Monday, May 6, 2024

An Interview with Sarah Reju, Author of Coop Messes Up


An Interview with Sarah Reju,
Author of Coop Messes Up


For parents with a little one who loves to play with cars and trucks, a new series of books written by Sarah Reju and illustrated by Tania Rex will surely become an instant favorite. The Wheelies are a family of vehicles whose adventures are both fun and relatable to children ages 3–8. And when trouble finds young Coop, as it always seems to do, the truth of the gospel always steers him back in the right direction. 


In book one, Coop Messes Up, the youngest member of the Wheelie family learns a big lesson in forgiveness and God’s love when he breaks one of the rules. Like many little ones, the energetic and inquisitive MINI-Cooper has a problem obeying the rules—and there are a lot of them! When Coop runs out of gas, his sister, Lucy, a police car who prides herself on always following the law, tries to help him learn to follow the rules. 

Q: Your new series, The Wheelies, is about a family of cars which is sure to capture the attention of little readers. Can you introduce us to the cast of characters?


Coop Wheelie is the youngest member of a family of vehicles who live in Capital City. He’s an energetic Mini Cooper whose frequent mistakes help him learn big truths about God. 


In addition to Coop, the Wheelie family includes siblings Nory (a fun-loving VW Beetle), Lucy (a rule-following police car), Joy (an adventure-loving Jeep), and James (a dependable pickup truck). Ma is a hard-working fire truck, and Pops is a servant-hearted garbage truck. 


Q: Coop is what most would consider to be the typical youngest child of a family. What is his quickest route to finding himself in trouble? 


Like many kids, Coop has a hard time following the rules, especially the rule about refueling when your tank gets low. He plays long and hard and forgets to fill up until it’s too late. Then, he lies about it to his mother because he’s afraid of disappointing her. 


Coop feels bad and wants to do better, but he keeps getting distracted and messing up. He thinks the solution is to try harder to follow more rules, and naturally turns to his big sister, Lucy, for help.


Q: Tell us about Lucy, Coop’s big sister who is a police car and the epitome of a rule follower. What lesson does she try to teach Coop?


Lucy is a hard worker who is ready to help her little brother shape up and become more like her. She prides herself on her ability to perfectly follow the rules. She is prone to self-righteousness and judges others who don’t follow the rules as well as she does. She thinks Coop’s problem could be solved if he just tried harder. 


When Coop and Lucy run out of gas together, Lucy is quick to blame Coop for their trouble. Lucy is shocked and humbled when she learns that Ma, the seemingly perfect fire truck who comes to their rescue, confesses that she struggles to follow the rules herself. 

Q: Do you have any tips for parents who have a child who is like Coop and seems to be the sibling that messes up the most? How do you try to lead children to have a healthier respect for the rules?


I’d suggest that parents first seek to understand why their child is messing up so much. Is it deliberate disobedience where the child knows the rules but chooses to flagrantly disobey? Is challenging authority typical for your child? If so, she likely needs clear boundaries and spelled-out consequences that you consistently follow through on. She also needs lots of encouragement and celebration when she wisely chooses to obey.


Or is your child messing up because she gets distracted a lot? Is she so focused on whatever she’s doing that she forgets the rules? This child might actually want to do better and be really discouraged by how often she messes up. A child like this needs a big dose of encouragement and support, maybe breaking tasks into smaller parts with cues along the way to remind her of the rules.  


Q: What about kids who tend to be like Lucy? How do you help your rule-follower children not become too self-righteous?


Rule-followers need to learn that their obedience is not for their glory—it’s for God’s glory! God put good authority in our kids’ lives to bless them, so when they obey, it honors God. They need to take their eyes off themselves and fix their eyes on the Lord. Kids like Lucy who tend to be self-righteous and find their identity in their good works need lots of reminders of grace. They need to know they can’t earn your love by what they do, but that you love them all the time, no matter what. This is a picture for them of the way God loves us.


Let them know that you expect them to mess up—it’s a normal part of being human. They’ll likely need help learning to take responsibility for their sins, rather than blaming others for their problems. Jesus is the only one who ever obeyed perfectly, and his perfect obedience is theirs if they repent and trust in Jesus. 


