Tarzan Kay


September 9, 2024

to you

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BHAG aftermath (what no one tells you about goals)

Emails, but better logo in dark yellow, with a paper airplane on the left. Underneath it reads "By Tarzan Kay."


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Checking in After One Month Away From Work

​​Send Date: Aug 12, 2022
(seventh year in business)

Three days ago I achieved my goal to become a national medalist in Sprint Canoe, a goal I set two years ago and spent hundreds of hours training for.

Tarzan paddles a very narrow white canoe in a calm body of water, in a kneeling position on one knee, using a single-bladed paddle to propel the canoe forward. She wears her South Niagara Canoe Club singlet with horizontal green and white stripes and black shorts, and Pit Viper sunglasses. Several buoys are visible on the water's surface, marking the course. In the background is blurred greenery, indicating a shoreline.

It feels surreal and I’m not sure what to do with myself.

I also had a gut-wrenching loss, falling out of my boat 25 meters from the finish line, in a race I was winning, in front of all my friends, family and teammates. Every one of them wanted that medal as badly as I did. My bestie and I cried in each other’s arms back at the dock.

“You were a full boat ahead,” she said. “You did so good.”

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced so much pride in myself, and so much disappointment all at once. It was intense. I picked up a few medals later in the day, which I’ll tell you about another time.

I’m still sorting out my feelings, and easing my way back into work. I’m so glad I booked a meeting-free week to ease back in. Transitions can be rocky and I’m nourishing myself with smoothies, naps and mid-day phone chats with friends.

This is just a quick way to say, “Hello, I’m back!”

I hope you loved throwback summer. Hit “reply” and tell me which one was your favourite!

Thanks for your patience while I get myself back in gear for September ♥️

Back in your inbox soon!

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Start writing consent-based copy that prioritizes people and still makes profit 


You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 

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    The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

    Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)