Josh Spector’s Post

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I teach experts how to use writing to grow their business.

Being a creative entrepreneur can get confusing. When I'm not sure what direction to take my work, I ask myself 8 questions. The answers ALWAYS give me clarity. Here they are: 1. IF YOU HAD TO STOP DOING 10% OF WHAT YOU DO, WHAT WOULD YOU ABANDON? You’ll never abandon something in a vacuum because you’ll convince yourself it’s too important to stop doing. But this hypothetical forces you to identify your least valuable activity. 2. IS THIS ACTUALLY WORKING? It’s so easy to fall into the trap of continuing to do things simply because we’ve done them for a while without taking a moment to consider if they’re actually working. 3. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU HAD TO LAUNCH/FINISH X IN Y DAYS? This question is a procrastination and perfectionism killer. 4. WHAT WORK DID YOU MOST ENJOY DOING RECENTLY? Optimize to pursue more of it. 5. WHAT WORK DID YOU LEAST ENJOY DOING RECENTLY? This is the flipside of the question above and it’s every bit as important. 6. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED TO DO WELL IN THE PAST YEAR? Besides making you feel good, this question reveals powerful ideas for content, products, and services you can offer. Remember: Your ideal audience is often the person you used to be. 7. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU RAISED PRICES? In most cases, a small increase in price will have zero impact on the number of sales you generate — aside from earning you more money. 8. WHAT WOULD IT LOOK LIKE IF IT WERE EASY? This question comes from Tim Ferriss and it's a great one.

Jihoon Suh

Lead Guidance Counselor at Black Forest Academy


Great questions. I like no. 6. It's a good reflection question.

Janinah M.

JMK & Co Consultancy


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