauty. Take the blossom to your nose and inhale its perfumed freshness. Glance up at the fleeting blue heron in flight, or deer leaping across fields, or rare glimpses of forest creatures, or bright fishes on teeming coral reefs. The skies in this garden vary from bright blue or gray brooding, or majestic displays of lightings and thunder.

This garden also thrives under a sparkling night of stars, barely seen yet moonlit and headily fragrant. This garden is peace, this garden is awe, planted to refresh you, here on earth, and in heaven, which exists within your beating heart. Even the colourless city scapes reflect the garden of your heart, when you lovingly choose a single plant or a small work of art to adorn a room, a balcony, a window sill. The beauty of the Lord exists for you, for your senses, for your heart, for your innermost man. This garden is a place of refuge within, which can be accessed daily and in the atmosphere of heaven on earth which encompasses you. This garden is a place where you and your Beloved meet to encounter love. This garden of love is where He heals you and brings you into wholeness. This garden is a place where you and your Beloved meet to encounter love. This garden of love is where He heals you and brings you into wholeness. Here He assures you of His most tender caring. Retreat to this garden often, to the core of your being, where He awaits communion with you. And remember it when observing the beauty of creation which surrounds you. Be ever mindful of the reality of the living garden within you, and you will chase away all falsity.

All of creation awaits the healing from this garden spilling forth from your being. For you are in Christ and He is in you.

‘For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.’

Romans 8:19 NKJV

I am the rose of Sharon,
And the lily of the valleys.

Like a lily among thorns,
So is my love among the daughters.’

Song of Solomon 2:1-2 NKJV

© Iris O



The Stressed Vine

by Dr. Michael Wells

After they had preached the gospel to that city and had made many disciples, they returned . . . strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.”

— ACTS 14: 21, 22

In California are several fruit-tree farmers I am honored to call friends and brothers in Christ. In the midst of the tree farms are the great vineyards of Gallo wines. The grapevines are flooded at the right time; fertilizer and bug spray are added, and generally these plants are quite pampered to produce great clumps of grapes that are used to make $7.00 bottles of wine. In one section of the vineyards are found areas of very special vines that were frozen nearly to the point of death before being planted, and then their water and fertilizer are withheld; they are watched carefully to see that they constantly remain on the verge of death. The end results are very petite grapes, which, because they have been stressed, are packed with flavor and fragrance and are used to produce $200 bottles of wine.

I like to parallel the condition of the stressed grapes with the existence of many believers who submit gladly to God when He is producing stressed fruit in their lives. Job looked at others who believed in God and wondered at the ease of their life. They had become “the big vines” with less problems, no experience of loss nearly like his, and with much fruit. However, it was not $200 fruit. A stressed grape takes more care, and in that the stressed believer can rejoice, remembering that God is watching over him with special attention!

“I wanted to update the ministry’s logo while at the same time honor my dad. As I was thinking about the logo and the mission of ALMI, it reminded me of the tree my dad loved in the mountains near our cabin. The tree had been hit by lightning and the trunk had this really cool twist to it, appearing to have turned around to grow down before returning to reach skyward. He always said it reminded him of our walk with Jesus, because we can feel like we are veering off the path, but God is teaching us in the twist and always–in His timing–bringing us back to Him. Using the whole tree in the logo was a great representation of John 15, since it shows the whole fruit, vine, and parts that have been pruned. A lot of gratitude goes to Dean Piersee for working with me to create this logo. When I saw the finished product, I was in tears because it brought to life every element I had wanted to incorporate.”

