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Put your publishing experience to work for you with Path To Publishing's Verified Literary Consultant or Certified Literary Instructor Training Programs

Get paid...and paid well...for the expertise you've worked so hard and spent so much to gain.

It takes hard work to write, edit, and publish a quality book that meets industry standards. Turn the work you did to create your book into a business helping other people do the same. We offer three paths to start earning money from your literary expertise.


Path 1. Verified Literary Consultant

Path To Publishing Verified Literary Consultants have gone through the publishing process and act as guides for those wanting to write or publish a book or build a book business. Path To Publishing Verified Literary Consultants are literary experts and professionals actively doing - and succeeding at - what they guide their clients in doing.

Path To Publishing Certified Literary Course Instructors have gone through the publishing process and have spent at least two years consulting others so they know the common pitfalls and challenges writers may face along the road. They are literary experts and professionals actively doing - and succeeding at - what they teach their clients to do.

Path 2. Certified Literary Course Instructor

Path 3. Certified and Verified Literary Master

Path To Publishing Certified and Verified Literary Masters have proven themselves masters of the literary consulting and instruction craft. They are qualified to coach and consult others in publishing as well as to instruct them in the ins and outs of publishing through courses, workshops, and conferences.


  1. A published book in any genre provided it meets industry standards.

  2. Professional insurance prior to accepting your first client from Path To Publishing

  3. Annual renewal of your certification/verification license

  4. Attendance at a Path To Publishing Literary Conference/Retreat/Online Workshop for ongoing professional development.

  5. INSTRUCTORS ONLY: 2 years experience consulting, either paid or unpaid, other writers in the business of publishing books.

We've Helped Thousands of Authors, Publishers, Literary Consultants, Educators and Consultants...Why Not You?

Partner with one of the most trusted names in literary service providers and educators. Click the button below to request the Certification and Verification application. We have helped our clients build, sustain, and grow their literary businesses. Allow us the honor and privilege of adding you to the list.


Please note there is a $100 non-refundable application fee due with the returned application.

Verification and Certification Benefits

​This business offers plenty of benefits that go far beyond the money:

  • Work your own hours

  • Choose the projects and assignments you enjoy most

  • Say goodbye to high-cost commutes and long drives to work

  • Work anywhere you can grab a reliable internet connection

  • Gain the benefit of a team of experts supporting you

  • Receive in-take/discovery questionnaires, scripts for calls, information to ask to customize a client’s programs to meet their immediate needs and long-term goals, along with other templates

  • Access tools and resources to give your clients freedom, empowerment, and massive transformation

  • Mentorship and accountability to help you complete the program and take on your first client

  • Client referrals (if desired) from Path To Publishing

  • Knowledge that you are not only helping people achieve their dreams, you are helping to shape the future of humanity.

Verified Literary Consultants DO NOT Receive:

  • License to teach classes, workshops, retreats, seminars, or conferences using Path To Publishing materials and frameworks

  • Path To Publishing Endorsement as a Certified Literary Course Instructor

  • A profile page on the Path To Publishing Website 

  • Significant discounts for themselves and their clients or former clients to Path To Publishing programs including (but not limited to) annual conferences, webinars, and the Members Only website 

Get on the Way To Making Money with Your Passion, Knowledge, and Expertise. Apply Now!

  • Verified Consultant

    Every month
    Literary guide for those who want to write and publish books
    Valid for 12 months
    • Verification as an expert in publishing industry standards
    • Endorsement by Path To Publishing
    • New client referrals and leads (if desired)
    • Ongoing professional development
    • Opportunity to be a guest blogger/columnist
    • Membership to the Path To Publishing Members-Only Site
    • Acknowledgement in the Path To Publishing Newsletter
    • Literary business materials, tools, resources, and knowledge
    • 8 Hours of Literary Leadership Training
    • Mentorship
    • Accountability
    • Option to consult with Pathfinders
  • Certified Instructor

