Friday, March 28, 2025

Momentum Influencers Blog Tour: The Chosen: Last Supper

The table is set. 

 The people of Israel welcome Jesus as king while his disciples anticipate his crowning. But—instead of confronting Rome—he turns the tables on the Jewish religious festival. Their power threatened, the country’s religious and political leaders will go to any length to ensure this Passover meal is Jesus’ last. Shot in a beautiful cinematic format, The Chosen: Last Supper brings the most pivotal week in history to audiences in this special three-part theatrical release.

• The Chosen is a groundbreaking historical drama based on the life of Jesus (Jonathan Roumie), seen through the eyes of those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the seven-season series shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings. 

• With over 250 million viewers (as of 7/27/24), The Chosen is one of the most-watched shows in the world.

 • The Chosen is back for Holy Week, the most pivotal week in human history. Tables are turned. Friends are betrayed. And powerful leaders plot the death of Jesus. The Chosen: Last Supper is the must see event of the Easter season. 

• The Chosen: Last Supper is releasing in theaters in 3 parts! Part One (episodes 1-2) releases on March 28; Part Two (episodes 3-5) releases on April 4; and Part Three (episodes 6-8) releases on April 11. 

• Watch this powerful new season of The Chosen in theaters starting March 28th!

I am looking forward to Season 5 of The Chosen. Admittedly, I didn't start watching the series until Season 3 and I didn't watch all the Episodes. I really gained interest in the Series during Season 4. 

I watched Season 5 Episode 1 and I am amazed at this Episode. The Drama and Biblical accuracy were spot on. I feel this production was AMAZING and very aligned with the continuance of the Series. I am not one who goes to the Movie Theatres often, but I would definitely go see all the Episodes of The Chosen Season 5 at the Theatres. I really enjoy that the Episodes are released during the Season of Lent, as we prepare and get ready for the Holiest day of the Year for Christians. 

I HIGHLY recommend buying tickets for The Chosen and go see it in Theatres! GREAT Series!

BUY TICKETS NOW for all 3 Episodes. 
Episode 1 is in theatres March 28th! 

Many thanks to Come And See Foundation for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

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JustRead Tours Blog Tour: These Long Shadows by Jennifer MistMorgan

These Long Shadows JustRead Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for These Long Shadows by Jennifer Mistmorgan, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

These Long Shadows

Title: These Long Shadows
On Victory's Wings #3
Jennifer Mistmorgan
Independently Published
Release Date:
March 21, 2025
Historical Romance WWII

How do they rebuild a marriage that wasn’t real in the first place? 

London, 1945: Two years ago, Jonty Ables married Katie Baines to save her and her unborn baby from shame. But now the war is all but over, the baby is gone and they must work out where their shaky marriage fits into lives irrevocably changed by war. 

Clinging to the memory of a time before all happiness evaporated, Katie works hard during the day as a seamstress. At night she comes home to a tiny terrace on a bomb-scarred street, crammed with her extended family and their problems. Years of estrangement sit between her and her recently demobilized husband. She’s not even sure she loves him, so why is she so crushed that he calls out another woman’s name in his sleep? 

Jonty is determined to honor the vows he made no matter how many ghosts now plague him, but with such separate lives his wife is more of a stranger than ever. When Katie’s friend goes missing, Jonty seizes the opportunity to help her find him just so they have a reason to talk. But the war casts long shadows over their efforts, and fighting for their future might just be the hardest battle of them all.  

If you love epic wartime romance with a dash of intrigue, you’ll love this second-chance, marriage-of-convenience love story.

Historical Romance is a genre that always interest me. These Long Shadows by Jennifer Mistmorgan is the latest book in this genre that I have read. It is Book 3 in the On Victory Wings series. I haven't read the first 2 books in the series yet, but I wasn't lost while reading this book. 

