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291 pages, Hardcover
First published April 16, 2019
1. Meet people where they are.McKibben did not write following The Nature Conservancy's guidelines and, I'm afraid there will likely be a boomerang effect: an attempt to persuade someone of one position results instead in the adoption of the opposite position.
2. Connection outweighs facts.
3. The goal is conversation, not conquest.
4. Focus on the person across from you.
if greed warps your life, you assume it must warp everyone's.if bill mckibben's prescient warnings had been heeded some thirty years ago, perhaps his new book wouldn't be so urgent and grievous. presuming the question asked in falter's subtitle isn't a rhetorical one, has the human game begun to play itself out?, a preponderance of the evidence seems to offer a resounding, unequivocal 'yes' in reply. the 350.0rg founder's writing remains incisive and engaging, but falter isn't likely to find many readers among the audience for whom it would be most necessary.
the extra heat that we trap near the planet because of the carbon dioxide we've spewed is equivalent to the heat from 400,000 hiroshima-size bombs ever day, or four each second.
There are at least two kinds of games: finite and infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play. Finite games are those instrumental activities - from sports to politics to wars - in which the participants obey rules, recognize boundaries and announce winners and losers. The infinite game - there is only one - includes any authentic interaction, from touching to culture, that changes rules, plays with boundaries and exists solely for the purpose of continuing the game. A finite player seeks power; the infinite one displays self-sufficient strength. Finite games are theatrical, necessitating an audience; infinite ones are dramatic, involving participants.McKibben worries that the most powerful among us are not playing an infinite game any longer. Although there are signs that the planet is straining to withstand our demands on it, we continue to ignore the strings attached to everything we do. When McKibben examines the people who hold the most power in society, he notes that they explicitly or implicitly subscribe to Randian neoliberal ideas about social obligation (i.e. that we owe others almost nothing). In their neoliberal selfishness, these power brokers are doing everything in their power to advance climate change, artificial intelligence, and genetic engineering, even though they threaten the human game.
If greed warps your life, you assume it must warp everyone’s.Sort of a response to Pinker’s brainless, obsequious Enlightenment Now.
So, global warming is the ultimate problem for oil companies because oil causes it, and it's the ultimate problem for government-haters because without government intervention, you can't solve it. [p. 121]
[T]he human game . . . does come with two logical imperatives. The first is to keep it going, and the second is to keep it human. [p. 17]