Q: When Lucy and Coop both run out of gas, what lesson does the duo learn? 


Lucy and Coop learn that Ma loves them completely, simply because they are her kids. She doesn’t love them more when they obey, or less when they disobey. Ma’s unconditional love for her kids is a picture of the way God has loved her. 


Ma forgives Lucy and Coop for breaking the family rules because God has already forgiven her for breaking his law. Lucy and Coop begin to experience the freedom and peace that come from turning from their sin and being forgiven. 

Q: What do you hope all children will learn about unconditional love from reading Coop Messes Up?


Sadly, many children are growing up under the crushing burden of thinking they have to perform in order to be loved. My prayer is that children who read Coop’s story will come to know the God who loves them simply because he loves them. 


Before they were even born, God knew all the ways they would mess up. He loved them so much that he sent his son, Jesus, to obey for them, to die for them, and to be raised again for them, so that they can be forgiven and find new life with him. 


Q: How do we make sure that our kids understand that just because we love them unconditionally, even when they mess up, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have to try to follow the rules or face the consequences of their choices?


Part of loving our kids unconditionally includes helping them learn to live under the Lordship of Christ. God made the world, so he gets to set the rules, and his rules are for our good, to help us flourish. Kids do need to learn to obey God, and experience consequences when they disobey. 


But all of this should be in the larger context of understanding how much God loves them, and that his rules are for their good. He’s not a harsh taskmaster who’s looking for ways to make them miserable. He’s a good Father who knows what’s best for them and loves them enough to help them keep on his path. It also helps kids when they see that parents and other adults need to obey God too, and that we experience consequences when we disobey.


Q: Why is it important to confess some of the ways we mess up to our children?


Our kids already know we are not perfect. Or if they don’t know it yet, they will definitely know it by the time they are teenagers. Part of modeling the Christian life for them is letting them see what we do when we sin. Are we humble? Do we seek forgiveness and reconciliation? Do we take ownership for our sin and do what we can to make things right? Do our kids see us relying on the Savior that we claim to believe in? 


Especially when our sin involves our children, we need to humble ourselves and seek their forgiveness. Our exhortations to them to confess and seek Jesus are going to mean a whole lot more if they have seen us living this out ourselves.


Q: Coop Messes Up is the first book in The Wheelies series. Can you give us a little spoiler of what’s coming up in the series?


The next book is called Coop Helps Out. Pops (the garbage truck) gets sick, and Coop feels responsible. Coop learns what it means to be a humble servant, like Pops, and in the process gets to know more about Jesus, the best servant who ever lived.


Coop Learns He Can comes next. Coop and his sister Joy (the Jeep) go on an outdoor adventure. Coop is sad he wasn’t made to do all the cool stuff Joy can do. But when Joy gets stuck, Coop is able to rescue her precisely because of the way he was made. He learns what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

Coop Messes Up

The Wheelies Book 1

by Sarah Reju

Illustrated by Tania Rex

February 26, 2024

ISBN: 978-1-64507-411-3

Retail Price: $16.99

Juvenile Fiction/Religious/Christian/Values and Virtues

Read a Preview

About the Author and Illustrator

Sarah Reju, MDiv, is a pastor’s wife and mother living in Washington, DC. She has a MDiv in Christian Ministry from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Reju is the author of the children’s books Jesus Saves, God Is Better Than TrucksGod Is Better Than Princesses, and Coop Messes Up (the first in the new Wheelies series). 


Sarah and her husband, Deepak, have five children.  

About the Illustrator:


Tania Rex was born and raised in Vilnius, Lithuania. She’s happiest when she can take an idea and turn it into a picture. Experimenting with styles and drawing is how she spends most of her spare time. Tania draws inspiration from little everyday miracles, aiming to point audience attention to the ever-present magic of real life.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Let's Get Down to Business and Talk about Jesus by BJ Bassett #devotional

 Let's Get Down to Business and Talk about Jesus

Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 MSG

Helen Sunday, affectionately called "Nell" or "Ma" by her famous evangelist husband Billy Sunday, was the woman behind the man.

He was shy and insecure, needing his wife's support. They decided to leave their three older children with a nanny so that Nell could accompany Billy in his ministry.