I started reading and could not put the book down. The storyline was very intriguing from the first few pages. The setting is London, England in 1945. World War II has ended and lives have been changed. The 2 main characters in this book are Katie Baines and Jonty Ables. They have been married for 2 years now and they realize their marriage doesn't have a much love in it. Jonty and Katie married as he didn't want her to be "shamed" for having a baby before marriage, as Katie was pregnant without being married. The baby tragically passed away and Katie has been grieving for the 2 yrs they have been married. Jonty survived serving during Wartime and really has hopes for a wonderful marriage with Katie and wants to work things out. Katie is a seamstress and is very tired when the day is done and doesn't have time to invest in her marriage. Jonty is an outstanding man who has a heart for everyone and his faithfulness to Katie through all her struggles show this in him. Katie really struggles with grief and wants to LOVE Jonty. I LOVE how they both lean onto God and ask for his guidance in making this marriage be how he designed marriage to be. Katie and Jonty went from a Marriage of Convenience to growing and thriving in God's plan for their lives. There were many twists and turns in this storyline, but the ending was so very sweet. The book is one of Marriage of Convenience, Second Chances, Faith and Family. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Historical Romance. WONDERFUL BOOK!

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | buy from the author | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

More in This Series


Jennifer Mistmorgan

Australian author Jennifer Mistmorgan sometimes feels like she was born in the wrong era. So she writes romantic historical fiction set in the 1940s, against the backdrop of WWII and its aftermath. She infuses her sweet romances with wartime drama, gentle faith and a dash of intrigue. She lives in Canberra with her family and a wonky-eared West Highland terrier.

Connect with Jennifer by visiting to follow her on social media and subscribe to email newsletter updates.

(1) winner will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card (US$)!

(5) additional winners will each receive an ebook bundle of all 3 books in the "On Victory's Wings" series!

These Long Shadows blog tour giveaway JustRead

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight March 25, 2025 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on April 1, 2025. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Open internationally. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

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Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: When the Sky Burned by Liz Tolsma (A Day to Remember Book 6)

Book: When the Sky Burned (A Day to Remember Book 6)

Author: Liz Tolsma

Genre: Christian Fiction / Romance / Historical Fiction

Release date: March 1, 2025

A Tornado of Fire and Embezzlement Sweep through a Community  

Enjoy a series of 6 exciting novels featuring historic disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered.

Promising painter Mariah Randolph longs to have her canvases displayed in the world’s best museums, and Hollis Stanford, the heir of a railroad tycoon, is her ticket to success. The railroad’s bookkeeper, Jay Franklin, discovers discrepancies and is convinced that Hollis is stealing from the company. But any proof of his dirty dealings go up in smoke when fire utterly destroys the town of Peshtigo, Wisconsin, October 8, 1871.

The fire leaves Mariah blind, but Jay befriends her and even helps her to start painting again. But a trip to Chicago to return Hollis’s daughter to him could put both Mariah and Jay in more danger than even the fire that devastated the town and their lives.


Click here to get your copy!

When the Sky Burned by Liz Tolsma is a Chrsitian Historical Romance book. It is Book 6 in a new 6 part series of historic American disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered. The Series is written by Various Authors. I have read the series from Book 1 and I am always excited for the newest book in the series. 

The storyline is set in Peshtigo, Wisconsin, October 8, 1871. The 2 main characters are Mariah Randolph and Jay Franklin, A 3rd character that plays a prominent role in this book is Hollis Stanford. Mariah is an artist and her fiance, Hollis Stanford is a Railroad Tycoon, has promised to help her get her paintings noticed and in a few galleries. Jay Franklin has been hired as the BookKeeper for the RailRoad business. He immediately notices possible theft of the accounts associated with the Railroad Business. Jay is determined to look into this, but then a fire destroys the entire town of Peshtigo, WI on October 8, 1971, and any evidence of theft has been destroyed. October 8, 1871 was also the date of the Great Chicago Fire, that burned down most of Chicago. The fire also destroys the lives of many, some dying and others with major injuries. Mariah lost her eyesight because of the fire.  Jay steps up and encourages Mariah to still paint and helps her to learn to paint as a Blind Person. Mariah and Jay's life were changed dramatically because of this fire, but I LOVE that they both let this deter them from their goals in life. Mariah and Jay head to Chicago and their friendship flourishes during the time of Travel. I truly LOVED this book. I always knew the History of the Chicago Fire, as I was born and raised and still live in Chicago. I knew nothing of the Peshtigo, WI fires. Liz Tolsma really bought History to life in this book and I really LOVE this book, both the History and Romance parts of it.  I was encouraged by the Faith of the characters in this book. The story is one of Faith, Romance and History. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian Historical Romance Fiction. AMAZING BOOK! 

