Friday, March 21, 2025

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Watch Your Back by Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

Book: Watch Your Back (Crossroads Suspense Book Three. It can be read as a standalone).

Author: Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

Release date: March 5, 2025

You can’t watch your own back.

Private Investigator Avery Reynolds leads the charge to expose Tampa’s supposedly “extinct” mob. The crime boss responsible for her foster brother’s death is within her grasp—until she hits a wall in the form of Ethan Bridger, a Coast Guard veteran who unknowingly derails her sting operation. When the elusive “Big Eddie” comes out of hiding, he targets their mutual friends about to tie the knot.

Avery sets aside her angst toward Ethan to focus on ending the crime boss’s reign of terror. But working together exposes her trust issues and his PTSD stemming from a comrade’s tragedy. When Avery goes solo into a prisoner exchange operation, she discovers her vulnerability too late—and must lean on Ethan and the God she thought had abandoned her. But will that help reach her in time?


Click here to get your copy!

Romantic Suspense novels are a favorite genre of mine. Watch Your Back by Kristen Hogrefe Parnell is Book 3 in the Crossroads Suspense series. I have read the other books in this series and I was excited to see that Book 3 in now available.

WOW, this storyline is probably my favorite in the series. The 2 main charcters in this book are Avery Reynolds and Ethan Bridger. Avery is a Private Investigator and she has been trying to solve the case of her Foster Brother's death. She almost has "Big Eddie" but her case takes a turn when "Big Eddie" kidnaps Avery's godchild, the young son of her friends. Ethan, who is a Coast Guard Veteran steps in to help get the young boy back and to protect Avery and the friends. I really LOVE how protective Ethan is and how he wants to make sure everyone remains saft throughout the ordeal. The relationship between Avery and Ethan is interesting. They both have some "baggage" that needs to be addressed and they rely on their faith and God to get them through. I really LOVE that Ethan is very strong in his faith and helps Avery come back to the faith. I was absolutely thrilled with this book and encouraged by the faith in this book. The book has many twists and turn that also keep me intrigued to keep reading. The book is packed full of Action, Romance, Mystery, and Faith. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Romantic Suspense Novels! AMAZING BOOK!

Kristen Hogrefe Parnell writes suspenseful fiction from a faith perspective. Her books have won the Selah Award and the Grace Award, among others. She lives in the Tampa, Florida area with her husband and son.


More from Kristen

Finding God in Our Fears and Failures

Whenever I write a heroine’s character, I generally see a small piece of myself in her. Although I relate to some characters more than others, I can usually spot some shared quality that helps me empathize with her early on in my writing.

Writing private investigator Avery Reynolds in Watch Your Back was different. I liked her, despite all her sharp edges, but I didn’t see myself in her at first. As time went on, I found our shared similarity: a fear of failure.

While our situations are wildly different, this fear is not. She fears failing to take down Tampa’s elusive mob boss and letting down the few people close to her that she cares about. The stakes are so high at the end of the story that failure is worse than death to her.

While I was writing her story, I was raising a one-year-old, working online, trying to keep up with my home, and barely holding my head above water. Fears of missing my deadline—or worse, fears of letting down my family—ate away at my confidence. I couldn’t do it all. I wasn’t cut out for it.

That revelation was in fact the most freeing discovery I could make. I couldn’t do it all on my own, because I was never meant to. God provided a supportive husband, grace for each day, and the inspiration I needed to finish this story. Most importantly, He provided His never-failing presence. “For not, for I am with you,” the prophet Isaiah writes (Isaiah 41:10a NKJV). Ultimately, the reason we should not fear is Immanuel, “God with us.” (See Matthew 1:23.) He will never leave or forsake His children (Hebrews 13:5).

I don’t want to give away any spoilers in Avery’s story, but I will say she has her own moment of self-revelation as well. But will she recognize God’s hand reaching out to her in time?

When was the last time you found yourself in a situation you couldn’t handle on your own? How did God show up in your story?