    Every month
    Become certified as a literary expert qualified to teach
    Valid for 12 months
    • Certification as an expert qualified to teach
    • Endorsement by Path To Publishing as a Certified Instructor
    • New client referrals and leads (if desired)
    • License to use Path To Publishing branding & content
    • License to teach courses, workshops, retreats, & conferences
    • 8 Hours of Literary Leadership training
    • Ongoing professional development
    • Path To Publishing's Literary Experts community membership
    • Path To Publishing Instructor Profile Page with your link
    • Recognition in the Path To Publishing newsletter and website
    • Opportunity to be a guest blogger/columnist
    • Membership to the Path To Publishing Members Only Website
    • Discounts for you & your clients to Path To Publishing event
    • Mentorship
    • Accountability
    • Support building your business
  • Literary Master

    Every month
    Verified and Certified Masters can do it all
    Valid for 12 months
    • Everything in the Verified Literary Consultant Plan
    • Everything in the Certified Literary Course Instructor Plan

The Value of This Training

We recently received $15,000 for just one of our consulting clients. Imagine if you could get just one $15,000 client per month. That's $180,000 per year and $1,800,000 over ten years. That's how valuable this training is.


We've hosted events where the tickets were $2500 per person and had over 100 people attend the event. That is a minimum of $250,000 per event and if you held just two of those per year you'd bring in $500,000. Over ten years, that would be $5,000,000.


As you can see, we would be easily justified in charging hundreds of thousands of dollars for this training, but we're not. The reason for this is simple: We are growing so quickly that we need more hands to help with the workload. While we could hire employees, we would rather have dedicated, entrepreneur-minded partners who take themselves and their work seriously and are willing to invest in themselves to get where they want to be in life.


For that reason, we are currently charging just $5,000 per tier for the Verified Literary Consultant Training and $10,000 per tier for the Certified Literary Instructor Course Training. Payment plans are available for those who may be a bit tight financially right now.


The most valuable investment a person can make is themselves as it is the only investment you can make where you have 100% control over how much return you get on it. The only people who do not make back far more than they paid are the people who don't put the work in to finish the content and work the content.

Take Advantage of the Opportunity Now

Partner with one of the most trusted names in literary service providers and educators. Click the button below to request the Certification and Verification application. Path To Publishing has assisted thousands of authors, publishers, literary consultants, educators, and coaches build, sustain, and grow their literary businesses. Allow us the honor and privilege of adding you to the list.

Please note there is a $100 non-refundable application fee due with the returned application.

The Verified Literary Consultant Program offers 5 Tiers, each covering a different aspect of the publishing business. Tier 1 is where all Verified Literary Consultants begin, but each tier increases the potential to earn and grow.


Each tier takes approximately 4 months to complete and requires mandatory annual re-certification in addition to quarterly reviews and attendance at a yearly retreat, conference, or online meeting

Verified Literary Consultants: 5 Tiers of Earning Opportunity

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Tier 1: Beyond the Basics of Self-Publishing

Discover how to help authors build better books by guiding them through the entire publishing process:

  • Writing

  • Editing

  • Designing 

  • Publishing

  • Marketing

Prepare them to meet the challenges that pop up along the way. The 4-month training includes 8 hours of leadership training for authors so they are better equipped to gain the trust and cooperation of the authors they work with and prepare them for the literary spotlight.

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Tier 2: Building a Book Business

Discover how to help authors tackle the challenges involved in turning their books into businesses:

  • Naming their business

  • Incorporating it

  • Separating business and personal expenses 

  • Collecting, reporting, and paying taxes

  • Accounting and hiring accountants

  • Registering copyrights and hiring intellectual property lawyers

The 4-month training includes 8 hours of leadership training for entrepreneurs so they are equipped to prepare their clients for the challenges of leading employees and teams as they build and scale their book business.  

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Tier 3: Making a Living as a Writer

Discover how to help authors make a living with their writing by:

  • Making money beyond the book sales

  • Getting other people to pay for their business endeavors

  • Securing paid writing gigs

  • Obtaining grants and sponsorships

  • Increasing book sales without direct selling

  • Leveraging their content apart from their books to make even more money  

Complete three-course audiovisual bundle for only $900. [AUDIOVISUAL]

Tier 4: Master Verified Literary Consultant

Master Verified Literary Consultants have trained in all 3 tiers and know all aspects of the business. They are a true master of their craft.

