OpenCV AI Competition 2022!

An international open source competition on computer vision by OpenCV Foundation.

Welcome to the OpenCV Competition 2022! This edition of the competition has two exciting tracks - Core OpenCV & Spatial AI. You can participate in any one or both of the competition tracks.

OpenCV Foundation

Core OpenCV

Solve a real-world computer vision problem using OpenCV and hardware, such as Orbbec 3D cameras or Khadas VIM3.

Spatial AI Track

Develop a high-quality depth estimation project using OpenCV AI Kit with Depth Pro (OAK-D-Pro) Spatial AI Camera designed and developed by Luxonis.

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Join the waitlist to receive a 20% discount

Courses are (a little) oversubscribed and we apologize for your enrollment delay. As an apology, you will receive a 20% discount on all waitlist course purchases. Current wait time will be sent to you in the confirmation email. Thank you!