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 11

A Reader’s Brain , March 12 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 12

Texas Book-aholic, March 13

Betti Mace, March 14

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 15

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 16

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, March 17

For Him and My Family, March 18

Holly’s Book Corner, March 19

Book Looks by Lisa, March 20

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 21

Stories By Gina, March 22 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, March 22

Books Less Travelled, March 23

Artistic Nobody, March 24

To celebrate her tour, Kristen is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

JustRead Tours Blog Tour: Green Pastures by Patricia Johns

Green Pastures JustRead Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Green Pastures by Patricia Johns, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Green Pastures

Title: Green Pastures
The Amish of Shepherd's Hill #1
Patricia Johns
Bethany House Publishers
Release Date:
March 18, 2025
Amish Romance

Tabitha Schrock's return to Lancaster County shakes the foundations of her family and community. After her departure during rumspringa and a recent divorce, Tabitha faces the challenge of reintegrating into Amish society while pursuing her dream of working as a veterinarian. Meanwhile, her sister Amanda, whose own prospects were dimmed by Tabitha's leaving Shepherd's Hill, decides to seize her chance at love by pursuing a man with a shadowed past. And their youngest sister, Rose, despite her beauty and romantic hopes, faces the harsh realities of matrimony, grappling with the weight of vows made before Gott and her community. 

As the sisters navigate the intricacies of love, faith, and tradition, they are bound by their commitment to uphold their Amish way of life. But as they strive to keep their promises, how much are they willing to sacrifice to remain true to themselves and their community?

Amish Romance is my favorite genre to read. I also enjoy books by new to me authors. Green Pastures by Patricia Johns fits both of those situations. It is Book 1 in The Amish of Shepherds Hill series. 

WOW, this storyline was absolutely intriguing and wonderful. The main characters in this book are Tabitha Schrock and her sisters, Amanda and Rose. One of the main things about the Amish that really intrigues me is Rumspringa, when they can have "Freedom" from the Amish ways. Tabitha has returned to Shepherd's Hill in Lancaster County after being going since her rumspringa and being married to an Englischer. She has divorced and wants to settle back into the Amish Community and be a veterinarian. Amanda has always wanted to marry but has not found the perfect suitor. Menno, who has a questionable past, starts courting Amanda and her family is worried for her. Rose has been married for 2 years and her marriage her struggling. I really LOVE how the Sisters LOVE and Support each other throughout their struggles. Tabitha has received the blessing from the Bishop to be a Female Veterinarian, which is uncommon. The doubts about Amanda and Menno courting are from the community, the sisters love Amanda and help her navigate the situation. The book is one of Faith, LOVE and Family. The author really made the characters bring their story together to help one another. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Amish Romance. FANTASIC BOOK!

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Baker Publishing Group | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | ChristianBook | Bookshop | BookBub

Patricia Johns

Patricia Johns is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of more than 50 books. She writes Amish fiction with tight communities, outspoken heroines, and the handsome, rugged men who fall in love with them. She lives in Alberta, Canada, with her husband and son.

Connect with Patricia by visiting to follow her on social media and subscribe to email newsletter updates.

(1) winner will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a print copy of Green Pastures!

(1) additional winner will receive a print copy of Green Pastures!

Green Pastures JustRead blog tour giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight March 18, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on March 25, 2025. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Miss Wylde in the White City by Grace Hitchcock

Book: Miss Wylde in the White City (The Heiresses of Adventure Book Two)

Author: Grace Hitchcock

Genre: Historical Romance True Crime

Release date: November 11, 2023

While attending the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893, Winnifred Wylde believes she witnessed a woman being kidnapped. She tries to convince her father, an inspector with the Chicago police, to look into reports of mysterious disappearances around the White City. Inspector Wylde tries to dismiss her claims as exaggeration of an overactive imagination, but he eventually concedes to letting her go undercover as secretary to the man in question—if she takes her pistol for protection and Jude Thorpe, a policeman, for bodyguard.

Will she be able to expose H. H. Holmes’s illicit activity, or will Winnifred become his next victim?


Click here to get your copy!


