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Lean Back

by Sarah Salem

00:00 / 04:11
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Lean back, they say
Lean back, they say
Lean back, they say
We're right here
We're right here

We are at your back
Feel the waters of ancestral blessing
We are at your back
We're right here
We're right here

In the curls of your hair
In the fire of your stare
In the drops of your blood
And when you speak
And when you speak

In the air that you breathe
In the knowledge that you seek
In the wisdom of your hands
And in your bones
And in your bones


Guitar, Vocals & Arrangement: Sarah Salem
Sound Engineering: Marty Kezon


all rights reserved



Sarah Salem California

Sarah is a nature-based youth mentor, plant lover, and hebrew priestess. she makes home on the unceded lands of the Chochenyo Ohlone and southern Pomo peoples, in the bay area and sebastopol. her ancestors are irish settlers and sephardic and mizrahi jews. sarah is devoted to the work and play of remembering our deeper connections with ourselves, each other and the more-than-human world. ... more

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