Complete three-course audiovisual bundle for only $900. [AUDIOVISUAL]

Tier 5: Verified Literary Consultant Leader

These Verified Literary Consultants has participated in a 4-month Literary Leadership Mastermind Program and is prepared to lead other Literary Consultants.

Get on the way to earning more today! Apply Now.

Be sure to indicate which tiers you'd like to include in your package when you apply. If you can't afford to add them all now, add them as your business grows.

Grow Your Literary Course Instruction Business...and Your Earning Power...with These Added Tiers

The Certified Literary Course Instructor Program offers 8 potential tiers from which to choose, each one covering a different aspect of the publishing business. Everyone begins with Tier 1.


Each tier takes approximately three months to complete (with the exception of the 8th).


Mandatory annual recertification plus quarterly reviews and attendance at a yearly retreat/conference or online meeting is required as well. 

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Tier 1: Beyond the Basics of Self-Publishing

Discover how to instruct authors in building better books by guiding them through the entire publishing process:

  • Writing

  • Editing

  • Designing 

  • Publishing

  • Marketing

Prepare them to meet the challenges that pop up along the way. The 3-month training includes 8 hours of leadership training for authors so they are better prepared for the literary spotlight.

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Tier 2: Building a Book Business

Discover how to instruct authors in the necessities of turning their books into businesses:

  • Naming their business

  • Incorporating it

  • Separating business and personal expenses 

  • Collecting, reporting, and paying taxes

  • Accounting and hiring accountants

  • Registering copyrights and hiring intellectual property lawyers

The 3-month training includes 8 hours of leadership training for entrepreneurs so they are equipped for the challenges of leading employees and teams as they build and scale their book business.  

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Tier 3: Making a Living as a Writer

Discover how to instruct authors in making a living with their writing by:

  • Making money beyond the book sales

  • Getting other people to pay for their business endeavors

  • Securing paid writing gigs

  • Obtaining grants and sponsorships

  • Increasing book sales without direct selling

  • Leveraging their content apart from their books to make even more money  

Complete three-course audiovisual bundle for only $900. [AUDIOVISUAL]

Tier 4: Master Certified Literary Instructor

Master Verified Literary Instructors have trained in all 3 tiers and know all aspects of the publishing business. They are a true master of their craft.

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Tier 5: Literary Event Planning Instructor 

Specialists in instructing authors on how to create events such as book signings, author meet-and-greets, retreats, workshops, conferences, and more. As part of their instructor training, they will create a live event which will be promoted by Path To Publishing and will be eligible to host live Path To Publishing events in their area of expertise.

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Tier 6: Literary Course Creation Instructor 

Specialists in training authors on taking their books and turning them into online courses, workshops, and conferences so they can amplify their impact and increase their income. As part of their instructor training, they will create an online course or workshop which will be promoted by Path To Publishing and will be eligible to host Path To Publishing branded instructional events in their area of expertise.

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Tier 7: Literary Online Course Promotion 

This tier allows Literary Course Instructors to partner with Path To Publishing in the promotion of their pre-recorded online course. Joylynn's team will set up the sales funnel for them. There is a one time charge for this service and includes a pre-built funnel similar to what is available at

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Tier 8: Literary Leadership Instructor 

Literary Course Instructors who are willing to go through the full 12-month Literary Leadership Development Training are eligible to add this tier to their Course Certification list and teach the content provided. 

Spots Are Limited & So Is Time

We are only taking a certain number of applications. Once enrollment closes, it will not come back again until next year. Don't wait. If you think this is something you might want to pursue, take action now and hit the apply now button below.

Why Literary Leadership Training is Part of Every Program We Offer

"Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers."
- Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States

Writers Lead the Leaders.
Consultants and Instructors Lead the Writers.

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Brandy Miller, Path To Publishing Verification, Certification & Training Program Coordinator

Writing is a leadership position. The words written today will not only impact this generation but every generation to follow after it. After all, we are still reading and being influenced by the words written by those who lived thousands of years ago.​

Great Leaders are Not Born.
They are Cultivated. 