I really enjoy Historical Fiction genre, add in Romance and Mystery and it becomes a must read book for me. Miss Wylde in the White City by Grace Hitchcock is the latest book in this genre that I have read. It is Book 2 in The Heiresses of Adventure series. 

I was immediately drawn into the story and couldn't put the book down.  It is based around the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and being I am a Chicago girl, Born, raised and still living here, I jumped at the chance to read this book. The writing style keeps the reader captivated. The characters read as if they are in the room with you instead of a book. The storyline is very easy to follow and so much going on. My favorite character was Winnie, as she has a "determined" personality and wants to get things done and I am similar. I really enjoyed learning about H.H. Holmes and his involvement in the real life Crime of the Chicago World's Fair of 1893. I also loved the Romance between Winnie and Detective Jude! I finished the book in a few hours, it was just that good!. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Historical Romance Mystery Fiction! GREAT BOOK!

Grace Hitchcock is the award-winning author of multiple his­torical novels and novellas, including the American Royalty, Best Laid Plans, and Aprons & Veils series. She holds a Master’s in Creative Writing and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in History. Grace lives on the Northshore of New Orleans, with her husband, Dakota, sons, and daughter in a cottage that is always filled with the sounds of sweet little footsteps running at full speed. When not writing, or chasing babies, she’s baking something delightful and can usually be found with a book clutched in her fist.­­­­



More from Grace

Q&A with Grace Hitchcock:

Q: Your historical novel Miss Wylde in the White City is a historical romance set against the true crime events at the Chicago World’s Fair. How difficult was it to create a “romance” novel that includes such horrific historical details?

Grace: It was challenging, but I wrote Winnifred’s story with the thought in mind of how I would have wanted to experience it as a reader. Many of the books I’ve read about Holmes are quite dark and rightly so; however, I decided that I didn’t want my story to show the gory details and chose to focus on the romance to offer the reader a much-needed break in the dark story matter.

Q: What research did you have to do to get the details right?

Grace: I read and listened to non-fiction works on H. H. Holmes, read countless articles online, researched the different newspaper articles of the time, mostly The Chicago Tribune,

and found the newspapers’ sketches of Holmes’ “Murder Castle” along with their statements. I also read non-fiction works on the Chicago world’s fair with many, many pictures and took walk-through tours of the fair online, which gave me a unique perspective of what the white city was like.

Q: Tell us about the characters you injected into the historical events. What about them made you want to tell their story?

Grace: I’ve always loved Jane Austen’s heroine from her satire of Gothic novels, Northanger Abbey, and with Catherine Morland in mind, I created Winnifred Wylde. My heroine’s love of books often gets her into trouble, but being the daughter of a police inspector, Winnie also has picked up a few things in listening to her father’s adventures and her natural sense of curiosity was just what I needed in a heroine to uncover Holmes’ sordid crimes.

I wanted Jude Thorpe to be a protector with a heart for justice, so the role of detective fit right into the story.

Percival Valentine was one of the characters who surprised me. Originally, I just had Percy as her favorite author, but then I thought, why not let her meet him and see what happens? He is one of my favorite characters and I hope to one day give him a story of his own.

Q: Fact vs Fiction – what (if any) historical details did you have to fiddle with to make the story work? 

Grace: Oddly enough, the newspapers at the time did not get the same layouts of the “Murder Castle” in their sketches, so I based the layout of Holmes’ castle mostly from The Chicago Tribune and got a little creative. The layout is mostly correct, but I took the liberty of adding a second trap door at a convenient location for the burning trunk scene. While Holmes did bring trunks up and down from attic to the basement, he never burned a trunk on the third floor because it would have left behind far too much evidence for a man who, up to this point, was experienced in covering his tracks.

Q: How does your faith impact how you approach writing fiction?

Grace: My heroines generally learn what I am learning at the time of writing the story. If I am holding on to a verse for something I am going through personally, I give it to my heroine and we walk through it together even in different situations (because obviously I’m not trapped in a burning building haha but the principle applies).

