Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwiches are one of my favorite summer lunches… and Dave likes anything with bacon so he’s usually game for a crunchy BLT at least once a week.
I stocked up on bacon a few weeks ago when it was really cheap, and we got a bunch of garden-fresh tomatoes from my parents’ garden — so yeah, we’ve eaten a fair share of BLT’s lately.
However, the other day, I mentioned that we were having BLT’s for lunch… and then shared this picture on Facebook.
Much to my surprise, I got a slew of comments questioning the peanut butter. I guess my family is weird because we’ve always put peanut butter and mayonnaise on our BLT’s!
So, if you’ve never tried peanut butter on your BLT (or if you’ve never tried a BLT), let me just take 5 minutes to share how delicious this combination of flavors is.
It isn’t really much of a “recipe” but I do have a specific way I like to assemble my sandwich 🙂
Toast two slices of your favorite sandwich bread for each sandwich you want to make (we use some type of wheat bread)
Spread one slice of toast with mayo and the other slice with peanut butter
Put the lettuce on the side with mayo and the bacon on the side with peanut butter
Then put the tomatoes on top of the lettuce
Place the bacon side on top of the tomato/lettuce side and cut the sandwich in half
Eat and enjoy!
It might seem weird that I have such an “exact science” for making a simple sandwich, but I really like the salty bacon pressed into the sweet peanut butter, and if you put the tomatoes in between the lettuce and bacon, the bread doesn’t get soggy.
In my opinion, this sandwich is the perfect combination of salty and sweet, smooth and crunchy. And with all the fresh tomatoes available this time of year… I’d say it just might be the perfect summer lunch!
Have you ever tried a BLT with peanut butter?
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Bo says
I think it’s a Midwest thing. I was raised in Indiana, but my family is from Northwestern Ohio. Always made our BLTs with peanut butter.
Sheri D says
I have eaten peanut butter on my BLT for as long as I can remember and I am 70 +! Another thing to put on it for a change is cheese. I don’t put the peanut butter on it when I use the cheese but it is good as well. I use American cheese on mine
Andrea says
yes, I’ve done cheese too — but peanut butter on my BLT still wins out every time! I also finally got my kids hooked on peanut butter, honey, and banana on toast — yum!!
Brian Crawford says
I also grew up thinking PB was the only way to make a BLT, and never with mayo (lettuce optional, actually). I have eaten thousands of PBLTs in my life and it remains my favorite sandwich of all time.
Bacon bits, Bacos (TM) and salami work in a pinch, FYI
Andrea says
haha — well I still love PB on my BLT even if Dave (and most of our friends) think it’s super weird!
And thanks for the tips on the salami — we always have that in the house!
Brian Hildebrand says
Back in 1975, I went to a bible school in Lynnwood Washington. One of the favorite snacks was a BLT with peanut butter and mayo on Oatmeal bread and don’t forget salt and pepper. I think the oatmeal bread was made by a company called Orowheat.
Mark says
I have used peanut butter on my BLTs since I was a child. I’m 57! It just not right without it. Now I also use an extra twist….sliced radishes. Wonderful flavors and crunch pop. Try it!
Chris says
Always ate my BLT like this Im 53
and everyone always thought my family was weird
but once you taste it you love it
Danielle says
My mom’s who is 91 had an aunt who used to make these for us as kids. The only change us that she always added onion. Now I am 70 so my kids carry on this tradition.
They are just so good.
Andrea says
yum!! glad you have such a lovely tradition!!
Mile says
Try w jam/jelly instead of the onion. PB&JBLT!! Grandma var. from years ago. Mmmmmmmm good.
Andrea says
Daniel Desmond says
mom always substituted PB for tomatoes. My young palate didn’t care for tomatoes. Now I can’t get enough of the August ambrosia. I kept the PB whilst adding tomato. Now on plain toast I’ll have PB and sliced tomatoes. Delicious!
Sandi says
I don’t know if you’re from the Pittsburgh PA area but that is very standard up there! I love the sandwich!
Andrea says
Nope, we’re from West MI — however I do know a lot of people who eat their BLT’s with peanut butter!
Dottie says
My husband only eats his blts with peanut butter. He loves it. We’ve been married for 35 yrs. He orders them that way at restaurants too. 🙂
Andrea says
haha — well glad I’m not the only peanut butter BLT lover out there!
Ruthan says
I have always been weirded out by the idea of PB BLTs, but an hour ago I was sitting on the couch unable to decide whether I wanted a PB sandwich or a BLT for lunch, so I went with the “why not both?” option.
