Simplify & Streamline your Notion

Break free from ClutterOrganize Notion in 5 Days.

Does your Notion feel this way?

  • Messy and frustrating to use.
  • A dumping ground of information.
  • A graveyard of unused Notion templates.
  • A struggle to find what you need in under 5 seconds.

This free 5-day email course helps you:

  • Day 1: Eliminate 70% of clutter and radically simplify your Notion sidebar in 15 minutes or less (Find exactly what you’re looking for under 5 seconds).
  • Day 2: How to use Notion Templates the right way (Not all downloaded templates are actually useful out-of-the-box)
  • Day 3: Conquer your fear of Notion databases and unlock the power of databases (Pages keep you stuck in clutter)
  • Day 4: Re-structure your Notion for productivity and design dashboards for taking action (not just looking pretty)
  • Day 5: Three easy ways to stop your Notion workspace from becoming cluttered again (In 15 minutes or less once a week)

Bonus Included! Task and Project System in Notion plus a quick start walkthrough video guide on how to use it to quickly add, track and manage your tasks and projects.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    "It was awesome, 10 our of 10. A first-time Notion user starting at zero, you've saved me more hours than I'll ever know" - Beat S.

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