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🌲 Productize Coach • I turn experts into entrepreneurs

How I use my LinkedIn newsletter to grow my email newsletter: My email newsletter is the engine that drives my business. It's my primary owned channel built on beehiiv (big fan). It's owned because I have direct contact with everyone on the list. There, I'm able to: • Collect my subscriber's info (contact, goals, challenges) • Segment into sub-lists based on their info • Send relevant and valuable content • Share my premium products (courses, content, coaching) I use my email newsletter to build and nurture relationships with my list. And because it's a channel I own, I contact them how and when I want to. No fickle algorithm to worry about. By creating helpful content, my list engages and shares with their network to help me grow the list further. Simple but definitely not easy. My email newsletter is the starter engine of my flywheel. The first domino in my offer stack. To accelerate the growth of my email list, there are a few additional growth levers I use. But today I wanted to share, specifically, how I use my LinkedIn newsletter (a rented channel) to build my email newsletter. Actually, it's pretty straight forward. I've been writing weekly newsletter editions for my email newsletter since October 15. I've written 18 editions so far. On December 8, I started a LinkedIn newsletter. I started with the first email newsletter edition from October. That way, my email newsletter is always ~6 weeks ahead of my LinkedIn newsletter. But being a few weeks behind my email newsletter probably isn't enough motivation for someone to subscribe, which requires them having to share their email address. So in addition, my LinkedIn newsletter only contains a portion of my email newsletter content. I typically cut it off at a part that will incentivize you to "Continue reading" on my email newsletter. When you click through to my email newsletter, you're able to read the same amount of content there before being forced to subscribe. And since my newsletter is free, I have no shame whatsoever in using this technique. If you like and appreciate the content, you'll subscribe and get the latest and greatest. If not, you close the tab and head back to surfing LinkedIn. If you're building a newsletter, I encourage you to set up a funnel between a LinkedIn newsletter. Here are some interesting stats since starting the LI newsletter: • It took me 2 months to hit 100 subs on my email list (currently 245) • It took me 1 day to hit 250 subs on LI newsletter (currently 892) • Both are now growing evenly at ~30 subs/wk (grows each wk) • My LI newsletter has brought 43 subs (18%) Are you building a LinkedIn newsletter? Add some tips that I missed 👇

  • LinkedIn and Email Newsletter - Jay Melone (Passive Profits)
Jay Melone

🌲 Productize Coach • I turn experts into entrepreneurs


💡 Another tip: Add your LinkedIn newsletter (only) to your Featured section in your profile. Right now, LinkedIn makes it nearly impossible for people to find your newsletter. People need to scroll down to your Activity section, toggle for your newsletter, and then tap into a post. Yikes.

Jay Melone

🌲 Productize Coach • I turn experts into entrepreneurs


Bonus idea: Traffic doesn't just flow from LinkedIn to email newsletters... I also add links to relevant LinkedIn posts within my email newsletter. Since my email subscribers already know and trust me, they're primed to click into my LinkedIn posts and engage. That draws my 2nd and 3rd degree connections to see my LinkedIn content which eventually points to my email newsletter. This way, both lists feed the other on repeat.

Jay Melone

🌲 Productize Coach • I turn experts into entrepreneurs


📌 UPDATE: Since originally sharing my LinkedIn → email newsletter growth strategy, I made one change I wanted to share. Previously, within my LinkedIn newsletter, I was sharing 50-75% of the original (email) version. Over the past 2 LinkedIn issues, I published the full content. They're always older than my email newsletter, so there could be a smidge of FOMO that you're reading something older and the newest stuff requires you to subscribe to the email version. I also now add a blurb at the top that shares the value of joining my email newsletter. (see screenshot) This new format is working better. In the last 2 weeks, my LinkedIn newsletter subscription rate has jumped 16% vs the previous 2 weeks.

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Irene Gallardo

I create Strategies, Automations and Newsletters for Entrepreneurs, SaaS and Startups who want to achieve predictable and scalable sales. I take care of your Email Marketing | Email Copywriter | SQUINBOX


Love this. I don't have a LI newsletter at the moment, but after reading this I think I'm gonna "copy" your strategy and see how things go, after all, I already have the content. My question is, once they sign up, how do you know what newsletter where they reading to take them back to it? Or you just point them to the newsletter blog?

💥 Jasmine Hermann

💥 The Boss Creator // Content Strategist // 🙌🏾 Community Hype Gal // Speaker // Workshop Facilitator


I JUST wrote about this in my LinkedIn newsletter this week! Folks are sleeping on the power of LinkedIn newsletters as a traffic driver. LinkedIn prioritizes LinkedIn newsletter content in feeds, and SEO is built in to get your content seen outside of the platform!

Pierre-Habté Nouvellon

👷♂️🏗 Founder at CreativeWiz | Bootstrapping #1 Personal Brand SAAS | Forbes 30under30 US 2022


Thanks for the insight, never thought to doing that! Linkedin newsletter is almost like a Trojan horse for you main newsletter

Dylan Redekop

Marketing & Newsletters || SparkLoop || Growth Currency Media


Interesting approach to leveraging the LinkedIn Newsletter feature. Thanks for sharing, Jay.

Ryan Sager

Building: Who Sponsors Stuff & The Newsletter Conference... We help media brands grow revenue.


Love it! Come talk newsletters May 3 in NYC: https://thenewsletterconference.com/

Dom Farnan

Global Talent Exec • I build teams, companies, and cultures • Leadership Coach • Founder • Performance Mentor • Speaker • Investor


I haven't quite cracked the code on a newsletter. I have a monthly one now, but am considering moving to weekly. I don't have a Linkedin newsletter but I like the idea of leveraging one I already have and then creating one in this space as well. You've got me thinking. 🤔

Dustin Miller - PolyInnovator

🎥I teach Knowledge Management for Polymaths, + Generalists 🎙️Host of the Polymath PolyCast, and Creator Spotlight by the PolyInContent Digest!


I've always considered Linkedin articles to be like medium, or blockchain platforms like hive blog/steemit/mirror, etc What I call "social blogs", they are like mini versions of what you really make on your pillar content. The way you talk about leading the traffic is similar idea! Great minds

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