Next time I will need either less PB or more assertive bacon, but it was really pretty good! Peanut butter and bacon together; I must be a Real Grownup now 🙂
Andrea says
haha — well glad you liked it! Dave still thinks I’m super weird and will NOT eat the peanut butter with it now 🙂
Jozie M says
Have you tried carrots with peanut butter? My uncle used to do peanut butter with his hot dog and bun… that was pretty good too ^-^
Family Fandango says
Woah! That’s one heck of a sandwich! At first I was thinking you were maybe substituting the peanut butter for the mayo, not combining it. I don’t think I’ll try this combo, but BLT’s for dinner sound great..,thanks for the inspiration!
Debra says
BLT is my all time favorite sandwhich. I love peanut butter. So I am going to try this.
Val says
Wow! DH and I love peanut butter and bacon, so I think we’ll have to try this.
I think it’s so funny that you posted the “right way” to make your sandwich!
When I was a kid, my neighbor and I combined ham and cheese with peanut butter and jelly to make an awesome sandwich. But there’s a right way to stack it, and the right varieties of each ingredient to make the sandwich sweet: bread, peanut butter (the sweeter, reduced fat versions work better for this but any is good), apple jelly or apple butter, honey ham, and mild white cheddar or provolone, bread. It’s seriously delish.
Thanks for this post!
Megan Camp says
I’ve never heard of that combination. I love BLT’s and PB. I’ll have to give it a try.
One thing I grew up eating that most people find strange is jello with a dab of mayo (1 tsp or so) and a sprinkle of paprika on top. It makes it “fancy” and it is SO good! We make the jello in a 9×13 and then cut it in squares to serve individually.
Tina says
I love BLT sandwiches! I love PB sandwiches! But the two together??? I’ll have to let my husband (my “Mikey”) Danny try it first! LOL!
Karen says
I got a chuckle out of this – we always get “Mikey” to try it first, too!
Mary says
We add peanut butter to our BLT often. I also love peanut butter with tuna fish. I know it doesn’t sound that great but the taste is awesome.
Michele says
Add a hamburger patty and you have dinner. 🙂 It really is good!
Andrea says
hmmmm… never thought of that before, but we do love our bacon burgers 🙂
Kathy says
Similar to a sandwich we have – hold the tomatoes and add cheese instead. We won’t talk about how much FAT it is! But so good. PB and Mayo are so good together. My husband also likes to add bacon grease. Sounds wierd, huh!!
Sheri says
You are the only other person in the universe who I know does this besides me. YEAH! Bring it on 🙂
Kara says
We add an Egg over easy to our BLTs….BLT&Es. Sometimes we add cheese on the egg. Very hearty for breakfast/lunch/or dinner.
Chris says
I love to visit Michigan and we were just there last week. One restaurant had char-broiled burgers, one with strawberry sauce and the other with peanut butter, egg, and I think banana. Sounded very gross to me LOL
Stacey says
If only we didn’t have a severe peanut allergy in the family…..Oh well, I still love a BLT! Have you ever tried one with pesto on sourdough? Mmmm!
Molly says
My college roommate got me started on PB on my BLTs and I LOVE IT. If I go to a restaurant and even think about ordering a BLT, I ask if they have PB and if they don’t, I won’t order a BLT. It’s a MUST TRY!
Kathy says
We are all vegan/vegetarian in our house, so we won’t be trying it, but I can totally see how all of those flavours would meld together in a lovely way. 🙂
Bonnie Cummings says
I’ve never tried it, but I will. My husband does peanut butter w/bolonga & mayo. (not me!!) My girlfriend does grilled cheese (must be Veleeta) and grape jelly. She says it’s wonderful. I haven’t tried it yet.
Margo says
BLT’s are a favorite of mine but I have never had one with peanut butter. I love salty foods and sweets but not together.
Amy says
Never heard of it or tried it. But I’m going to HAVE to now!
Jennifer says
Growing up my Mom always made bacon and peanut butter sanwiches on toasted white bread – usually for breakfast. I loved them!!! I haven’t had one in years but I just might for dinner tonight!
Julie says
I have never tried it, but I think we all would like it here. It’s a definite try when we are able to eat bacon.
My Dad used to (maybe still does) eat peanut butter on toast and goulash at the same time. A bite of goulash, a bit of pb and toast. He loved(s) it.
Connie says
I’m intrigued…. I’m giving it a try!
Stel says
Will mention it to the boys and see what they think…