They met shortly after Billy's conversion. He'd been a professional baseball player before he became an evangelist. Nell taught Sunday school as a teenager, became the Intermediate Department supervisor, and was influential in youth ministry.

Billy trusted her with his career. Her loyalty made her Billy's backbone. She acted as a buffer between Billy and the outside world, enabling him to concentrate on his preaching.

Later, she also spoke at women's meetings and civic organizations and became a religious figure in her own right. She answered voluminous mail and wrote a syndicated feature called "Mrs. Billy Sunday's Column," supporting greater opportunities for women.

After Billy's death, she began her 22-year preaching ministry, encouraged young evangelists, and raised funds for Christian organizations.

Bob Jones Jr. said in her eulogy, "I can hear Ma Sunday now saying, 'That’s enough of this foolishness. Let’s get down to business and talk about Jesus.’”

I agree. Let’s get down to business and talk about Jesus with believers and those who do not believe yet.

Father, I would like to be like Ma Sunday if it's Your will. Amen.

Reprinted from

The King’s Daughters

By B J Bassett




B. J. Bassett encourages others as an author, teacher and speaker. Her books include a contemporary novel, Gillian’s Heart; a historical novel Lily; Sweet Charity; A Touch of Grace—The G.R.A.C.E. Ministries Story; and coauthor of a children’s devotional My Time with God, Focus on the Family, Heritage Builders, with over 55,000 copies sold.


As a contributing writer, publications consist of Writer’s Handbook 2000, The Writer, and The Focus on the Family Guide to Growing a Healthy Home, Wolgemuth& Hyatt, Publishers, Inc.—consistently on Bookstore Journal’s Best-selling Christian Books List from November 1990 - February 1991, and voted the 10 Best Books for 1990 by Today’s Christian Woman.


Magazines, devotional booklets, curriculum and newspaper publishers include Focus on the Family, Woman’s World, The Quiet Hour, Pathways to God, Devotions, Harcourt Brace, WordAction, Gospel Publishing and Times Standard (newspaper).


She teaches writing workshops at Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, OR and at writer’s conferences. As a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries, she tells her story of rejection and acceptance, not only in life, but as a writer as well. She also offers book talks, including discussion questions and shares the journey -- from the seed of an idea to a published book.


She enjoys reading, jigsaw puzzles, knitting, munching warm scones oozing with butter and strawberry jam and sipping earl grey tea.


B. J. Bassett encourages others as an author, teacher and speaker. Her books include a contemporary novel, Gillian’s Heart; a historical novel Lily; Sweet Charity; A Touch of Grace—The G.R.A.C.E. Ministries Story; and coauthor of a children’s devotional My Time with God, Focus on the Family, Heritage Builders, with over 55,000 copies sold.


As a contributing writer, publications consist of Writer’s Handbook 2000, The Writer, and The Focus on the Family Guide to Growing a Healthy Home, Wolgemuth& Hyatt, Publishers, Inc.—consistently on Bookstore Journal’s Best-selling Christian Books List from November 1990 - February 1991, and voted the 10 Best Books for 1990 by Today’s Christian Woman.


Magazines, devotional booklets, curriculum and newspaper publishers include Focus on the Family, Woman’s World, The Quiet Hour, Pathways to God, Devotions, Harcourt Brace, WordAction, Gospel Publishing and Times Standard (newspaper).


She teaches writing workshops at Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, OR and at writer’s conferences. As a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries, she tells her story of rejection and acceptance, not only in life, but as a writer as well. She also offers book talks, including discussion questions and shares the journey -- from the seed of an idea to a published book.


She enjoys reading, jigsaw puzzles, knitting, munching warm scones oozing with butter and strawberry jam and sipping earl grey tea.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Welcome to the Gimme Some Sugar Celebration Tour! #Giveaway


About the Book

Book: Gimme Some Sugar: 90 Devotions to Sweeten Your Day in a Godly Way

Author: Linda Kozar

Genre: Devotional Book, Nonfiction

Release date: April 2, 2024

A perfect start to a joyful heart.