I am sad that is series has come to an END! I truly believe this is the BEST Historical Fiction series I have ever READ! 

Liz Tolsma is the author of several WWII novels, romantic suspense novels, prairie romance novellas, and an Amish romance. She is a popular speaker and an editor and resides next to a Wisconsin farm field with her husband and their youngest daughter. Her son is a US Marine, and her oldest daughter is a college student. Liz enjoys reading, walking, working in her large perennial garden, kayaking, and camping. She is also the host of the Christian Historical Fiction Talk podcast.


More from Liz

I stared at my computer screen in front of me. For years, I had been searching for my great-grandmother, Anna. I got no good information. Census records in the US weren’t helpful. Some listed her birthplace as Czechoslovakia, while others had it as Austria. I had heard before that she might have been born in Czechoslovakia before, but never Austria. There were no records that I had come across that listed the city or town where she was born.

Until that one day. While searching for my great-grandmother, I ran across a passport application recorded in Warsaw, Poland, for an Anna with the same last name, though spelled differently. Her birthday was listed as 1903, which matched the birth year I knew for my great-grandmother’s niece. As I read through the application, my heart was pounding. This Anna was born in the United States but went to Dubne, Poland, with her family in 1906. It was now 1923, and she wanted to return to the US, and she would be living with…

I started to cry when I saw who her sponsor was. My great-grandfather. The name and address were correct. There could be no doubt about it. It had taken me years, but I finally made the jump to Europe and discovered that my great-grandmother was not born in Czechoslovakia but in what was then the Austro-Hungarian Empire and is now Poland.

Of course, good little researcher that I am, I had to find out all I could about Dubne, the town they were from. That’s when I first came across the term Lemko. What on earth was that?

Lemkos are a Slavic people that settled in the Carpathian Mountains of Southern Poland, Northern Slovakia, and Western Ukraine. They are also known as Lemko Rusyns, Rusyns (especially those born in Slovakia, like my great-grandfather), and Carptho-Rusyns. The mountains kept the world at bay, and they developed their own language, customs, and form of Christianity. For the most part, they were very poor, many of them eking out a living from the rocky ground.

They lived in “black houses,” called that because the poorest people couldn’t afford to have a chimney built. The smoke from the cooking and heating fires stayed inside the house and covered the walls with black tar. If you look at the cemetery records from Dubne, you would be old if you lived into your fifties. Conditions were brutal.

The most the average Lemko could afford was one sheep or one pig. Since this was their most prized possession, they couldn’t take the chance of a wild animal or a neighbor taking it away, so it lived in the house with them.

With all of them. Up to eleven people would live in a two-room house. When I mentioned that in What I Left for You, my editor questioned if I had made a mistake. No, I didn’t. I have no idea how they fit all those people in there, but they did. As I was tracking one branch of our family tree, I kept coming up with people living in house 43. Over and over and over. They stuffed that house full. Grandparents, parents, and children all lived together. They may not have had much, but that forged the Lemkos into strong and resilient people.

I’m proud to be Lemko-Rusyn, and I’m thrilled to share this story with you. I infused Helena, the historical heroine, with as much of the Lemko spunk and spirit as I could. Last October, my daughter and I had the privilege to travel to Poland and Slovakia and see the Lemko homeland for ourselves. It helped me to write a better, richer story because I now understand where they came from and who they were. Enjoy Helena’s story and her journey during WWII and beyond. I hope you come to understand and appreciate the Lemko people as much as I have.