– Noah Wells


WINDSWEPT WAY – Irene Hannon

“Windswept Way” by Irene Hannon is an inspiring story of second chances and fresh new hope. Among the charming inhabitants of Hope Harbor is Ashley, a young lady who wants to use her inheritance to turn a gorgeous mansion on the coast into a wedding & event venue. It is a delightfully woven tale of love, second chances and faith. Elderly Rose, the mansion’s owner, is a recluse shut off from the world due to her husband’s misdeeds. Ashley, with a degree in historic preservation and architectural history, partners with Rose to transform the mansion into the perfect event venue. Ashley, recovering from a crushing betrayal, nurses a broken heart. Jonathan, who owns a landscaping business, partners with Ashley to restore the grounds, but hides himself from the world. Wounded in war, Jonathan carries terrible physical and emotional scars. For Ashley and Jonathan, this is perhaps a second chance at love. Jonathan is a kind, loving man who patiently understands everyone except himself. Ashley, on the other hand, bubbles with enthusiasm. This is an enjoyable contemporary Christian fiction novel that inspires all readers and devoted fans of Irene Hannon.


MICAH’S HONOR – Samantha Thomas

“Micah’s Honor” by Samantha Thomas is a very well-drafted tale of historical fiction, with a sound, engaging storyline, exploring the dual themes of love and duty. The novel portrays the myriad time-tested challenges of how to balance the deep-rooted desires of our hearts with our innumerable responsibilities that require accounting for. Try as we might, we can never escape them. At the worst of times, love requires heartwringing sacrifices. Love is tried and tested in the refiner’s fire until ultimately proved true. Samantha Thomas’ writing style is engaging and entertaining, with strong, resilient, true-to-life characters that spring to life on the page.



In “A Favorable Impression,” Amanda Kai pays great attention to the intricate details of the storyline. Carefully culled historical research blends into Jane Austen’s literary classic, “Pride and Prejudice” with such amazing ease, blending side by side with tragic, heartbreaking moments and poignant, heartwarming ones alike, creating very relatable protagonists, to wring your heartstrings. Amanda Kai’s intense love of dramas and classic literature inspires her historical fiction. This is a clean, Regency-era Pride and Prejudice variation. “A Favorable Impression” definitely creates a favorable impression in the hearts of Jane Austen’s ardent fans, as well as Amanda Kai’s fond readers.



“Second Time Around” by Melody Carlson is a fun-filled, delightful faith read, with humorous encounters and most realistic characters. It is a heartwarming tale of second chances that always gives a cozy ambience and experience. Melody Carlson has a sweet and engaging writing style that always inspires. The storyline is very well-written, with an interesting plot, highly relatable characters, and a most charming setting. “Second Time Around” commands our instant attention from start to finish. I guarantee that true to its name, you will want to read it a second time around, the sterling hallmark of a good book. I highly recommend it to all readers of Melody Carlson’s inspiring books.


WHAT SHE COULDN’T SAY – Laura Haley-McNeil

“What She Couldn’t Say” by Laura Haley-McNeil is so dramatic and nerve racking, fraught with mystery, intrigue and danger. The characters are very well developed and realistic. The storyline is interesting, with vivid scenery and fast paced action, capturing our attention from start to finish. Laura Haley-McNeil writes sensitive, emotional stories, with real life characters, that wring our heartstrings, striking a poignant chord that resonates and reverberates in the human heart. Laura understands the thoughts and feelings of people so well that she weaves them into the hearts and lives of her characters, who spring to life on the page as real flesh and blood people,with hearts pounding and thoughts racing. Weaving suspense into the story is a major brain exercise, that Laura does to the height of perfection. I highly recommend “What She Couldn’t Say” to all readers who love Laura Haley-McNeil’s deeply sensitive style and exquisite choice of words.

Miriam Jacob



“The Book of Common Courage” by K. J. Ramsey is a beautiful collection of heartmoving poems, inspiring prayers and blessings to give strength in the turbulent moments of life, through the time-tested words of Psalm 23. Courage is a common hope to cultivate together. In the low valleys of life, as we struggle with physical pain or psychological trauma, we can have the courage to believe that our story will surely end in joy and not sorrow. Through the lyrical and highly emotive words of this book, we can refresh, renew and restore our faith with divine peace. This book also contains colorful still life and nature photography to encourage and inspire. Get your own copy. You won’t regret it!


