Poster outlining five email tips for students

A Video and Posters of Email Etiquette Tips for Students

Part of helping our students become good digital citizens is helping them learn how to write an email to a teacher, a potential employer, or anyone else who isn’t a friend. That’s why at the start of the school year I like to review email etiquette with students.

Every year for the last few years I’ve shared a video from Next Vista for Learning titled Emailing Your Teacher, With Captain Communicator. It is still my favorite video for illustrating the importance of using a proper greeting and closing when emailing a teacher. It’s cute, it’s effective, and it’s only 90 seconds long.

Email Etiquette Posters

This year I’ve created a couple of PDFs to remind students of the basics of writing a proper email to a teacher. The first one, Five Email Etiquette Tips for Students can be viewed online. The second one, Email Etiquette Reminders can be viewed online as a Canva document. Both posters are also embedded as PDFs at the bottom of this blog post.

The difference between the two posters is that the second one mentions font choices and has a little more “cartoonish” feel while the first one is a bit more linear in nature (a preview is included below). Feel free to print and share these posters as you see fit.

The reminders in the posters are:

  • Write a subject line.
  • Use a proper greeting.
  • Try to use correct spelling.
  • Only use “reply all” if everyone needs to read your reply.
  • Be patient because your teachers might not check email during the weekend.

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