Most writers are not only unaware of their power to shape and form the world around them with their words, but they are untrained in how to wield their power effectively.  The same thing is true about artists, teachers, coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs, and parents. As a result, their work often goes unappreciated, is dismissed as insignificant, or diminished by the people around them. Many of them may hear on a regular basis, "Why don't you get a real job?" as if the work they do isn't making a valuable contribution. 


They can end up struggling to get the support they need to carry out the work that needs to be done, getting nowhere on important projects even when they can afford to hire a team or have a group of supporters because they can't get anyone to agree with the best way to handle things.


They can be deeply affected by critics and negative reviews to the point where it begins to affect their work and slow their progress. They often end up stressed out, frustrated, and feeling like a failure because nobody seems to listen to them or cooperate with them in doing the work that must be done in order to accomplish the great things they have in mind.


It can feel a whole lot like herding cats. 

Literary Leadership Training:
A Stress-Less Approach To Leadership

Being in a leadership role often feels like herding cats. You’re trying to get people who don’t want to do what you want them to do moving in the same direction and working toward the same goals. Whether it is the clients you serve or the audience you attract, getting people to cooperate with you and take you seriously can be a challenge.


The reason most leadership strategies fail is that they fail to LEAD people by employing the 8 keys to literary leadership: Clarity, consistency, communication, connection, commitment, community, collaboration, and conversion.


Those 8 keys are what it takes to unlock the hearts and minds of the people around you to get them not only willing to follow you wherever you want to take them, but eager to serve you and help make your dreams come true with less stress for them and for you.


What Your 12-Month Literary Leadership/Thought-Leadership Journey Will Focus On:

Month 1: Clarity of Vision

Month 2: Commitment to the Vision

Month 3: Consistency of Action

Month 4: Connection with Those They Lead

Month 5: Communication of the Vision

Month 6: Community Building

Month 7: Collaborating with Other Leaders

Month 8: Conversion

Month 9: Listening for Understanding

Month 10: Empathize with Their Situation

Month 11: Ask Relevant Questions

Month 12: Determine the Possibilities


Literary Leaders are excellent at recognizing and cultivating talent, locating and implementing creative solutions to complex problems, coordinating efforts among diverse groups of individuals, and are driven by an inborn desire to produce greatness within themselves and those around them. These are the people who seek not merely to create a book, but to develop a movement that will leave a lasting impact on the world around them, which will impact both current and future generations. 

Become a Literary Leader.
Sign up for Our 12-Month Literary Leadership Development Program

Click the button below to request more detailed information, including pricing, for the Literary Leadership Training & Mastermind 12-Month Program. We’ll also schedule a call with you to speak to our program coordinator to make sure this program is a good fit for your literary career goals.

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Magnetic Thought Leadership:

Leadership Training for Businesses & Corporations

End the Infighting and Increase Productivity


If you’re struggling to get your team, employees, or members to stop the infighting and start working together so you can get stuff done, you’ve come to the right place.


Magnetic Thought Leadership Training will teach you how to:

  • Leverage common problems as opportunities for unity

  • Turn differences into assets rather than liabilities

  • Focus on the objective so you can accelerate your progress

  • Build bridges by working toward a common understanding that creates consensus among all parties

Turn Differences Into Assets


Every person sees things differently, but that’s an asset when it comes to problem-solving. Each perspective offered brings a new piece of the puzzle to the table. With enough perspectives, you get the whole puzzle solved in virtually no time at all.


But that doesn’t happen unless people feel free to share their unique perspective openly and honestly. Magnetic Thought Leadership Training removes the barriers that keep people from opening up and sharing ideas so solutions come with less stress in less time and with less effort.

Turn Adversaries, Critics, and Antagonists into Allies, Advocates, and Supporters


It isn't what people say about your brand, your department, or your personal leadership that makes the biggest difference. It comes down to how you handle it.


The people who may be your loudest critics offer the most powerful insights into what you can improve. Your greatest adversaries provide the greatest lessons about where your breakdowns in communication are happening. Those who actively antagonize you are showing you where gaps in your leadership lie. Leverage these three wisely and you can build unstoppable an unstoppable brand, an unbeatable department, and a loyal team.

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