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, March 27

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 27

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 28

Pens Pages & Pulses, March 28

Books You Can Feel Good About, March 29

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 29

Simple Harvest Reads, March 30 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Texas Book-aholic, March 30

Betti Mace, March 31

Lily’s Corner, March 31

Life on Chickadee Lane, April 1

Devoted Steps, April 1

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 2

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 3

Blogging with Carol, April 4

Connie’s History Classroom, April 4

Tell Tale Book Reviews, April 5

For Him and My Family, April 5

Stories By Gina, April 6 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, April 6

Bizwings Book Blog, April 7

Cover Lover Book Review, April 7

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, April 8

Jodie Wolfe, April 8

Holly’s Book Corner, April 9

Pause for Tales, April 9

To celebrate her tour, Liz is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon e-Gift Card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

JustRead Tours Blog Tour: Kate Landry Has a Plan by Rebekah Millet

Kate Landry Has a Plan JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Kate Landry Has a Plan by Rebekah Millet hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Kate Landry Has a Plan

Title: Kate Landry Has a Plan 
Series: Beignets for Two #2 
Author: Rebekah Millet 
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers 
Release Date: March 18, 2025 
Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance 

Forty-year-old Kate Landry's carefully planned life has become as messy as the powdered sugar on her famous beignets. Juggling the responsibilities of running her café, raising her teenage niece, and the emotional baggage from her breakup, Kate finds her world once again turned upside down when her first-ever crush, Micah Guidry, returns to town as the hunky local librarian. 

As Kate struggles to implement her plans to expand her café amid the New Orleans Mardi Gras madness and the meddling of her conniving ex-fiancé, Micah becomes the unwitting hero of her misadventures, stirring up feelings she thought she'd long buried. How can falling in love in the Big Easy be this hard?

 Christian RomCom books have fast become a genre I really enjoy. Kate Landry Has a Plan by Rebekah Millet is Book 2 in the Beignets for Two series. I read Book 1 and have been anxiously awaiting this release. 

WOW, this book captured my attention from the very first pages. The setting is New Orleans. The 2 main characters in this book are Kate Landry and Micah Guidry. Kate Landry has her life planned out and really wants to make her life grand. She is running a cafe in New Orleans and raising her teenage niece. Seh also recently went through a tough breakup. Kate feels her life is spiraling and wants to grab the reigns and make things go according to her plans. Her niece has been spending time at the Library, her favorite place. Kate learns that Micah, her first crush, has returned to town and is now the Town Librarian. Kate if trying to implement plans that her late Sister and herself made for the Cafe and Kate wants to honor her sister in doing so. Kate if finding life difficult right now as her Ex-Fiance keeps showing up and now that Micah, her 7th Grade Crush, is back in town, her emotions are all over the place. I really LOVE how Micah is an encouragement to Kate and she recognizes this. She also realizes that God is right there in the midst of the struggles in life and she begins to give her troubles to God. I really LOVE the relationship between Kate and her niece and Kate and Micah. Kate opened up to allow her strict plans to be changed and that was a momentual moment in this book. The book also has many laugh out loud moments and I truly LOVED those also. This is a book about Second Chances and "God's plan is greater then our Plan". I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian Romance Fiction! AMAZING BOOK!


PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Baker Publishing Group | Amazon | Barnes & NobleChristianbook | Bookshop

More Books from this Series:

Julia Monroe Begins Again by Rebekah Millet

Rebekah Millet

Rebekah Millet is a double Selah Award, Cascade Award, and ACFW First Impressions Award-winning author of contemporary Christian romance novels. A New Orleans native, she grew up on beignets and café au lait, and loves infusing her colorful culture into her stories. Her husband is an answer to prayer, who puts up with her rearranging furniture and being a serial plant killer. Her two sons keep her laughing and share in her love of desserts.

Connect with Rebekah by visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

(1) winner will receive a print copy of Julia Monroe Begins Again, Kate Landry Has a Plan, and a $20 Cafe du Monde gift certificate!

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight March 26, 2025 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on April 2, 2025. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

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