Break Free From the Golden Handcuffs

I'll help you Navigate Your Transition with Purpose, Clarity and Confidence

"I got paid on Tuesday. I'm at the highs of my career... the reviews, all excellent. And yet, why am I worrying about money? Like, why am I even talking about money?"
— Senior Wall Street Executive

You've crushed it. Now What?

Until today you've done everything right.

Your stellar GPA got you into a top university.

You then worked at a firm that made your parents (and their friends) extremely proud.

You're managing a massive team and your peers look at you with professional envy.

And yet something is missing.

  • The nagging feeling that despite your killer LinkedIn profile your soul is tired
  • Seeing your kids grow up so quickly while you're watching paint dry in pointless meetings (about meetings)
  • Realizing you've achieved every goal — only to watch the goal posts move again
  • The exhaustion of caring so damn much about what other people think

You're not alone. This is the reality for post-achievement professionals who've reached the top of their game only to ask: "Is this it?"

Before working with Khe, I was constantly advancing in a high-speed career that prioritized success over joy, never questioning if it aligned with my core desires, and struggling with defining what "enough" meant. Khe's thoughtful, pointed questions, helped me reimagine my career and financial outlook, moving from a scarcity mindset to recognizing broader possibilities.

Hanna C.
Hanna C.
Head of Investor Relations at Long-Short Equity Fund

Are You Trapped in a Prison of Your Own Making?

"I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I wasn't sure I wanted to go back into another tunnel."
— Partner at a Consulting Firm

High-achievers face a unique set challenges when contemplating a big transition:

  • Fear of Irrelevance: "What if I'm not special?"
  • Financial Golden Handcuffs: "I'd be walking away from millions over the next decade."
  • Sunk Cost (Fallacy): "I've spent my entire life getting to this moment. I can't just leave."
  • Identity Earthquake: "Who am I without my fancy busines card?"
  • Uncertainty Paralysis: "I have no roadmap for what comes next."
  • Internal Wilderness: "I don't even know what I enjoy doing (outside of work)."

Khe was incredibly helpful to me. Over the course of our work together he not only put together a comprehensive plan for me, but also helped me deal with my deep fear of making bad investments and spending too much money. Worth every penny.

Dan Shipper
Dan Shipper
Founder and CEO at Every

We'll Build Your Career Transition Playbook

Phase 1: Deep-Dive Assessment

  • Comprehensive mapping of your values, skills, and aspirations
  • Financial modeling that evaluates both practical needs and your emotional relationship with money
  • Identification of limiting beliefs and expired narratives that are holding you back

Phase 2: Strategic Exploration and Execution

  • Develop pilot projects as low-risk ways to test new paths
  • Build the "Identity Bridge" between who you are and who you're becoming
  • Create sustainable systems for how you spend your time, money and attention.

Phase 3: Ongoing Support and Accountability

  • Steadfast partnership to navigate critical moments with strategic accountability
  • Flexible evolution of plans to course-correct based on emerging realities
  • Direct line for time-sensitive decisions and negotiations
  • Access to extensive network of like-minded peers who've made similar transitions

Khe was an amazing thought partner to me as I was thinking about the transition from founding & running a company to what's next. He taught me skills and frameworks I still use today - and helped me be more thoughtful about what I choose to spend my time on. 100% recommend!

Neil Parikh
Neil Parikh
Co-Founder of Casper

Working with Khe Hy

As a former Wall Street Managing Director who left at the height of his career, Khe brings unique perspective to big career transitions transition. For the past decade, he has guided senior executives, fund managers, and entrepreneurs through their next chapters.

Khe Hy

There are not many sherpas who can navigate the difficult mountain terrain of a high performance career, but Khe is one of them. Having his wisdom and experience to call upon is invaluable if you are pursuing excellence in any field, or even just facing a difficult fork on your climb.

Ardevan Y.
Ardevan Y.
Hedge Fund Investor

Take the Next Step

This is a substantial investment in your professional evolution. I work with a small number of clients and the most important criteria is that it's a fit in both directions.

Schedule a Complimentary Session

Before working with Khe, I was always drowning in tiny tasks that didn't move the needle on my overall goals. Khe's coaching combined productivity, philosophy and business principles that not only improved our company performance, but also infused my role as the CEO with joy.

Jason Karp
Jason Karp
Founder and CEO of HumanCo and former hedge fund manager

Khe's coaching resulted in a shift in my perspective. It led me to transition from a narrow focus on details to a broader outlook on my life goals. As a budding executive and a new older mom, I knew that I needed to "level up" to keep performing at a high level.

Monique So
Monique So
Director of Finance and FP&A, Clara Analytics

As a hedge fund investor, I sought Khe's coaching to align my successful career with a more fulfilling personal life. Khe's unique background and unexpected insights introduced me to transformative practices and his guidance provided me with concrete actions to better align my life with my values, resonating more deeply than advice from typical coaches or therapists. After each session with Khe, I felt truly seen and unburdened, as if a weight had been lifted.

Dean M.
Dean M.
Hedge Fund Investor
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