Drawing past customers back to your Shopify store to order again

During downturns and slow recessions, it's best to focus on your current and past customers.

New customers are great but if acquisition costs are too much your profit will suffer, not a great thing in a downturn.

An easy thing to help current customers buy again is sending order reminders. Schedule them to go around near the time they are likely to reorder so you can (re-)warm-up their interest in your store and products.

You can figure out the optimal time for these reminders with the Average Latency. Repeat Customer Insights can calculate that for you automatically.

If you don't do a lot of direct marketing, a gradual build-up is best so it doesn't appear too aggressive. In that case, start contacting them 25% sooner than your Average Latency measurement and continue the contact until at least 25% more days after.

Eric Davis

Refine your automated marketing campaigns with better timing

When building any automated marketing campaign that sends messages over time, you need to know how long the campaign should be and how long to delay the messages. The Customer Purchase Latency metrics calculated by Repeat Customer Insights can help you figure out that timing.

Learn more

Topics: Downturn Focus page

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