I see writing Christian fiction as an opportunity to show God’s light even in dark, difficult situations. No matter how subtle my theme or short the verses, my stories will always point the reader to the Lord.

Thank you for joining the fun for the Celebrate Lit tour! If you are a part of a book club, I have discussion questions here! Happy Reading, friends!

Melissa’s Bookshelf, March 13

Pens Pages & Pulses, March 13

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 14

Allyson Jamison, March 14

Texas Book-aholic, March 15

lakesidelivingsite, March 16

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 17

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 17

Devoted To Hope, March 18

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 18

Betti Mace, March 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 19

Bizwings Book Blog, March 20

Blogging With Carol, March 20

Lily’s Corner, March 21

Connie’s History Classroom, March 21

For Him and My Family, March 22

Mary Hake, March 22

Inspired by fiction, March 23

Holly’s Book Corner, March 23

Pause for Tales, March 24

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, March 24

Leslie’s Library Escape, March 25

Cover Lover Book Review, March 25

Jodie Wolfe , March 26

Lights in a Dark World, March 26

To celebrate her tour, Grace is giving away the grand prize of a $20 gift card with FREE SHIPPING to Grace’s Autographed Bookshop!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Monday, March 17, 2025

Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: CAST: 1 Peter 5:7 by Richard Nilsen

Book: CAST: 1 Peter 5:7

Author: Richard Nilsen

Genre: Christian non-fiction

Release date: November 14, 2023

Book: CAST: 1 Peter 5:7

Author: Richard Nilsen

Genre: Christian non-fiction

Release date: November 14, 2023

Discover the profound art of casting your cares to God and surrendering your problems to the Creator of the universe. We are thrilled to introduce you to CAST – 1 Peter 5:7, a life-changing new book from author Richard Nilsen.

Based on the popular verse, “Cast all your cares on God for He cares about you,” CAST offers practical and spiritual guidance on how to overcome worry, fear, anxiety and stress in your life.

You will learn how to trust God with your problems, how to find peace in His presence, and how to experience His love and care for you. CAST is more than just a book, it’s a journey of faith, freedom, and personal transformation. Whether you are facing personal, relational, or global challenges, this book will give you an entirely new perspective on how to cast your cares on the One who can handle them all.


Click here to get your copy!

Christian Non-Fiction is a favorite Genre of mine. I feel this genre leads to growth and learning. CAST: 1 Peter 5:7 by Richard Nilsen is the latest in this genre that I have read. 

I was extremely interested in the Title of this book as 1 Peter 5:7 is the verse that has helped me through my Anxiety issues. I have it memorized in my heart and mind. I have to say this book was very encouraging and helpful. I really LOVE the Look and layout of the book. Each chapter contains, Real Life Stories, Scriptures, Songs and Biblical Truths. Each chapter ends with Prayers and Prompts that help you dig deeper into the message from that chapter. The main focus of this book is to help the Reader to Rely on God and to cast our burdens and allow God to help us through the burdens and anxiety. Anxiety is a constant issue in our household and reading this book really helped me take a different approach at handling the Fears and Anxiety of Life. I would HIGHLY recommend this as an individual study or group study. GREAT BOOK!


Richard Nilsen is the author of several self-help books in the Christian market, including “The Road to Recovery,” “Sleep Great for Life,” and now “CAST – 1 Peter 5:7.”  He lives in Tarpon Springs, Florida with his wife of 25 years and three beautiful daughters.



More from Richard

If you had told me I would write a 168-page book based on one verse in the Holy Bible, I would have said you were crazy. God works in mysterious ways, and I believe He inspired me to write this book, a project that took three years to complete, in order to help others who are struggling.

During the process of battling earth-crushing anxiety and depression, I learned how to cast my cares to the Lord and leave them with Him. The result: He would take care of all my cares and handle my problems for me. What I discovered is that casting your cares is a skill that one has to learn. It is not something that you just do without any practice and without the correct foundation. Learning to cast your cares on God can be a struggle at first, but it is a pathway to a God-fearing and eternal mindset. Once you learn the art of casting your cares to the Creator of the universe, your life will never the same.

