Link multiple Repeat Customer Insights accounts for quick sign-ins

A number of Shopify stores using Repeat Customer Insights have multiple stores.

From Shopify Plus stores using country-specific stores to serial-entrepreneurs (and parallel-entrepreneurs) running multiple stores at once, lots of merchants are constantly switching between accounts.

(Even Shopify had to recently update their admin interface to make account-switching easier)

With the release of Linked Accounts, now it's possible to link multiple app accounts and quickly switch between them.

Example linked accounts, if you can dig it

Every Repeat Customer Insights account can link accounts. Even those on the older legacy plans.

It's a small improvement for those customers that are heavy users of the app. If you were one who asked for it, thanks for talking through it with me.

Eric Davis

How do your products determine customer behavior

In Repeat Customer Insights the Customer First Product analysis will measure customer behavior based on the products each customer first ordered.

Learn more

Topics: Repeat customer insights

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