Good things from God can calm the soul and fill you with confidence. In Gimme Some Sugar, award-winning author Linda Kozar brings her southern wit and wisdom to sweeten your life with spiritual nourishment to ponder, perspective to pray about, and a touch of joy to put a smile on your face. This 90-day devotional will encourage you to set your heart and mind on God’s Word while having fun along the way. Each devotion includes

  • an engaging saying,
  • inspiring insights from Scripture,
  • practical advice for daily life, and
  • a sprinkle of homespun humor.

Brighten your day with a spoonful of biblical encouragement and reminders of God’s enduring love, hope, and peace.

 Marilyn's thoughts:    


Gimme Some Sugar, 90 Devotions to Sweeten Your Day in a Godly Way, is an easy to read devotional. The author has included a scripture verse, a quote from a well known individual, thought and sweet spoonful thought to tie it all up. Some of the quotes or humorous and others more serious to cause a deeper reflection on the Word, along with how it could be applied to your daily life. This devotional is in a soft bound leather cover that makes it perfect to give as a gift.


I received a complimentary copy of this devotional from Celebrate Lit and have expressed my own thoughts.


 Marilyn's thoughts:   


Gimme Some Sugar, 90 Devotions to Sweeten Your Day in a Godly Way, is an easy to read devotional. The author has included a scripture verse, a quote from a well known individual, thought and sweet spoonful thought to tie it all up. Some of the quotes or humorous and others more serious to cause a deeper reflection on the Word, along with how it could be applied to your daily life. This devotional is in a soft bound leather cover that makes it perfect to give as a gift.


I received a complimentary copy of this devotional from Celebrate Lit and have expressed my own thoughts.




Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Linda Kozar is an award-winning multi-published author of traditional and indie-published fiction and nonfiction books with a Southern flair. Linda and her husband Michael live in The Woodlands, Texas and enjoy spending time with their two grown daughters, their wonderful son-in-law, two grands Eden and Wesley, and Gypsy their rascally Jack Russell Terrier.





More from Linda

The Southern life is simple, savory food, sweet tea, and family. Whether you have a twang or a drawl, or nothing at all, if you’re Southern at heart these devotions will perk you up, give you a scriptural truth to ponder, and a spoonful of inspiration to sweeten your day.

—Linda Kozar, Author of Gimme Some Sugar

Good Gracious! Company’s Coming Cheese Straws


1 pound (4 cups) freshly shredded sharp cheddar cheese (gotta be sharp!)

1 cup salted butter (yes to salted)

1-1/2 teaspoons salt

4 cups all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

½ teaspoon smoked paprika

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon onion powder

1/8 teaspoon black pepper (or white if preferred)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line your baking sheets with parchment or silicone sheets. Break out your box grater and go to town grating that sharp cheddar cheese on the fine side of the grater. When finished, (usually when your arm starts to hurt), cover and let it come to room temperature.

Add the butter and cheese to a stand mixer bowl and paddle beat for about ten minutes until creamed together.

Add salt, flour, cayenne pepper, smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and pepper l and mix on medium speed until fully combined.

Transfer dough to a cookie press fitted with a star tip (if you want your straws to look fancy). Or you can hand-roll long thin strips and cut into uniform lengths (about 3 inches) with a knife.

Bake for 12-14 minutes until lightly-browned. Let cool for 5 to 10 minutes. Then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Blog Stops

Its Mama Safe, May 2

She Lives To Read, May 3

Lighthouse Academy Blog, May 4 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Artistic Nobody, May 5 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 5

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 6

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 7

By The Book, May 8 (Author Interview)

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, May 9

Texas Book-aholic, May 10

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, May 11 (Author Interview)

Cover Lover Book Review, May 12

Tell Tale Book Reviews, May 13 (Author Interview)

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, May 13

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 14

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 15


To celebrate her tour, Linda is giving away the grand prize package of a $75 Amazon gift card and a hardcover copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Welcome to the Courting an Amish Bishop Celebration Tour! #giveaway #Amish


About the Book

Book: Courting an Amish Bishop

Author: Mindy Steele

Genre: Amish/Christian Fiction

Release Date: April, 2024

No One Is Ever Too Old to Love Again

Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

Simon Graber became a widower and a bishop early in life. His focus is solely on his very close-knit Old Order Amish community—not entertaining the idea of marriage, despite what many of the elders think. When sickness comes to Cherry Grove, Kentucky, Simon reaches out into the next community for help. But help is beginning to look a lot like a second chance when Stella Schmucker agrees to offer her vast herbal knowledge to the sick. Can it be that these two, who have been too busy serving others to entertain the idea of love, have met at just the perfect time for an unlikely courtship?

