A clever way to use AI for market research: Check out the LinkedIn profile of someone you think should hire you. It can be someone you know or a stranger. Open up ChatGPT or your favorite AI tool. Tell the AI to pretend it’s that person - the name doesn’t matter, but enter in their basic details from their LinkedIn profile. Their job title, bio, about section, maybe even some of their recent posts to give the AI a sense of who they are. Then tell the AI you’re going to pitch your service to it and you want it to ask questions and poke holes in your pitch. At the end, have the AI tell you what’s missing from your pitch and suggest what you can do to appeal to that person (or others like them). You can even have it help you craft an outreach strategy to approach that specific person if you want. And then you can do it again with other potential ideal clients. What do you think of this idea? 👍 or 👎 or 😳
I think AI is wired to please in this scenario and the copy you generate will reek of AI cliches. I much prefer to use AI search to help me dig out voice of customer verbatim quotes from forums that I can stick directly into my copy.
This is a great use case for AI! Thanks for sharing.
I am probably in the minority, but I am worried about the rush to use AI for various parts of our business. The issues around environmental concerns and copyright issues are enough red flags for me not to engage it. But the one issue I don't hear being discussed is the issue around thinking: the more reliance on AI tools actually short-circuits the use of our thinking skills. Just like the use of the internet has reduced memory and focused attention drastically, as a university professor I have seen the limitations to my students who are using AI to "help think through their papers" etc. We are outsourcing our thinking process to a machine and I worry that what sounds like a "labor saving technique" and a "smart use case for Chat GPT" etc in my business or in my education or in my life — is inhibiting the development of our understanding. Struggling through the process of thinking IS the point. The thinking process will open new ways forward in me, but not if Al does it for me. Also, we are not brains on sticks. Our bodies and the context of our lived experience matter in thinking. AI cannot think like a human because it has no body or context like us. To know my clients, I need to engage THEM and not AI analyzed data about them.
I've got a couple clients I can try this on... and I'll let you know how it plays out. Thanks!
I love this idea. AI as a collaborator and editor for working out thoughts (not as a crutch) is maybe the greatest unlock I've experienced in the past several years, and certainly the past several months as I've leaned deeper into this.
So genius Josh Spector
Going into voice mode and practicing a discovery/strategy call on the back of it works super well too!
I help busy leaders improve how they track their team's success.
2dI love it! It helps you see different angles to the hire and make sure you are asking the right questions.