EINSTEIN – Ottaviani & Dye

In this uniquely designed graphic biography titled “Einstein,” Jim Ottaviani and Jerel Dye peal off the external veneer of Einstein’s illustrious celebrity to paint an intimate, intricately complex portrait of the world’s most famous scientist, one of history’s greatest minds, remembered in every century by his world-changing equation, E = mc². However, who he really was always remained a hidden mystery, even to his closest friends. This is the inspiring story of a brilliant scientist, a humanist who couldn’t connect with people, a reluctant revolutionary who lived with a single dream, the human brain behind some of the last century’s greatest discoveries. Einstein’s brilliance was imaginative, intuitive, complex and confounding. Readers will find this captivating book very interesting to read, an excellent chance to analyse the man himself as he really was, an enigmatic genius.

Miriam Jacob



“Rebel Girls Animal Allies” contains 25 tales of women working with wildlife. A tale of creative non-fiction, it is a stunning collection of heartwarming and thought-provoking stories inspired by the extremely adventurous lives of 25 astoundingly fearless Rebel women and girls. It inspires us to embrace our natural instincts to nurture, protect and defend animals that capture our hearts in such a warm way. Animals love selflessly. They contribute to the health and vitality of our planet. Our lives depend upon them. There is nothing more important than to give them a safe habitat in which to grow and thrive.

Miriam Jacob



“Starlight Inn” by Annee Jones is a heartwarming novel that appeals to all readers who look for real warmth, true simplicity and genuine authenticity in the stories they read. Annee speaks from the heart through her characters. Readers feel the actual emotions of the characters who spring to life on the page. In Annee Jones’ passionately heartwarming stories, starry-eyed dreams do come true, and genuine love always wins against all odds! Annee has the awesome gift of weaving human emotions and feelings into the minds and hearts of her characters. In “Starlight Inn,” the two main characters, Nick and Hope really identify with each other in a unique manner that touches the hearts of reader in a very special way. I recommend this book very highly to all our readers.

Miriam Jacob


LEGACY OF LOVE – Renae Brumbaugh Green

About the Book

Author: Renae Brumbaugh Green

Genre: Historical Romance

Release date: June 14, 2022

“Legacy of Love” by Renae Brumbaugh Green is all about the lovely lady, Skye who finally realizes that “as long as you are accepted by God, that’s all that matters.” In an emotional talk with God, Sky understands that she is beautiful in His eyes. This is a faith-filled story with valuable lessons on acceptance and forgiveness. The main theme of this inspiring story is true self-discovery. Skye Stratton has many life-defining moments to decide which world she really belongs to – the White world or the Indian one. As a “half-breed,” Skye has to confront prejudice all her life. Fortunate to be adopted by her white aunt & uncle, she is very excited to be a new teacher. When Alan McNaughten, a new Indian agent, offers her a new teaching job on a reservation, she is conflicted. Skye’s pain and fear of betrayal are very real. I highly recommend this deeply satisfying book that appeals to our hearts. I wish our readers to have a most enriching reading experience.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Renae Brumbaugh Green is an ECPA Bestselling Author, award-winning humor columnist, and wannabe superhero. She lives in Texas with her handsome, country-boy husband, four nearly-perfect children and one nearly-perfect son-in-law, and far too many animals. When she’s not writing, Renae teaches online classes and tries to be rugged without chipping her nail polish.

Blog Stops

Guild Master, June 20 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 20

Texas Book-aholic, June 21

lakesidelivingsite, June 22

Lighthouse Academy, June 23 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Betti Mace, June 24

Inklings and notions, June 25

For Him and My Family, June 26

deb’s Book Review, June 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 28

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, June 29

Connie’s History Classroom, June 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 2

Pause for Tales, July 3

Miriam Jacob, July 3


To celebrate her tour, Renae is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.