 Marilyn's thoughts:    Courting an Amish Bishop is a fun read with a widower Bishop and a natural healer using teas and herbs. Stella is strong and determined with her ways for healing and assisting others. She had no problems going with Bishop Graber to his community to aid others. Their frustrations with one another was evident from the start but Stella focus was on remedies for the ill. Ellie, Stella’s hund, gave this tale humor with her antics. The unexpected events gave way to themes of letting go of past hurts, forgiveness, faith and budding romance.


I received an early copy of this book from Celebrate Lit and Barbour Publisher for the book tour. I have expressed my own thoughts.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Mindy Steele is the award-winning author and bestselling author of over a dozen novels and novellas in Christian fiction. Raised in Kentucky timber country, Steele has been writing since she could hold a crayon on the wall and lives in northeastern Kentucky—where many of her stories are set.






More from Mindy

The Story Behind the Story with Mindy Steele

Courting an Amish Bishop

Sometimes the smallest detail can spark the greatest story.  It can be a laugh, a flower petal, or even a cup of tea. I have always been drawn to little details and there are times when I felt God tapping on my shoulder, saying pay attention to this. So from a brief chat or set of bones found on a wooded path, stories have taken root.

For this story, it was a cup of elderberry tea late one evening that sent my thoughts to wander. I grew up on the edge of Appalachia and had learned a few herbal remedies to quickly ward off the flu or stop poison ivy before the first itch. As an Amish fiction writer, I wondered if the Amish resorted to the same such natural ways. I knew my neighbors used charcoal internally at times, as well as stockpiling burdock leaves to dry in their attic for burns and wounds, but I wanted to know more.

There is a strong belief among many that the Amish refuse modern medicine. This is simply not true. Most prefer modern medicine as a last resort. Though I once had an Amish neighbor who’d run to the doctor quite often for the least little thing.

Coincidentally, I had gone on to a summer book tour in southern Kentucky, and crossed paths with an Amish healer. She was a remarkable woman, full of wisdom and information. I have also been blessed to have Doc Sam, an Amish man, living just down the road, as well as a few Amish women willing to share their thoughts with me.

Healers have a vast knowledge that is not limited to just one thing. An Amish midwife is often sought after for more than when a child is ready to be welcomed into the world. A chiropractor, or muscle stretcher as they are called since no degree has been obtained, can tell you the best remedy for burns, womanly issues, or how to detox your liver.

Stella Schmucker was my most interesting character to write.  As a woman who needed healing in her own life, it was by God’s grace she became one. As I got to know her, I knew a Bishop had to play a major part in her journey. We often think of men in such positions as stern, authoritarian, and well…old. But a man may draw the lot at as young as 30 if he has already held a position of a deacon or minister. I have seldom read a story where the bishop isn’t stern and always reminding us to follow the rules, but what we don’t see is the man under the hat! Simon reveals an outer and inner man, one struggling with loss, yet faithful in helping others. I have been waiting to write a Bishop’s story for some time, and once Stella’s life was laid out in front in me, the match was made.

I hope you enjoy this story and getting to know Ellie, my silver lab Stella borrows to entertain you. Who knows, you might even learn a few herbal remedies too.

Many blessings and good health,


Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 27

lakesidelivingsite, April 28

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 29

She Lives To Read, April 30

Texas Book-aholic, May 1

Lighthouse Academy Blog, May 2 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 3

For Him and My Family, May 4

Cover Lover Book Review, May 5

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 6 (Author Interview)

Mornings at Character Cafe, May 6

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 7

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, May 8

Holly’s Book Corner, May 9

Mary Hake, May 9

Jeanette’s Thoughts, May 10


To celebrate her tour, Mindy is giving away the grand prize package a $25 Amazon gift card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

An Interview with Sarah Reju, Author of Coop Messes Up

  An Interview with Sarah Reju, Author of  Coop Messes Up   For parents with a little one who loves to play with cars and trucks, a new seri...