Recent Bookish Happenings
The Nature of Love by Toni Shiloh a book review

This probably comes at no surprise to you but… I loved Toni Shiloh’s latest book The Nature of Love; she consistently gets better and better…
The Penn-Leiths of Thistle Muir Series by Nichole Van

Author Nichole Van may just be one of my all-time favorite authors now—partly due to this series. The Penn-Leiths of Thistle Muir series is so…
Book Review: If My Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe by Rhonda Stoppe

Have you ever thought, “If my husband would change, I’d be happy?” If so, this may be a book for you. This month, I am…
Thoughtful Unique Gifts for Avid Readers (that aren’t books)

If you’ve stumbled across this page, you are probably looking for thoughtful, unique gifts for avid readers (that aren’t books) in your life, and you’d…
This Place Is Magic by Irene Te
This Place is Magic By Irene Te is an introduction to a world of chaotic coziness with deep themes, the meaning of brotherhood, and the…
A Love Worth Waiting For by Lara Van Hulzen
What’s the last book you chose to read purely for the synopsis? (okay, okay, the cover too!) A Love Worth Waiting For by Lara Van…
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