LinkedIn has reincarnated, refreshed, and moved the "CAUSES" section of our profiles. Now you can find it under "Accomplishments", and here is the list ✅ of choices below. My questions❓are these: 👉 Will YOU add any causes? 👉 What are YOUR favorite ♥️ causes? I have added "Veteran Support" for mine, but I may add more. #linkedin #veteran #longlink Sandra Long Post Road Consulting: LinkedIn and Social Selling Training
Thanks for sharing
I definitely will look into this feature as I am very active in my community in several aspects: Students (middle school - College graduates), Hispanic and Asian/Middle Eastern Women, Women Owned Businesses, Autism, and active participant in local government boards for my county. It's a feature worth sharing as it's one I use to serve others. Thanks for the update, Sandy.
Thanks for sharing this LinkedIn update Sandra Long. I had added my causes already when it was separate from "Accomplishments". I have Arts and Culture, Economic Empowerment, Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Social Services. I like that they show up at the bottom of the Li profile.
Interesting. I am passionate about the Stamford Symphony, which BTW is hosting a FREE online gala and concert on October 23, 2021 at 7:30pm. If you enjoy a great orchestra and getting the backstage experience of meeting some of the people involved, watch the Online Premiere Saturday. Enjoy! (and join us at the Palace Theatre in the Spring.
Sandra Long Thanks for sharing this tidbit of how LI keeps changing things to keep us on our toes.
"Science & Technology" is my cause. Thank you pointing out this new Causes section to LinkedIn Sandra Long. It's not clear why they don't have a longer list, or "other" category? #scienceandtechnology
I like the idea of causes but I have very specific things I'm working on that don't really fall into these categories. I'll just keep doing what I do. :)
Sandra Long - among the causes I have listed and support is Haitian Health Foundation as it covers: Children, Education, Economic Empowerment, Disaster Relief, etc… I have volunteered for this non-profit since my sophomore year at Tufts University - both in Jeremie, Haiti and in the United States. I have also listed the non-profit boards I am honored to serve on. This is a welcome feature.
Pharmaceutical Sales | Health Tech | EdTech | AI and Robotics | E-Mobility | Coaching and Mentoring
3yI believe it's a value add since you only add causes that resonate with your thought leadership. Sandra Long I will add: children, Education, Environment, Health, Arts and Culture