I have always felt compelled to help others, and writing has always been for me the best way to convey my thoughts. When my college sweetheart and wife of 4 ½ years died in a tragic accident, I wrote the free grief guide “The Road to Recovery” specifically for the victims of the September 11th tragedy. I later converted that work into an e-book for distribution online and through Amazon. CAST – 1 Peter 5:7 is another book based a difficult time in my life and how God pulled me through.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I promise that discovering how to cast your cares to our Lord is a skill you will not regret learning! Join me on this adventure.

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 5

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 6

Vicky Sluiter, March 7 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, March 7

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 8

Fiction Book Lover, March 9 (Author Interview)

Abba‘s Prayer Warrior Princess, March 10

She Lives To Read, March 11

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 12

For the Love of Literature, March 13 (Author Interview)

Tell Tale Book Reviews, March 14 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, March 15 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Blossoms and Blessings, March 16 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, March 16

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 17

Artistic Nobody, March 18 (Author Interview)

To celebrate his tour, Richard is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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JustRead Tours Blog Tour: The Stranger at the Door by Henry O Arnold

The Stranger at the Door JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for The Stranger at the Door by Henry O. Arnold, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

The Stranger at the Door

Title: The Stranger at the Door
Series: The Urban Chronicles #2
Author: Henry O. Arnold
Mountain Brook Ink
Release Date:
March 5, 2025
Christian Thriller

When a beat-up van screeches to a stop in front of The Mercy Seat church late one night and a young woman leaps out in an effort to escape her captors, Maxwell Crane and his family jump to her rescue. But is this desperate girl the innocent victim she appears to be? 

The family’s act of kindness leads to dire consequences. When the young woman and the Crane sisters are abducted by members of a ruthless cartel out for revenge, Maxwell is yanked into yet another harsh reality of life in Hell’s Canyon. 

There are no good options. All strategies for rescue could exact a terrible price. Still haunted by the tragedy he caused the last time he took justice into his own hands, Maxwell can only cast his broken soul upon the mercy of God. He would rush into the gates of hell to save his daughters, but will he get there in time?  

Christian Contempory Fiction is one of my favorite genres. The Stranger at the Door by Henry O. Arnold is the latest book in this genre that I have read. The book is Book 2 in The Urban Chronicles series. I read book 1 in this series and excited to read Book 2.  

WOW, this storyline reeled me in from the very beginning of the book and I couldn't stop reading it.  The setting of the book is a Low Income, Drug Dealing Community, Hell's Canyon. Maxwell Crane is Pastor at Mercy Seat Church . Maxwell Crane witnesses a lady being pushed out of van by someone who seems to have captured the woman. Pastor Crane and his wife rush out to the help the Woman and rescue her. Pastor Cranes family is put into danger by helping the woman, as his daughters and the womand are taken captive in a revenge motive. He springs into action to rescue his daughters and the woman. He is truly worried about their safety and hopes to rescue them before they become victims. The book had many twists and turns and I was worried for Maxwell and his family! I really LOVE how the author addresses Real-Life Situations with sensitivity. The book is one of Faith, being a light to the community, and Mystery. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian Fiction! WONDERFUL BOOK!

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

More In This Series

The Mercy Seat

Henry O. Arnold

Mr. Arnold's career as an actor/author spans over five decades with multiple stage and film credits. He has recorded over one hundred audiobooks and is the author of the Urban Chronicles suspense series and the multi-volume biblical/historical fiction series entitled The Song of Prophets and Kings (available in all formats wherever books are sold). When not writing, he can be found hiking on a trail somewhere in the world. He and his lovely wife Kay have two beautiful daughters, married to two handsome men, with three above-average grandchildren.

Connect with Mr. Arnold by visiting to follow him on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

(1) winner will receive a print copy of The Stranger at the Door & $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Stranger at the Door blog tour giveaway JustRead Tours

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight March 17, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on March 24, 2025. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

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