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How I Quit My Job Building Micro Niche Sites 10 Years Ago! Online Business Lessons Learned
2021Mar 31
On March 11th, 2011 I quit the corporate world and I’ve been a full-time entrepreneur ever since. You can join my weekly newsletter here: Quitting my job was scary. I remember walking into my boss's office and being very nervous. I built my first website in 2005 and made my first dollar online. However, I was far from successful. Between 2005 and 2008, I tried everything. I tried to blog, I tried to buy traffic and do adsense arbitrage, I even tried starting my own cash back type site. Early 2009, went all in on small niche sites. Trying to make $1 a day. I built sites on worm farms, buffalo nickels, ferret hammocks, sick dogs, and so much more. My big money makers were vehicle related keywords though. 7 passenger, 6 passenger...etc. These were mostly exact match domains, and 1 to 5 page sites. Sketchy to say the least in terms of todays standards. I can hardly believe that I quit my job based on these types of sites. However, my income had reached over $10,000 a month and I was making more than my day job. I also had an ace up my sleeve. I was just about to launch Long Tail Pro and early signs were good that this was going to be a money maker as well. When I quit my job, my income quickly increased and I was making over $20,000 a month most months from my niche sites. Then my Google adsense account got shut down - devastating. Got a new account. Was able to rebuild to over $10,000 a month. But by 2013, Long Tail Pro income was more than my niche site income and the tool did exceptionally well from 2013 to 2016 when I sold the software tool for over 7 figures. Which I did a video on as well. Today, my income from my niche sites (outside of NIche Pursuits, Link Whisper etc) still make over $10,000 a month. But as I’m sure you know, both Niche Pursuits and Link Whisper make much more than my niche sites do at this point. What lessons have I learned over the past 10 years? Have multiple irons in the fire? I’ve been burned many times and projects have not worked out many times. Rank Hero, Welcome Splash, and about a dozens of niche sites I’ve been involved with have failed. But I always had another project that ended up taking off. Entrepreneurship is both a monetary and a emotional roller coaster. Some days are much better than others. I might have a record day one day and emotional it can be really tough if the next day I have a bad day...even though the average of the 2 days is much better than normal. If I were to start over today would I be building niche sites? I would focus on one blog or niche site and put all my effort into growing that one. But I would also consider having another “side gig”. I’m very bullish on software. I think I would advise listensers to strongly consider building a software tool as the upside potential is often much higher than a blog or niche site. Overall, I love being an entrepreneur and working for the past 10 years for myself if one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. I look forward to the next 10 years. -You can learn more about me at and get additional website tips at: -You can learn about optimizing your site with internal links using a WordPress Plugin I created right here: -And finally, if you are interested in buying or selling content or affiliate website, my partners and I may be interested here: Thanks for watching and please subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here:!

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